

Melissa's pov

" I don't un....." something soft pressed against my lips before I could even complete my statement.

I froze, my head felt light and blank at the same time. I didn't react or do anything, just frozen to my spot. it takes me a few seconds to understand what just happened, Bobby kissed me!? No! it can't be, I don't know how my right hand moved on it's own and gently pushed him away from my body. He didn't struggle or protest as I nudged him away from my front, I instantly used the tissue paper I was holding to clean my wet face, for me to be able to see him clearly.

" What did you ju.....st...t d..o" I stuttered ,My heart skipped more than a bit as i stared at his innocent face that showed no remorse for what he did, he don't look sorry or apologise either, just glaring at me eyes without breaking the infinity bond that our eyes just formed within that short time.

Even though, everything is silent, the banging sound of my sprinting heart is very audible to the hear, I tried to act calm and look like everything is fine by me, but is not fucking easy, he just stole my first kiss without even saying a word about it. The picture of what just happened is the only thing that full my head, shaking my head multiple times, trying to dislodge it out of my head is not helping. So, I just continue breathing in and out, trying hid my agitate state. Why can't he just say something instead of staring as if I am at fault, and all this is because of me......

"I intentionally did it, so I feel no remorse about it" his voice was serene and plain, plainly saying out his mind, his words are not even composed. I clenched my trembling hands into fist as I held them together under the round table, I can feel my blood heating up, my body becoming tense, and I can hear the echoes of his words echoing repeatedly in my head. So this was his plan? to steal my first kiss and act cool about it as if it is nothing? as if he really deserved it? I can't stop blaming my self for fallen for his words, did I really think he feel something for me? Did I just get brainwashed by him? No! Melissa this is not you, crying and shedding your precious tears for someone that doesn't worth it.

 But still,with all this furious thought, a part of me still stay calm awaiting his explanation, my head was filled with mixed feelings, and the painful part is that I find it hard to release my anger through my words, a part of me still replaying the scene repeatedly in my head, i don't feel  angry  this time, but find it hard to explain what am feeling at the same time.

" So this is your plan?" I probed tonessly, I cleared my throat, trying to remove the sudden lump. Something flickered inside his eyes as my words hit his ear, his expression changed immediately.

" What do you..u mean? Plan?" he stammered, his hand moving towards my face but I was fast to yank it away before he could even touch me.

" Did Melanie also know about this" the word slipped out of my mouth before I could even realise that I just brought my best friend into the picture.

His forehead creased, and his face turned pale almost immediately. I guessed he just understood what I was trying to say. For some reason his expression looked funny, I don't ever think i could ever see this side of him, I guessed this is the time for payback...

" Melanie?" His voice sounded a little harsh, he suddenly  closed his eyes, as if he was trying to calm down his nerve, flickered his eyes unsteadily for a few moments.

" Melissa don't misquote my intention, I never planned this, though I admitted telling your friend my true feeling, which is so strange of me, I never think i can ever do this, this is the first time I am feeling helpless...." his voice broke as muttered the last words, he hesitated for a few seconds before he continued again. 

I don't know how or why. I suddenly started blaming myself for saying those words, he looked sincerely,I assumed am the one that misinterpreted his intention, but kissing me doesn't add to the situation either.....

" I really love you Melissa, I know this is hard to believe but I really do, I kept lying to myself every single day I wake up, telling my inner self that this is not what love feel like, and you know what...." his voice stopped my train of thought, i don't know he did it , but he was holding one of hand now, staring intently into my eyes, the only thing I can see Sincerity.

" The flower of your affection kept on blossoming in my heart garden without me even knowing, and now it feels like I am choking myself silently if I don't say this," he paused, squeezing my hand slowly. " I don't ask you to feel the same, or return our I feel, but at least these words won't hunt me forever because I told you my mind today,"

" But you just....tttt kissed me without knowing how I feel?" I blinked my eyes, I don't know where the sudden energy came from, it seemed fun.

He chuckled, his white teeth gleaming at me " That was a mistake, no, I mean is not mistake," 

" Really?"

" I lack self control" His voice was sharp, but also humorous. We both grinned silently, it just seemed we were having a casual conversation, he ruffled his hair and I can't help but stare with my mouth wide open at the elegant figure that was sitting beside me.

"I'm sorry about that," I quickly looked down when his eyes darted back to my side.

I breathe in.

"That was my first....

" Kiss" he cut me off, I nodded embarrassingly.

" Not that intense, but I can still steal it though," 

" What...." he pulled me closer gently, before I could protest his pink lips slammed into mine.

I didn't bother to push him away this time, I closed my eyes, inhaling his sweet Cologne, I opened my lips slowly for him to gain access, even though I knew this is wrong, I don't want it to end. his hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer, his soft lips brushing into mine. 

I don't know I held my breath not until he released his grip from my waist, and his lips slid away from mine, I gasped for air. My eyes are still closed, thinking about what he just did, how can he stop all of a sudden? This is my first kiss for God sake.

I flinched a little when I felt his cold hands on my face, my eyes flick open, slowly. He was cupping my face in his hands, giggling silently, his Emerald eyes ball piercing into mine. I tried not to look at his face, but since his hands were holding me, i find it hard to elude his tempting look.

" I find it hard to explain the emotion I am feeling right now" he breathed in.

" Since you got what you want" I rolled my eyes.He smiled and released my face.

" Don't see this as a yes, just a last gift" I don't want to ruin the moment, still, i need to make it obvious. Besides, he was leaving, even if he is not, we can never be together.  His face turned pale again, 

" What do you mean?" he managed to say, now looking at me intently.

" You are leaving" I look down.

We both went silent as the words slipped out if my mouth, I can see his face turned pale from the corner if my eyes, I don't want to hurt him, this is also hard for me, but this is a Forbidden Love, this can't be possible, moreover, am just a Maid's daughter.

" I will come for you" his words made me look up at his eyes, again.

"Melissa, I will always choose you over anything, and I will always come back for you, no matter what, I promise" his hand slipped into mine.

" Just wait"
