


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid



Melissa's pov

" Nothing, but I'm going to know if he is truly my father by this time tomorrow, at least that will show me how to handle this" he winked. 

" I don't get you, you secretly run a DNA test or what.." 

"That's it, you never disappoint me, one of the reason I like you is because you a a quick witted person, do you"

" That's doesn't answer my question" I complained, frowning at him a little.  

He guffawed, staring at an invisible object behind my back. Some seconds passed without him saying a word, I was forced to look back to confirm what he was staring at, but end up being disappointed because I saw nothing.

" Draven.... What's going on?" I protested, my voice was a little bit loud this time. He darted his eyes toward me again, giving me an intent look.

He was twisting his car key with his index finger, 

" Melissa, you see, throughout my whole life, have been living like a fool, I never experienced any love from this person I call my father, Him and my brother are the person controlling my life even before I lost my mother..." He sniffed, looking like he was trying to suppress his anger from bursting out. " My mother died because of this same man, and I was only lucky to escape dealt that day, still, I never experienced any love from him, everything is all about his first son, you can also think about it, don't you think something is wrong somewhere?" he questioned through gritted teeth, while his left hand clenched into fist. I can't help but to think how I would have felt if I happen to experience half of this, God! I can't even wish my enemy this. But notwithstanding, he will only make this worse by doing that.....

" Melissa, sending me abroad is not the problem, but the problem is why he keeps it to himself all this while that I'm the right successor to my mom's company which he has been claiming as his" He muttered furiously, stopping my thoughts before I could even complete it.

I sighed, this is more wide than I could even Imagine, it's very glaring that he has been dying to spill this out to someone all this while, at least someone that is ready to hear him out, giving him solutions is not necessary. 

" I understand you Draven, and if I told you I don't know the pain of keeping a  scar secretly since all this while I'm lying, but do you happen to think about the pain you are about to add, do you even think about the repercussions of this?" I mouthed, I know he was telling me this because he trusts me, so it won't be a good idea if I elude the truth without telling him. What if he happens to be his real father? What's he going to do about it? Nothing, he is only to be devastated when he eventually finds out, but wait, for him to be saying this....

He chuckled, trust me, his expression is not a good one. " Do you think I'm just saying this without any proper evidence, Melissa,I confirmed it already, just that I want to clear my doubts with the DNA result, let just jump to our topic and leave this behind" He concluded, he was now flashing me a fake smile as if nothing happened.....

" Draven!" I called.

" I'm fine of course, let's just wait till tomorrow," He stood up, walked to the standing mirror beside my bed, and started to adjust his scattered hair with his hands.

" Don't worry about the marriage, I have plans, maybe I can give Bobby a hint of it by calling him when I'm in a good mood, wanna say hi?" His voice came again, I opened my mouth to say something, but slowly closed it, maybe I would have say something if he didn't involve Bobby. 

After he was done, he faced me back. I was still sitting in the same spot, motionless, still trying to make sense out of what I just heard. I know I can't stop him from challenging his father, moreover, it's very glaring that an invisible figure is fueling his tank secretly, but still, I'm very afraid that he is likely to get hurt if all what he just said are the truths. 

" I don't like that face, you are just making me feel bad, or do you think I tell you this to make you feel sympathy for me?"  he walked closer.

" No, but I definitely don't know why I tell, maybe I will figure that out very soon," while I was still busy staring at him, he bent down to my face.

" Don't worry, we will both get what we want," he whispered. I jerked, " What...ar..e you...saying.... I told you I have nothing to do with him anymore," I manage to say, I can feel my cheek burning.

"So sad, and my cousin is busy fighting for a way to win you back," he hissed, standing straight again.

" Maybe I should just tell him not to bother, that you have no interest in him" I felt a hovering cloud of guilty lighten and drift back as he spoke.

" I never ask you to!" I don't know how the words moved out in their own.

" Wow! see that, Melissa you can't continue to deceive yourself trust me,"

" This has nothing to do with my feelings" I defended, jumping on my feet and walk to my closet, talking casually about him has started to bring in some things I don't want to think about.

While my hands was busy shoving the clothes, his voice but me again," Do you actually expect me to say that to him, don't you think that will only want him to go on with my......Anyway, I can't stand that you know,"

" Whatever, I never ask you before," I hissed, but not sure if he heard me.

" Take care of yourself, I don't know if I will set my eyes on you before I leave the mansion tomorrow, but still, I will get in touch, I guess we are done for today" I heard his voice, and the next thing? I heard the sound of the door being closed before I could even turn to bid him goodbye 
