


Melissa's pov 

I grimaced, mouth wide open for some seconds but quickly closed it back. Melanie was grinning sheeply as we moved closer to them. What is he doing here? I couldn't stop asking myself silently as we reached their front. Draven wrapped one of his hands around my shoulder, maybe it's obvious that am disturbed emotionally right, I somehow feel safe immediately his hand touched my shoulder.

"Melanie" I called her name, I tried smiling, but my effort was absurd. 

"You should have told me you're going on shopping sprees, instead of wasting my time here. '' His cold voice made me flinch a Little, am not sure if the question was for me or draven. "Fuvk!" I muttered silently to myself, it's very glaring that this guy doesn't have human feelings. Today of all day I believe with what happened I don't expect this kind of prattled talk for me. I feel disappointed, for some reason I kept on aspiring myself that he is not that bad, thinking he was here to help even if it was just sympathy.

"Please, don't start again" I whimpered, a stream of tears started to form on my face. I have promised myself not to cry here again, not even in front of my mother  , but here I am, about to break my promise. I feel so weak.

"Bobby, what do you think you are doing? Are you enjoying this? Is this a joke to you!" Draven droned angrily, but kept his voice as low as he could. 

"Just leave him" I darted my eyes away from Melanie to look at his angry face. I got much on my mind right now, and I don't the two of them quarrelling is good idea, not when we were still in the hospital, moreover, I don't want my mom to hear there voice. 

" Melanie, can you please lead me to my dad's room? '' I asked surreptitiously while facing her, my eyes shifted to Bobby, who was about to walk to God nowhere, his face showing an emotion that quickly disappeared immediately our eyes met.

"Draven, I am very sorry because you will have to stay outside, if I am going to stay over I will let you know" I mumbled without looking at me, I could see him nodding without saying a word. My eyes lingered back to Melanie, but this time she was standing alone.  I can see that Bobby is now sitting on one of the guest chairs, his head down. This is my first time noticing the waiting area ,adjacent to the ward.

Dracen removed his hand that was holding my shoulder firmly. For some reason, it felt like my shield was just removed from my body. I eyes followed his back, as he strode immediately to where Bobby was sitting. Hope the two won't get into an argument again? The look on Bobby's is Elusive, and what he might be thinking can't be described. I don't get to steal a glance from Draven's face because I can only see his back.

"Let's go" Melanie reached for my hand, guarding me towards the front door, I smiled weakly as we both headed for the door.

"What took you this long, before you reached here?" She questioned, making me remove my hand from the door knob which was about to crack open.

"Let's talk about that later. '' I replied, blached. She seems to understand that I am not in the mood to talk right now. She patted my back before pushing the door open, releasing my hand. I hesitate for a few seconds, thinking about what to do in order not to cry in mom's presence. I quickly pushed the door back before it could touch the door frame. I coughed silently, as the iodine smell hit my nose before raising my head up. 

My mom was already sleeping, her head on the same bed my dad was lying on. He looked completely unconscious. Melanie stood beside the life monitor looking at me intently. My head went blank at the sight, tears already forming on my face, but I tried fighting it back. This is not the time for me to break down. I sniffed, I don't even know whether to rush towards his body that looked lifeless, or just stand on the spot. Everything was silent, the only sound being heard was the sound of the life monitor.

"Mom" I finally muttered, she raised her head abruptly like was expecting someone before, her face looked worn out, she must have been crying since. She brushed her right hand on her face, before yawning loudly. Her eyes ball scorching at the bright light, trying to adjust to it.

"You should have stayed with Mary, this is nothing serious"  she muttered, her voice sounding gloomy, I strode slowly to her side, I reached for the chair that stood beside her, and pushed it to her front.

"She will stay with the head maid tonight" I gave an assuring smile, tilted my head to look back at my dad for a few seconds. Thanks to the monitor that kept my hope high, to me it felt like he was no longer breathing. 

"How much time does he have left?" I found myself asking before I could even stop myself, besides she can't keep this from me forever, I am no longer the child she used to think I am. There is no reason to hide this from me, I can see the tear forming on her face at the question, but I can't retract the question, I believe, I have to know so as to prepare myself for the possible outcome.

"What the hell are you saying?" Melanie interrupted, I don't even remember that she was with us.

"Less than a mouth" my mom's teary voice was heard before I could answer Melanie. I gasped.
