


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid



Melissa's pov

Even when I knew the call ended already, I still find it hard to move an inch. Like all my muscles are tied to a spot, and I find it difficult to move from my position. Bobby said he was coming, but on the contrary, I was to meet Draven in secret. Looking at the time, it's clear that it is not in support of me today. Bobby is important, but Draven is also a big fan of mine, I don't know his condition, I have no idea of the situation he was in for him to send me that message all of a sudden, the only way I could get an answer to all this question that's is troubling my mind is by going to see him, i need to hear him out, find out about the secret he was referring and listening to every single word he was ready to spit.

One thing that's very conspicuous is that he was not in a good state,  is this the work of his father? or he finds out about something that he was not supposed to find out? This is it, the more I think about every single thing that surrounds this whole thing, the more I wanted to know everything, he has been a lot of help to me, there is nothing if I also reciprocate that help, even if it is just for once because I don't think there will ever be a second chance after this....

I double tap the screen of my phone, scrolling through my call log until my eyes catch the name I was searching for. I dialled the number immediately. 

The phone rang continuously but no one one picked it up. After waiting patiently for a few seconds with the hope that he is likely to pick up, the call ended.

I breathe out heavily through my nose.

" What's going on?" I whispered under my breath, I stood still for a few minutes with the hope that he might return the call, sadly my phone did not even beep for once. At last I gave up, I started to walk back into the room where Melanie was with the blonde girl( Stella). I don't think I took up to 5 steps before my phone beep all of a sudden, I thought it was a call only to be disappointed when it stopped. 

I glanced at my phone screen, anticipating to see a message from Draven, fortunate for the message is indeed from him. With my trembling finger, I tap on the message.


Melissa, I can't pick up the call, you can only send me a message when you reach the location I sent earlier, I have a limited time, sorry to say that but that's the truth. Please be quick, and don't tell anyone.....You have nothing to worry about. I'm fine...

Staring at my phone without knowing the perfect way to react to this, what I just read sent another wave of torture through me. It seemed he was under surveillance, like he was not that safe, like something brutal can happen to him any fucking time if I did not get there on time, but why me? 

Or should I just call Bobby and explain everything to him, maybe he can look for a way to save him out of this mess. " Limited Time," I whispered, with my lips trembling uncontrollable. This message look exactly like a suicide note, what the hell is going on!.

I shoved my phone into my gown pocket, abruptly, before walking as fast as I can towards the room.

Melanie was still sitting in her position, I mean that's the same position I left her before leaving her. Stella was standing opposite an artwork, his blue eyes were staring at it intently, I'm not even sure if any of them noticed my presence.

I cleared my throat, twitching my shaky fingers into each other, if not for anyone, I know Melanie won't find it hard to notice that.

" Stella," I called. I was a little dissatisfied because of the way my voice sounds, not like I can help it at this present situation. 

I watched as she looked at my side, I also watched Melanie from the corner of my eyes, she jumped up from the couch she was sitting on immediately she heard my voice. 

" That's a very long time don't you think?" She teased, speaking formally as if we are friends before this.

" I'm very sorry....." I felt something on my shoulder, before I could even protest, Melanie already turned me to her side, I'm now facing. She was smiling and grinning at the same time. I know that sign, unfortunate for her, I don't have a lot of time to use in telling her everything i discussed with Bobby over the phone.

" That will be tonight, I need to hurry down to a place immediately" I managed to say, while my eyes was busy searching for a distraction in order to avoid her gaze.

" Someone? Come on, you hardly leave the mansion, so who is the strange guy?" she questioned, her tone sounding serious all of a sudden...

" Guy? What made you assume that I am meeting a guy?" I snorted. rolling my eyes at her. Silently, I feel uneasy about wasting my time talking about some unimportant stuff with Melanie right now, anyway, that's for the best, or else she will press me if she find me being suspicious, and I don't think it will be easier to deceive her.

" Because you just talked to one," she replied, flatly. I can't help but to force a weak smile at her humorous reply. 

" That is not......

" It will be better if you stop asking her questions already, I have a meeting to plan, and it won't be a good idea if she came late" Someone interrupted me, I and Melanie both turned to face Stella at the same time.

She looked at her watch before looking at us.

" You need to be back by 8pm, so it's better to leave now" she muttered.

" Don't you think you are rude, miss?" Melanie probed tonelessly, I don't know why she asked that all of a sudden.

" You said that like an hour ago, you remember?" She muttered, serenely. I think I have nothing today then, it seems like a lot happened when I am out. Melanie was already burning in anger, maybe she has been restraining herself from showing it, but I think Stella words.........

I grabbed her hands, and forcefully dragged her to the entryway,leaving them together is not a good idea.

" You don't have to take her word serious, you can  tell by her look that she is still a teenager"

" She is not, Melissa, she is only trying to piss me off,"

" Anyhow, I will love to hear the full gist when I am back," I muttered, with the hope of putting an end to the conversation.

" You won't tell me who you are meeting, for real?"

" I'm sorry, I will explain everything when I'm back," I quickly kissed her cheek before she could react. Pushing the door open, and rushed down the hallway.


