

Continue from the last chapter.

"Amelia," I managed to say at last, she rushed towards me and quickly pulled me for a huge bone cracking. It was clearly written that she was as surprised as I was. 

"Is this really you?" I asked jokingly, the girl I knew back then in Italy is not that beautiful. She seemed like a different person entirely, if only she did not call me by my name. I am sure it will take some days for me to recognise her.

"You have changed a lot" I cooed, she gleamed at my statement. Eventually she released me from the hug and sit on the long couch opposite me. Amelia is a senior of mine when am still school at Stanford University in Italy, she was my first crush when I entered the institution but the feelings doesn't last since I got to know many girls that are more pretty than her. You know, being a Playboy is not an easy task. Most people know me for that and this deprived me from getting closer to her.

"I'm done," Melissa's voice made me come back to reality, I don't even remember that she was here. I tilted my head to her side, she was looking at me with so much hatred. It is very clear that she was frustrated already.

"Can you....

" Who is she?" Amelia's voice cut me off. 

" One of the maid," I smiled at her, I blamed myself for calling her a maid in her presence, but is not like I have choice, besides that's the truth 

"Get me a chilled juice from the freezer," I commanded.

"Ok," she responded irily , a hint of irritation in her voice. I smirked silently at her reaction. She stepped out of the sitting room. After she left, I faced Amelia who was busy looking at our small drama.

"Why is she like that? And you sure she is just a maid with her reaction" she questioned jokingly

I smiled silently, "So, why are you here?" I inquired, ignoring her question.

" I was sent from Hovard Group of course," she smiled sheeply at my question. 

"Actually," she started," I just got accepted for the post of Personal Secretary in your Dad's company headquarter that's in Norwich City'' she paused , then continued.I actually thought I would be working directly under the CEO of Hovard Groups, but I was disappointed when I heard that the son of the CEO will take over all the Company under Hovard Groups in England" he smiled wearily , looking at my reaction. I remained mute for some minutes trying to correlate and digest what I just heard. Yes, my father is the Chairman and CEO of Hovard Groups, but he never mentioned anything pertaining to me taking over The Biggest Real Estate Company in the whole of England.  I still find it funny, how can you have such a plan for your son but never discuss anything with him.

I tried to act calm in order not to show that I am surprised.

Melissa walked in with a glass of pineapple juice, I gestured to her to place it on the glass table in front of Amelia. She moved towards the table, but suddenly slipped all of a sudden pouring the liquid juice on me. The glass cup and tray are now shattered on the floor.

"Are you blind?" I questioned angrily, the anger that was fuming instead of me can't be controlled at that point in time. For some minutes I even forget who she is. 

"It's okay Bobby" Amelia pleaded, I raised my head to look at Melissa who is now looking down. It was very clear that I overreacted. I breathe in to calm down my nerves..

"You can go now, I will call you when I need you" I muttered calmly without looking at her. 


Bobby's pov.


I'm I too hard on her? I thought to myself as the water gushed over my head. I never intended to shout at her but found myself doing it. I'm sure that She is very angry at me right now.  "Why am I even bothered because of an ordinary maid? '' I asked myself silently, is not like I care about her , but I do care a little. Gosh what do I think? I pressed the shower button to stop the water before moving out of the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and started using it to dry my damp hair.

The thought of what Amelia told me still bothered me. Becoming the CEO of Hovards Group at this age is not something I have never thought of. And I must admit that I was shocked when it was revealed through Amelia. I tried calling my dad immediately. I escorted Amelia out of the mansion to request an explanation about the heck I just heard . But his stupid Bodyguard kept on telling me that he can't speak with anyone right now. Imagine not to talk to anyone and that also includes your own son.

I walked back to my bedroom to clear my head off, I think the best solution right now is to rest before my head will burst because of different thoughts,I took the Air Conditioner remote and increased it before laying on my back on the bed. Is not an exaggeration if I said my blood is boiling right now.

"I'm sure this is part of the main reason he forced me down to England in the first place" I whispered silently...  Gosh, there are a lot of questions I should have asked Amelia but I believed she might not have a straight answer to it. Besides she is just a Secretary, only my dad can give me a tangible answer.

My stomach grumbled, sending me a warning of hunger. That's when I remembered I have not taken anything since morning. I don't have an appetite for food but my body is not in the mood to understand that.

I forced myself and stood up, I walked back to the living room to make a call, immediately I picked up the phone, I dialed the kitchen number and a maid picked it immediately.

" will have been calling you since to know if you're ready " the tiny voice of one of the maid muttered from the other side before I could even say a sentence.


"You can bring" I muttered weekly, my stomach is gurgling loudly.

" Bring some eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans, mushrooms and some milk" I added, it's been a while since I have had this kind of food before but I can't help it right now...

"Ok, Melissa will bring it right away" age replied, I remained mute for some seconds on hearing her name. The thought of facing her after sending her away doesn't seem like a good idea.

" No need, send another maid" I managed to mutter, trying not to show any emotion through my voice.

" Ok," she responded. I shrugged my shoulders at my childish reaction. I'm about to place down the landline phone when the voice of the head maid came all of a sudden.

"What's it again? " I questioned coldly, I placed back the phone to my ear waiting to hear what she has for me.Have known the Head Maid since my birth, she has stayed with our family more than any other maild even before Melissa's parent could even think of working here  She was my Nanny when I'm still a baby but got to dislike because of when she gave birth to her daughter.

"Your cousin has moved to the second floor of the mansion as instructed by your dad" she mumbled very fast like she was gossiping that another person must not be here.

"So? " I questioned, I'm tired of her gibberish talk already.

"Just want to know if the security department called to inform you" she defended, saying the words slowly, I guessed she understood that an not in the mood for any chit chat.

"They did," I I replied, calmly as much as possible, I slammed the phone back without waiting for her answer. Gosh I don't even remember that He is now in the mansion. I remembered getting a call from the security when Amelia was still with me.

"Fuck" I hummed angrily, the first picture that came into my mind is seeing him talking to Melissa.I can't suppressed the anger am feeling right now. Someone rang the doorbell, I flinched on hearing the sound before standing up.

I pushed the door open with the hole of seeing a maid standing with my food but to my surprise, there stood the devil I just thought about which is no other person than Draven.

"Who are you looking for?," I probed sarcastically at the figure standing before me. He smirked at my question. " You of course" he irked. I'm not in the mood for any talk. I muttered before walking back and tried to close the door behind me.

"Is about Melissa" he said all of a sudden, making me release the door and tilted my head back to him. I frown at him. What game are you trying to play this time on your first day, I thoughts to myself.


Melissa's pov

Bobby the blond hair girl shouted and rushed to hug him, I glared at them blinking in incredulity. If only this girl knew how cruel he is, she would not be happy around him. I'm exhausted already because of the room arrangement. "I  think this is a great chance for me to escape from this devil" I muttered silently to myself. I placed the flower vase on the table before facing them. They are now busy chatting with each other, I guessed he doesn't even remember that someone is here.

"I'm done," I managed to say, tilting his head to look at me . I don't try to hide the fact that I am exhausted and frustrated already. 

"Can you.....  

" Who is she?" The blonde hair girl cut him off before he could even finish his statement. Why is she asking him out of a sudden, is it not clear that I am a maid... I glared at Bobby waiting for his answer.

" Just a maid," he replied coldly. I remained frozen for some seconds because of the statement.  I wanted to say something but restrained myself from saying something that I will regret later.

"Get me chilled Apple drink" he commanded, stopping my train of thoughts. I nodded before walking to the dinning room without saying anything 

