

He is in love with the sister in-law of his cousin. Loving someone is not a problem. But the fact is the woman that he want to be with for the rest of his life is younger than him of twelve years. Along his way of living, he learnt that Adel is also in love with him.

7 Chs


"Miss, don't leave yet. We still want to talk to you." RW stopped his cousin's blood donor.

"My cousin is right miss don't go. If possible because we also took some bags from you. You need a proper rest." Doctor Benedict agreed.

That's why even though Annalyn is dizzy, she forced herself to turn to her cousin. Even though she only met them at that time, it was obvious that they were related because of their similar features.

"Thank you very much for your concern. But I won't be here any longer and I know your family member is coming. On behalf of my brother Darwin Ortega, I apologize for what he did although it is unforgivable. I hope when I gave blood will reduce his sins. You heard right my brother Kuya Darwin Ortega, is our eldest.

"Perhaps you don't know us but the Dela Pena brothers do. I did this so that somehow I would feel better and I knew Kuya's plan but I couldn't betray him so this is what I thought way. I know that Kuya is not safe from the law, especially since you are surrounded by law enforcement officers. That's why I won't beg you to forgive him instead let me take his corpse if he'll fight back. I'm going guys and again I'm sorry for the mess that my brother caused."

Annalyn made a long statement before finally leaving the room that the cousin took for the patient. She also couldn't understand why she did that thing. But she is sure that what she did, she still cannot wash away her brother's crimes.

Because of that everyone got stunned. The blood donor of Khalid Mohammad was out of their sight already.

"I got winded there." The word slipped from their lips because of the lack of something to say.

But Art the second took the initiative to plead with the blood donor for their cousin who was saved from the brink of death even though he is still unconscious. Anyway, it's all done.

"Well, it looks like you've broken the law of protocols now, cousin. Why did you chase?" Then Benedict jokingly asked his cousin who is his best friend especially and it is not his habit to chase sinners

"Heh! Because I chased the person, I break the law of protocols? Then you, Riviera, what does chasing the law have to do with me?" Art Dos smiled as he responded.

"Artemio Aguillar II, don't fool us. Even if you are the law enforcement officer here, we know what that means besides what's your reason for going after her? Unless she's your type? As if I know---"

"Tsk! Tsk! Riviera, are you a doctor or a politician? Oh, where did your platform end up? That woman is our Arab blood donor, so we should just thank her," Art Dos explained.

Then, those who are silent and thinking about what they will do next are also interrupted.

"Well, you two cousins ​​have a point. Darwin Ortega is guilty and he should be punished not his relative. That woman said she just wanted to reduce the weight on her chest. Because of covering up her brother's plan or the attempted murder of arabo. In the law of protocols you law enforcement officers, it is clear that Arab's blood donor is innocent instead she saved his life.

"As you are, dear cousin Riviera, I know what you're thinking but we're in the modern world. If we brand her as a traitor like her brother, we're no different from the ancient people or the barbarians. So if I were you both, let's unite and let her live according to her wishes. If she ever does something against the law of protocols we will take action but for now, his brother should be arrested and rot in prison especially since there is no death penalty in this country," RW's long statement.


His two cousins!

Looked at each other and secretly agreed that's why! And surprised those who are watching them with their foolishness! But before they could completely have their childishness, their ancestors arrived. So they immediately became silent.

"Hep! Hep! Hep! You're here inside the hospital not at home but you are all acting like babies!" They were even more surprised to hear their grandmother's words.

"There, grandkids. Remember, that we are still here in the hospital. We'll take care here first. So you should go home to rest first. Where are you going, Art grandson?" Grandpa Wayne said.

"I'm also going home to Baguio tonight. My work here is over, so I passed by because cousin Khalid is here and Riviera." Art II pointed to the doctor and the patients who are his cousin.

"Take a look at your Papa Pierce too, grandson. Go with Reynold Wayne on the way home so you and your uncle can bond too. I don't know when your aunt or Khalid's mother will come so even Papa Pierce first. We know you want to handle this case but let your Papa's group do it. Don't worry grandson because your cousin is also a fighter and I'm sure he will wake up soon." Finally, grandma Quennie calmed down.

Because of this they no longer howl! Even if its voice becomes normal, it may explode at any time. That's why they didn't oppose it because their grandma, even though she's old, can reach the sky when she gets angry.

On the other hand, due to the thorough investigation of Camp Villaflores, they proved the real culprit and motive of the suspect. Personal interest is the number one reason for the attempted murder of the victim.

TWO months later...

"So what's your plan now, sis? I mean if you're going back to Saudi, who will your brother be with here? He can't be alone at your house?" RW asked Antonette.

"Maybe he will be able to stay at home especially since Darwin is dead, the Fernandez family has returned to America so even if he is not with her. I will just finish my contract with Al-Jazeera," she replied.

"But, Sis, they're not the only bad people in the world. She's a woman and we don't know what other people think of her. Maybe it's not too much if she's with someone," he said again.

That conversation between the two was overheard by Princess Queenie and Wayne. They also just arrived from the eldest son's home.

"Lola, Lolo," they said in unison and gave a hand.

The couple gladly accepted the homage of the two who were waiting for Khalid to come down.

"Let's sit down, grandchildren. By the way, I'm sorry but we hear your concerns. Reynold Wayne is right, grandchildren, when you return to Saudi, your sister will not be with you. If you want, she can stay here at home. It's easy here. It's even nice here because you don't have anything to think about. You won't have to worry about what's happening to her, what's her condition. It's good that your boyfriend and Reynolds Wayne can help her here. If I'm not mistaken she's taking up an engineering course?" Lola Queenie's questioning statement that her husband immediately agreed with.

"Grandma is right, grandkids. We know and understand your fear, Hija. But if I were you, you would stir that up because we are one family. All you have to think about is your return to Saudi. We are the first to take care of Adel while you're away. If it's your siblings' house, there's no problem because he can visit." Agree with it.

Reynold Wayne smiled secretly. He would have said that but his ancestors preceded him. His cousin and his girlfriend are not married yet, but for him, they are all a family. The blood of being helpful was flowing to his vein. So it is not surprising that he wants to help the brothers.

"Thank you very much, Grandma, Grandpa. Let me go and I'll talk to Adel. If it's me, there's no problem because we're also thinking about her safety. But isn't it embarrassing for other members of your family?" said Antonette.

"Oh no, 'Nette. Don't think about that because I'm sure they'll all be happy. By the way, where is that Arab he seems to have slept upstairs. Why did he take so long," Reynold Wayne simply said.

Before anyone could answer, the one who was looking for it came down on its own, it was like the sky had fallen.

"What's the matter here?"

"What happened to you man?"

"Is there a problem dear?"

They asked at the same time.

"As in at once? Huh! If it's me, I don't have a problem because Daddy and Mommy in Saudi have arranged the papers of my love. When she returns there, she will stay at home, not boarding. But that's not the matter," replied Khalid.

"Arab, why can you look at me like that? Don't tell me you have a problem?" RW asked the cousin because he was suddenly staring at him as if he had sinned.

"Partners in crime since we're young, Abrasado. So don't think that I have a problem with you. It's you, I think you have a problem that you don't realize. It seems like you're paying too much attention to us." He shook his head looking at her.

Their grandmother engrossed in their conversation, could not stop and interrupted.

"You, Khalid, can you clarify what you're saying? What's the matter wrong with you? Is there any pain? C'mon tell us and we'll call Benedict to check on you," he said.

"Of course, what's the problem? Why are you all metaphorical today?" Antonette also asked.

While the young man let out a deep breath before speaking.

"Your girlfriend got married. It turns out that your Arab girlfriend is pregnant. I never knew that you and Nancy are gone---"

"Hey, hey, what the hell you're talking about? Who got married? I never hide any secret from you and if there's a problem---"

If RW interrupted his cousin's statement, he did the same to him. Within two months, he only then remembered that he and his girlfriend had not had any communication for that long, so he was surprised by what she said.

"Listen to me, cousin. That's why I stayed in my room for so long because I was talking to Mommy and Daddy. According to them, there was an invitation for Daddy. You know that my cousin and I are good friends. I mean Nancy and Manal," he stated.

'I lost everything in my mind because of the series of problems that came into our lives. Especially what happened to you and your girlfriend. Before that madman shot you, my girlfriend and I didn't have any communications for a few days because I didn't care,' he wanted to say but didn't want to come out of his lips.

RW opened his lips to answer because no one wanted to say anything. That's right, they lost communications but that doesn't mean he has exchanged it. It was a man who answered her last long-distance call but he is not the type of person who doesn't listen to an explanation. He loves his girlfriend very much and is ready to push her to the USA for their meet-up, but the case is unclear.

"Cousin, are you okay? Hey, Abrasado, speak up. Don't scare us." His cousin's voice.

"My grandson, what is happening to you? Can you scream if you want to get lost, don't act like you're mad," said the lady.

"O-I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Maybe I'm just shocked. Alright, cousin, I'll leave you here for now." He has turned back because he is not in the wedding

He wants to be alone. His quiet world was suddenly shocked. That's right, he only met his girlfriend on the internet but that didn't stop him from falling in love with her. He also felt her honesty so he admits that he was very moved.

He went straight home to their house and locked himself in his room. His parents were probably surprised because of his silence but he was very thankful because no one scolded them and he was not in court to talk to anyone. He just wanted to be alone at that time.

"No, Son. For now, let him think properly. Don't worry, your cousin is not the type of person who would destroy himself if that's what you're thinking. Just go see him later tonight." Their grandfather stopped Khalid just as he was about to follow his cousin.

"Grandpa is right, dear. I'm sure Reynold just wants to be alone so let's let him think for now." Antonette seconded the motion.

Because of this, they agreed that Khalid would not visit his girlfriend that night to visit his cousin. They are all worried about this but they also want to be given a chance to be alone.

In the evening...

"Huh? Is that true, Sister? Isn't it embarrassing that I'll be living there with Grandma Queenie?" Adel asked her sister in disbelief. Because of her statement in the home of the Abrasados, ​​she will live there while her sister is in Saudi.

"Yes, Adel. I went against their suggestion but they said it's dangerous if you're the only one here," she replied.

"We're already there, Sister. But wouldn't it be a shame if I had to live with them? With their help from the time Father and Mother passed away until we buried them, we couldn't pay anymore, after all. But we must understand them too. They just wanted us to continue our relationship with them," Antonette explained.

They did not pay a single peso until their parents' funeral because of the help of Abrasado. They didn't give all cash, even with the help of their family lawyers, the Ortegas paid for everything. Damages and losses were paid for by the Ortegas and Fernandez, all of that happened because of the help of the family that considered them their blood.

"I understand you, Adel. But they have a point. It's still up to you to decide what you want. You can make the right decision. So you follow what you want, but if I were you better follow them," Antonette again said .

"Alright, sister, you still have a few days here in the country before you return to Saudi. I will tell you what is my decision before you leave. I will first think about what my answer will be," she just replied.

In her mind, they all have a point. They think about his safety, something that makes him very happy. But there was a part of his mind that objected because her young heart had learned to fall in love with the cousin of her sister's boyfriend.