
Billionaire's Lethal Sweetheart

He was the King of darkness, but for her, he was a gentleman. ... Soft, shy, and sweet, Annika Knight is the pampered and dotted princess of the Knights. Until she wasn’t anymore… Enter, Avery Clifford, the lost princess at the birth. She is found at the hospital; weak and pale. Yet has the power to shake the existence of Annika Knight with the blood running in her veins. She has come with a purpose: To rightfully become the princess of the Knights and become the center of attention. And she succeeds. Love. Attention. Warmth. Status. Wealth. Fiancé. She has snatched it all, leaving Annika broken and abandoned with the ticket of plane to the London by the very family who once cherished her. Flames of revenge and the want of what rightfully belonged to her burned deeper and brighter than the sun in Annika’s heart. It Took five harsh, but awakening years to Annika to finally understand the scheme created by the Avery Clifford and the real faces of her family members who once dotted her a lot. Coming back, Annika Knight was not the same person anymore. Regal, astute, and strong-willed, she became the weapon to tear down the Avery Clifford’s mask and rightfully get her status as the princess and wealth back! She became a sharp sword that can pierce the hearts of many who once deemed her worthless and unworthy. But among all this, there was a man who she offended accidentally on one full moon, who has come stronger and fiercer to make her repay by sealing her fate with him— Xavier Castillo. The man, who has the power to shook the continents and destroy the kingdom. The only heir to the Empire! He has been running after her, trying all types of seduction techniques to get her under the sheets with him, but he didn’t succeed. So he forcefully bind her with him through a shot-gun marriage and demanded her to become his future kids mother!! --- Excerpt: He took a step towards her, his gray eyes appearing dark and icy as he trapped her beneath him. "Let go of me!" Annika yelled as she struggled, her heart anxious and breath coming shallow. He held her tight and leaned in to her. "What did I tell you, dear Annika?" He asked, his voice barely above whisper but contained an unsuppressed raw anger that chilled her heart. Annika stayed still and didn't dare to move. Blue eyes of her looking anywhere but at him. Xavier pinched her chin, hard, and made her look into his eyes. "Look in my eyes when I am talking to you, Annika." he spoke, breath coming hot and raw. "Now, tell me." He caressed her face, gently. "What did I tell you, sweetheart?" Red warning emitting from his voice. Annika visibly gulped and shakily spoke, "You told me... that I am your person." "That's right." Xavier nodded, tapping his finger on her cheek. "Then sweetheart..." He suddenly cupped her face in his hand, hard. Uncontrollable anger emitting from his being. "Why did you thought that letting him touch you would be a good idea?" "I..." "You're my fucking bride and mine alone, Annika. Let anyone touch what's mine, I will destroy them and bathe you in their fucking blood!" he growled, deep and rough.

Sunshine_004 · 都市
14 Chs

Buyout Knight Enterprise.

Annika wouldn't lie that she didn't felt anything after coming back to her home.

The first memory that invaded her heart and nearly brought her to tears was of her being showered in utter humiliation during the banquet of the first princess's so-called return to the Knight family. 

Those hideous, sneaky laughs, judgmental eyes, and wicked laughs of the New York socialites burned right into her eyes, making the tears pooled behind her eyelids. It had been a good five years since that haunting night, but the pain still felt fresh as new. 

She swore she would forget those painful memories and move on. But nightmares, like the one she experienced, are itched into her brain. No matter how much she tries, her unconscious mind remembers every single piece in detail. 

Sometimes, it becomes so hard and overwhelming that Annika often finds herself waking up in cold sweats, gasping for breath from the nightmares. If Veronica wasn't by her side during those times, Annika wouldn't know how she would have survived until now. 

Due to that, she even became alcoholic.

To find escape from the reality and pain, she would often lock herself in her cold, empty dorm and drink until she was dead drunk, with only tears rolling down her cheeks like a fountain. 

After all, falling from being the pampered princess of the Knights to becoming a disgraced evil younger sister wasn't something that anyone can handle. Especially, when you're at the top of the socialite hierarchy, getting everything on a golden platter and being the center of attention that wherever you go, people would fawning over you, hoping to curry favors for their families and whatever you wore, ate and did became the instant trend! 

So when everything that appears to be in your palm is suddenly snatched away from you, and the family who has promised to love you and protect you through thick and thin is turning against you, your only escape from the pain is to die or drunk yourself to death. 

She still remembers that dreadful night, when she was dead drunk, stumbling on the streets from here to there. Her salty tears flowing down freely as she stood on the bridge, alone and lonely without anyone by her side to pull her back. Her black hair whirls under the caresses of the cold wind, alongside her white dress. Her blue eyes, without any emotions, looked down at the flowing river. The thought of her jumping into that river and swallowing cold water in her lungs until she felt nothing but the burning pain of the water echoed in the back of her mind. 

As she took a step in front, a slender hand reached out and held her back. It belong to none other than her editor in chief. 

If she hadn't gotten there on time, Annika swore she would have jumped that night. 

Annika squeezed her eyes shut and pushed back the tears from falling down. She clenched her fist and calm down her erratic breath. She has promised herself that no matter how much pain, humiliation or embarrassment she faces, she won't back down without a fight.

Plus, she have yet to make any move. She still have yet to see her enemy burned in the red flames of revenge, screaming, begging, and crying tears of blood! So how can she broke down?

No! She can't be a coward.

She is Knight from blood!

A Knight doesn't back down but only moves forward! 

Annika opened her eyes again with newfound resolution, her blue eyes no longer holding the painful tears but icy flames, burning for revenge. She took out her phone from her pocket and shot a text to the contact number registered under Goth Barbie. 

Only thirty seconds have passed before a black Rolls Royce appeared in front of her. The black tinted window rolled down, revealing a stunning face that could topple the countries and make any man fall down to their knees! 

A breathtaking women with sun-kissed hair, seductive green eyes, a pointy nose, and blossom pink lips appeared in view, smiling angelic as ever. "Boss, how are you?" Pristine teeth full on displayed as she smiled brightly. 

"Never been better." Annika curved her lips and swiftly slide into the front seat after putting the luggage in the trunk. 

"To the old place?" Goth Barbie, also known as Bridget Ashbourne, the only heir to an renowned jewelry family asked, her green eyes twinkling in mischief and sweet danger. 

"To the old place." Annika grinned as she put on the seat belt. Her blue eyes equalling dancing in hot excitement and fire. 

Bridget smirked devilishly upon hearing that and hit her leg on the accelerated, almost flying the car through the way. 


Bridget stopped the car in front of an old abandoned Manor of the 18th century. 

Annika got down, followed by Bridget as they stood outside. The Manor looked like a haunted mansion from the horror movies---decaying facade, ivy-covered walls, and gnarled trees, casting long and eerie shadows. 

Both smirked wickedly and entered inside, only to greeted by a gorgeous marble floor covered in wine-red carpet, ornate chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, and a grand staircase in middle, leading up to the second floor. A stark contrast against the ghostly exterior of the Manor. 

"Did you prepared everything?" Annika looked at Bridget, eyes cold and stoic, completely opposite of those expressive eyes that she has when she's at the Financial Times. 

"Yes, I asked Zach to have his men put everything on set before you arrive." Bridget nodded, her hips naturally swaying side to side as she walked alongside. 

"Good." Annika hummed and stopped on her way when she arrived in front of a huge locked door. She put her thumb on the biometric scanner installed on the side, waiting for the door to click open.


The door pushed open, revealing a dimly lit luxurious room with screens flickering with lines of codes, shelves tacked in rows of books and electronic gadgets, and walls adorned in high tech monitors. 

"Perfect place," Annika breathed, blue eyes of her shimmering with light. This is going to be so good~, Annika thought in her heart. 

"As long as you like it, Boss." Bridget smile back, rows of white teeth on full display. "But what're you going to do with all of the information that you've told me to gathered?" She asked in confusion. "They're all about the Knight's Enterprise's operations, market performances, cash flow statements, and annual reports." 

"Buyout the Knight Enterprise." Annika replied, lips curling up into a vicious smile as she entered the room and trolled behind the mahogany desk. 


"This... how is that even possible, Boss?" Bridget cried out in shock, "You don't even have shares available at your disposable to have voice over the company, let alone become the CEO!"

She added, "Not to mention, you don't even have the letter of broad of directors approval! So how can you? Plus, your dad is still alive and kicking, so you can't inherit the company yet. I seriously don't understand what's you're planning at all, Boss." Bridget sighed exasperatedly and shook her head. 

She knew that her Boss is daring, but to this extent was something that Bridget only got to know today. Until now, her Boss has only asked for her to deal with small fry's. But this move was on a whole different level of audacity!

"….." She didn't know whether to cry or admire her boss's daringness.

In response, Annika only smirked and lazily placed her chin on her propped-up arm, then casually turned on the two computers placed on the desk.

She pulled up her bank account to check how much capital she had saved. She had $50,000 for 6 months of work at the Financial Times and $100,000 saved from previous year. Together, she had a total of $150,000. 

It was not a hefty amount, but it wasn't a small starting sum either. 

She opened the stock trading app and swiftly created her account. She didn't use her real name but created a code name: Black Spade

A bunch of red and green filled the first monitor, displaying the real-time stock trading platform with charts and numbers fluctuating. Meanwhile, the other screen showed a detailed spreadsheet tracking the investments, profits, and future investments.

She navigated to the 'Market' tab and reviewed the stocks. Her jewel-blue eyes lingered on a small tech company's name: NexGen Inc. 

Her blue eyes shifted to the second monitor, searching for the company's recent headlines and news. "Hmm, they've been doing some interesting stuff with AI. And their stock is only $70 per share right now....

Annika's eyes moved back to the first monitor where the stocks are displayed. Her blue eyes narrowed in concentration and she swiftly clicks on the 'Buy' option and purchases 1,000 shares of NexGen Inc. for a total of $70,000. 

Just like someone had once said, "buy low and sell high," a perfect little strategic that Annika used. She leans back, the corner of her lips curving up in a sly arc, clearly satisfied. 

As she watched the stock page, she notice the line wavered slightly before starting to inch upward. In response her smirks only grew. 

Meanwhile, Bridget stared at her boss in confusion, who was sitting on the desk for about half an hour. Curiously, she sneaked behind her, trying to peek. "You're looking at stocks, Boss! Do you even understand them?" Her luscious voice filled with shock. 

Actually, anyone in her place would be shocked because her boss was only twenty-two and had clearly studied in journalism. So how could she have the knowledge about stocks? Not to mention, even big people have struggled understanding the candlestick charts and technical analysis, so how could her young Boss understands it either? 

"You will know later." That was Annika's four word response to Bridget, short and swift, before she turned off the computers and went for a shower.

 "...." Bridget speechlessly stared at Annika's back.

Her Boss is really moody! 

Any business majors?

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