
Billionaire's Baby Snake

My father is in an advanced state of leukemia and I've been taking care of him for the last four years. I dropped my entire CEO career, sold my company, and isolated myself with him to be there for him and his needs. I can't lose my dad.... However, all the money I had, which weren't pennies, are reaching red line, and my dad needs his treatment and surgery which cost a lot, and I have no other ways of paying but taking a job after four years of complete retirement from the working field on all sides. At 34, a curvy, former brilliant CEO in the public eyes and a rare and important person in the shadows under the name of Saint, I, Lacey Holtrey, need to get my ass back to work to save my dad. My best friend, Brenda, secures for me a job interview at one of the most reputable movie companies having as head a young billionaire and big mafia boss, Hunter Markle, with the looks of an Adonis and the built of a Greek God. Upon my interview there for the job position as the assistant/secretary of CEO Hunter Markle, things play another way, and from a normal job position, he requires a 24h assistant job from me right before I want to walk away from his office. The damn money I need for my dad take the best of my pride of not working under a younger than me and with not that innocent looks at me boss, so I accept it. But soon enough, my entire past from the shadows comes back like a hurricane.... “I’ve changed my mind, Miss Holtrey. The more I get to know you, the more value I find. Hence, the new salary. Plus, you will take a lot of work as I’m a busy man and lead an empire. You’ll see that the amount of work and time I will get from you, will equal the 100k.” It’s a Devil’s pact I’m signing here. And his name is Hunter. Suitable for the real him. He does air a hunter. Lacey? Dad…. You can protect yourself from harm.

Andra-Cristiana Stan · 都市
35 Chs

Chapter 11 - Don't Stir The Animal, Baby

Hunter's POV:

Yeah, I’ve got people following her and sending me her routine, pictures and all that as I’ve become obsessed with her. Never done it before, but because I could meet her per say, I needed something to keep me hanging and controlled. It’s a pain….

No, I can’t give you reasonable explanations for all this, but she’s magnetic and I couldn’t stay away since I heard her giggle from the other part of the phone that night with Brenda. It just hit me and penetrated me, disrupting my being into a new direction: Lacey. That’s what happened to me with this hotness that is sleeping on the table in front of me right now. My fucking triumph after three months of longing and craving to see her face to face and get our relationship to the next level, from a stalking one.

Yes, I know almost everything about her. I had my people fill in info about her. There are some missing pieces from her past which they couldn’t crack, but no matter what that is, I don’t give a damn. She’s mine. I don’t need another, except her. I’m at an age when I know what I want and who’s the one for me. This baby blue-eyed vixen who is so venomous with me. Ha-ha! Brenda said to get accustomed to her being like this as this is her nature.

When she called Lacey today while she was with Kurt, she was with me in my office to congratulate me on the victory of making her sign the contract. She had the phone on speaker, so I heard everything they spoke.

Brenda said that ‘See? What did I tell you? She’s like this. She’s not faking, and I haven’t lied to you. You’ll have a long way until you’ll make her fall for you. She’s the least interested or impressed by you. If it wasn’t for the money, she would never accept such a contract. But I’m cheering for you as first battle you won.’ And she laughed with appetite. Yeah, I’ve got an important ally in Brenda.

She said she’ll keep the secret all the way until she’ll be able to confess to Lacey. Yes, Brenda knows everything over what I did regarding her. I haven’t hidden anything from her. I’m not a sneaky guy and I did all of it under Brenda’s guidance. I want Lacey in a serious manner, not in a temporary one.

But that Clinton guy? Man! It drives me so crazy! I’m banning the possibility of them being lovers, though from their conversation and from her answer about 'lovers' and a 'tight' relationship…. I’m a fucking killer right now…. No, Brenda didn’t want to give me details on him when she mentioned him over the phone to Lacey. She said it’s a complicated situation between them, in the past, and she can’t provide info on that. The only aspect she can’t speak about. So, yeah, it kills my everything not knowing. She did underline there’s nothing between them now and not to get jealous as it’s not the case. But more than that, no, no other info.

I’m eating the dish she prepared. It’s indeed heavenly. Brenda told me she cooks like a star. She’s sleeping and I’m smirking at her…. I would so have her right now…. It was hard to keep my distance from her, but now that she’s right before me…. And she’s fucking clueless about all this.

Brenda said to not tell her, ever, about what she did, if she won’t fall for me. She would kill her, she said. Yeah…. Ha-ha! She will fall for me. I know that. I’m real in my feelings for her, and I’ll make her break at some point. I do understand more now, after having her with me, how she really is and how she responds to me. She can’t stand me for real! Ha-ha! Kurt said she avoided speaking to him more than vague and on point answers. Yes, Kurt is my right hand, but today I ordered him to stay with her.

I’m attempting to regroup myself as I’m so ravaged inside because of her. My heart is pumping in heats, my brain is deleting any reason, my entire being is aching and in waves of becoming an animal, and for other feelings I’m having is too much to be able to describe. I’m falling for her ongoing….

Alright, baby…. Let’s go to bed. You’re not sleeping well like this. You’ll fuck me when you’ll wake up because of how you’ll be in my bedroom, but I can’t help it. He, he, he…. I’m the boss. Ha-ha!

She’s indeed tired and out in sleep as she’s not feeling when I scoop her in my arms to take her upstairs. She’s deep in her sleep with her mouth a bit opened, breathing accordingly. Having her like this on me…. You don’t want to know what type of sensations are fucking my being. I’m breathing like a night creature under the moonlight, in need of satiating the 'hunger'. And it has nothing to do with food….

I put her on the bed in slow movements and she’s moaning in annoyance, but she’s in a profound sleep.

Don’t moan, baby…. Don’t kill me…. I’m already fucked and done, baby….

I bend at her and without thinking I’m with my lips almost touching hers…. I’m breathing like there’s no air as I must control myself, yet it’s so damn hard, almost impossible. Her scent is fucking my senses and her lips and person are crashing my reason. My heart is receiving punches like on automatic as I’m burning inside.

Three months of waiting and now…. Yeah…. Not an easy task at all. The hardest in my life. I’ve never been rejected before, and the way she is, man! She’s turning aside, mumbling.

Oh! You’ve got radars even in your sleep, huh?! You crazy baby…. Man! She’s killing me….

“Resignation…tomorrow…first thing…noted…. Brat….”

You don’t say…. Brat, huh? You’ll see the brat what he’s capable of, baby. He, he, he…. Damn! She’s so sexy even when she’s sleeping….

I’m taking off her shoes and jacket, with care, to not wake her up, as I’m aware of how she would react.

My baby’s hand….

I’m kissing it, more like brushing it with my lips to not have her feel it. But she’s squeezing my hand in her sleep so she’s feeling something.

Kill me, baby…. Kill me some more. I’m already a lunatic…. Next in line is to unleash as the beast you’ve created without want…. Can’t believe we’re finally here….

She curls on the side, giving signs she’s cold, so I punish myself in holding back my instincts and tuck her in with the sheets.

I go and take a shower and a change of clothes. It’s already five in the morning. Yeah, I love watching her, studying her inch by inch and hearing her speaking or just breathing. I’m crazy, I know, but there’s no going back for me. I’m signed to her and she’s to me.

When I come back in the bedroom wearing a pair of black satin pajama pants, she’s trembling, with her arms tucked on her chest, but sleeping.

What’s the matter, baby? Why are you like this? She hasn’t eaten and she got angry on top of that….

Oh yes, I know everything she did and didn’t today. I can’t help it. She’s got all my attention since three months ago. It’s like she’s the extension of my person and I can do without her. It’s beyond explainable, but my heart is guilty for everything. I can’t go against it.

I get in bed and the moment I do it, because I’m burning with no difference from before the cold shower, she’s crawling to me like a magnet in her sleep, stamping herself on me, shivering and cold at touch, now moaning as she’s getting my body heat. I’m smirking at her, biting my lower lip, staring at her with my beast eyes soaked in some 'fevers' that you wouldn’t believe possible.

At least you don’t reject me when you’re cold, you crazy baby…. Come here and fuck me as I’m already hallucinating from what’s inside of me right now, you meanie. He, he, he….

I take her in my arms and on me to sleep. Once she’s feeling this, she sighs and calms down her trembling, drifting in a deeper sleep, while I’m under some atomic bombs.

The brat is useful for something, huh?

I’m caressing her hair as it’s almost loose at her back. She’s sculpted to perfection in her all. When she’s sleeping, she’s indeed like a baby saint, serene and with a specific aura. She’s the same when awake, but her mature mind takes over and she’s like an Ice Empress who keeps her subjects or suitors at bay. I kiss her forehead which is still cold and she’s retracting a little like an annoyed kid.

Oh yeah? Don’t stir the animal, baby. I’m almost out of controlling.

I’m caressing her back, keeping her tight on me, with my heart beating like there’s no tomorrow, and she’s again moaning in pleasure as she’s probably perceiving my hand as a heater and she’s embracing me to get warm.

You little kitten…. You’ll so scratch when you’ll wake up…. Don’t moan like that…. You drive me insane….

I’ve cupped her right cheek and I’m kissing her lips, attempting to be as subtle as I can be, though the caveman in me is rebelling for his release and attack.

She’s frowning and moving against it in her sleep, but at the same time she’s like a little fly melting its ice under the blazing sun so she can’t get off me because the need of being warm is higher and I’m laughing under my lips as I’m sensing in her this conflict.

You crazy baby…. You like kid’s hotness, huh? Ha-ha!