
Billionaire's Arrogant Beauty

Sarah ran away from home! Quinn does not hesitate to offer a large reward to find the person, and all walks of life in New York are scrambling to get there, not just for the reward, but to take advantage of this opportunity to climb onto the big tree of Quinn's group of industries. What's more, what kind of person is Sarah? She outshines all the beauties just by her appearance and temperament. She is the center of attention no matter where she goes. The existence has to make people pay attention. Handsome Billionaire Shawn Lee was cold, but he talks differently. He is truly a master of love. He praises girls for being so capable. No one doesn’t know why handsome billionaire James Lee likes Sarah Quinn. For others, they wouldn’t even give up the position of heir! Arrogant. Cold. Drop-dead gorgeous. Bored. Every day is a repeat of alcohol, luxury and sex for James Lee, and there's no better place to feed his desires than Club K, his den. No one tells James no and when a woman not only tells him no, but seems remotely repulsed by the idea of being with him, it stirs something he's never felt before--excitement and a glimmer of something more. Sarah, a daring beautiful girl with the looks that have him restless at night, becomes his new obsession. He decides he'll have her, by hook or by crook, but one smile from Sarah has him falling harder and faster than he ever imagined possible. Mr Lee is a sizzling billionaire romance where opposites collide and attract, setting hearts on fire. If you love the enemies to lovers trope with a lot of smut, this one's for you.

safa_bukhari · 都市
12 Chs

Was It A Good Sleep?

"Miss Quinn, no one knows about this except a few of us, so you can rest assured." In the private room on the third floor of Crazy Bar, Sarah was sitting on the sofa. Opposite him were three men in casual clothes. They all looked like they were in their thirties, and they were full of scorn.

"You should be aware of the consequences of this being known." She raised her eyes without any hint of joking, and there was a hint of warning in her eyes.

The man closest to her quickly waved his hands and shook his head at her: "Miss Quinn, don't worry, deliberately causing trouble to intercept the police car is obstructing official duties. We know what the crime is, how can there be such a crime? Have the guts to talk about it, right?"

After the man finished speaking, the two men beside him quickly followed her words of assurance.

Sarah took out a card and threw it on the coffee table in front of her, and glanced at them: "You have known me for so many years, and you have done a lot of things for me. I can trust you. Here is One hundred and fifty thousand, password six zeros."

The man closest to her grinned, picked up his bank card, and nodded and bowed his thanks to her: "Thank you, Miss Quinn. It's a blessing for us brothers to be able to do things for you. If anything happens in the future, you can That's the order."

"Take the money and find a decent job, don't just idle around all day."

"How could we help Miss Quinn if we weren't idle?"

The man looked at her and said something, but San elbowed him and shook his shoulders in frustration.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, we'll go back and won't disturb you anymore." San looked at her. He spoke quickly and dragged the two men out of the private room.

In the back alley of the Crazy Bar, the two of them threw San away and opened their mouths to mention the money. "You are so fucking crazy!" San slapped the man next to him without saying a word. The slap made him look like stars in his eyes, and he stared at San dumbfounded.

The remaining one also stared blankly. When he realized what he was doing, he took a step back and quickly covered his face as if he was afraid that San would hit him again.

"San, hit me!"

"let me tell you, my slap today is to make you remember that there are things you should say and things you shouldn't say. If I hadn't brought you out quickly, you would still be here with me. Divide the money!" San pointed at the beaten man and shouted in a low voice.

He looked at him unconvinced, but when he saw San's unrelenting eyes, he also realized the seriousness of the problem and said with some hesitation: "Isn't she just a young lady from the Quinn family, she has a little money, what's the big deal? ah."

"Fuck you, shut up!" San was about to raise his hand, but when he saw him running away in fear, he retracted his hand and noticed people coming and going around him. He was afraid of attracting attention, so he held down his hand. This fire called the two of them to leave.

In the private room of Crazy Bar, Sarah was sitting alone on the sofa, watching the flashing pictures on the big screen, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised.

Gao Kunsh, Gao Kunsheng, I want to see if you can get away this time!

At 2:30 in the morning, Sarah drove back to the Lee family compound and tiptoed to the door of the room where Shawn was unconscious. She didn't rush in and stopped at the door to listen to what was going on inside.

"He can sleep!" Sarah said, still a little worried in her heart, whether she had applied too much drug on him so that he was still unconscious.

Opening the door softly, she stood on tiptoes and walked inside. She didn't dare to turn on the light to estimate the approximate location. She raised her hand and touched the bed. Shawn was lying there, with a slight snoring in his ears.

She breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the edge of the bed, recalling the incident of fainting him today with a proud look on her face.

 "Snapped!" light was on.

When she turned around again, Shawn was sitting there looking at her. Sarah was stunned, then smiled awkwardly, and after a long time he stood up and looked at him.

"Uh-huh, you...are awake..."

"Otherwise, how about sleeping to death?" his tone was cold, revealing a hint of dissatisfaction.

She smiled awkwardly, her eyes rolling around.

"You don't have to think of a reason to explain this matter, I know it and understand it."

"Aha?" she looked at him in surprise.

He reached out to her and pulled her to his side. No matter how hard she struggled, he held her tightly around the waist.

"you want..." Before she finished speaking, his mouth came directly to her. The kiss was so domineering that he didn't let her think about it. In the end, her eyes became heavier and heavier.

Looking at her sleeping soundly in his arms, he raised his eyebrows: "Little wild cat, let me give you a taste of this drug. Have a good sleep here. When you wake up tomorrow, I will give you a big surprise."

He settled him, turned off the light, and left the room.

When she opened her eyes, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and the first thing she saw was the note on the table next to her. Rubbing her eyes, her tried her best to wake herself up a little. She frowned when she saw the powerful words.

"Did you have a good sleep this time?


She thought about what happened when she came back last night. She also knew that he also used the same method. He also had drugs in his mouth. What she didn't understand was, why he made herself unconscious.

When thinking of this, she lost her composure, held the note, and ran outside.

And ran outside.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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