

"In the bustling city of Los Angeles, billionaire Richard Vanderbilt embarks on a whimsical quest to find the perfect wife. He marries three women, fully disclosing his unconventional plan, leading to a hilarious and dramatic series of events as secrets unravel, suspicions mount, and genuine love is discovered in unexpected places."

Charles_Crowntouch · 都市
7 Chs


The three wives now tied in a cage with black sacks still around their heads were screaming, kicking and fighting to free themselves.Now came a female voice which they seemed to recognize.

The woman said "will you screaming like animals,anyway, by the time am done with you

you won't need to scream again for the rest of your miserable lives". A guard came close to them saying" Shut up or I will shut you up myself"

They begged for mercy saying "please our husband is rich, whatever you want will be given to you".

The woman said "Shut your trap!!!"

"who needs your money,what I need is your inexistence"

"you are the obstruction to my bliss"said the woman.

"You are the darkness to my sunlight, you existence is my sorrow and your happiness unfortunately is my sadness,so I have no choice than to eliminate you.I am a woman that never looses and whatever I want,I surely will always get".With all these said she asked her guards to unmask them.To their inner suspicion confirmed and with some level of shock three wives screamed "Veronica!!!"