
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

The Hunted part 2

Everyone was stunned in silence at the masked being with dreadlocks for hair, looked reptilian.

Jiraiya and his Anbu Squad were also staring in silence as the masked creature charged at Naruto who tossed Fu to Ahri who caught her. As the creature brought out its combistick and tried to attack Naruto with it who evaded it.

"We have to help him!" Sil says with Hana agreeing ready to fight the masked hunter but heard Naruto yell.

"No! You guys get Fu out of here! I'll deal with him!" He yelled out blocking the hunter's weapon with his sharp claws.

"He's right not to mention we have to deal with the toad sage." Says Ahri who held Fu and glared at Jiraiya and his Anbu.

"We won't let you get away with her! Take them on!" Jiraiya yelled as he and his squad of Anbu charged at Ahri, Sil and Hana.

Fu was knocked out by a chop to her neck as Ahri carried her and started running.

Sil transformed into her alien form as did Hana who looked like a feral dog like alien and attacked the Squad. Hana fought the squad along with her dogs who came out of hiding.

Sil was fighting Jiraiya.

"You are the reason you made Naruto into what he is and for that I'll kill you!" Jiraiya says with a snarl as Sil hissed in her alien form and charged at him swiping her claws at him who evaded and started lunge at her.

They exchanged blows as Sil was showing ferocity in her brute speed and strength as she quickly dodged every attack he threw at her, she elbowed him in the face and then delivered several blows to his torso with her strength making him cough up blood and then sent a round house kick to his stomach making him groan loud and looked close to throwing up his breakfast, she raised her claws brought them down only for him to catch her hand and glare up at her and toss her to a tree as he pulled out a large windmill shrunken and tossed it at her she barely dodged it as it hit the tree with it being stuck. She growled and lunged at him he threw several Kunai's at her as she back flipped and side dashed to avoid them as she shot out her long tongue wrapping it around his neck choking him and lifting him, she then tossed him to a nearby tree as he groan in pain feeling his side rib cage broken from the impact.

She hissed lightly watching him flinch and struggle to stand. She lunged and leaped at him with her claws ready only for him to use substitution Jutsu replacing himself with a Branch and he wasted no time in creating a Rasengan.

Sil growled narrowing her eyes at him and charged at him.

"Take this you bitch!" He roared thrusting the Rasengan into Sil's face obliterating her whole head.

Her body fell limp.

He sighed while clutching to his side feeling the pain from his rib cage fractured.

Before he could continue to go after Ahri and get Fu his eyes caught something as his eyes grew wide.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" He thought with horror and disbelief.

What he was seeing SHOULD not be possible!

Sil's head regrew and reformed.

She got up hissing and snarling.

"No.. no no no! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" He shouted refusing to see what he just witnessed!

She snarled and lunged at him with a chakra infused punch and punched him so hard in the gut that it made him cough up blood and send him crashing into some bushes and trees.

As she went after him to further maim Jiraiya.

( With Naruto)

He was currently fighting the masked hunter.

His claws recently slashed the combistick in half and lunged forward with a front kick to his torso.

The masked hunter growled seeing its destroyed weapon and tossed it aside and brought out its wrist claws.

He stood there observing Naruto. He could tell Naruto is a worthy opponent, he doesn't even show any sign of fear. Guess you could say that Naruto is somewhat like a hunter like him.

And now. Naruto earned his respect.

Both fighters were in a stance, both looked ready to fight to the death.

He reached to the side of his mask and took off his cords and tubes.

Naruto was watching the masked creature with his Sharingan on.

The Predator took off its mask slowly and dropped it on the ground, same with its plasma canister.

Naruto looked at the Predator's face. Reptilian like, mandibles for a mouth, yellow eyes.

"What the hell are you?" Naruto would say.

The Predator's face frowned and then surprisingly spoke.

"What... the hell are YOU!?" The Predator spoke in a deep disoriented voice that it surprised Naruto that it could talk!? It said knowing Naruto wasn't normal like any human beings he's encountered.

"Allow me to show you just what am I." Naruto replied transforming into his inner alien form.

The Predator if it could smile, looked very enthused about Naruto's appearance and that Naruto is definitely a worthy trophy!.

Naruto snarled and growled beckoning his claws at the Predator as if to say. "Come on, bring it on!"

And like that both brutes charged at began to fight.

The Predator unleashed a mean right hook at Naruto's Face who backed up and gave him a mean left hook to his jaw and mandible.

The Predator took the hit and didn't seem fazed as it's mandible twitched and clicked, then he sent a mean upper cut at Naruto sending him off the ground.

The Predator went after Naruto who got back up growling as Naruto charged with a elbow strike and jab at the Predator's midsection but the creature delivered a mean backhand sending him into a nearby tree.

He got up and lunged at the Predator as they both clashed and exchanged heavy blows upon another.

Both broke apart and sent a swift blow at each other's faces and sent them back away.

The Predator growled lowly and brought out its wrist claws and charged at Naruto who in turn brought out his deadly claws.

Naruto snarled seeing the Predator dodge each of his claw strikes but the Predator saw an opening and thrusted his claws into Naruto's chest making the alien Uzumaki roar.

Naruto punched the Predator away sending him into a tree who got up looking shocked that it did not seem to injure him, he looked closely and saw Naruto's stab wound instantly heal.

This widened his eyes to the core. How is this possible? This is something he has never dealt with before and he hope his clan here on earth are prepared to face something he's fighting.

He already informed his clan about a possible serpent infestation before he engaged Naruto and his group.

Naruto let out a predatory growl glaring at the Predator who stood tall with no signs of fear, as he continued to charge and battle his prized trophy.

( With Sil)

Sil had literally beat the breaks of Jiraiya and wounded him.

The Toad Sage was suffering from his left fractured rib cage, claw lacerations on his face, his torso and lower stomach. He was still in shock of what he witnessed when he beheaded Sil with a Rasengan. He didn't know how was such a thing possible!

He would have to research and find out a way to kill them somehow if Naruto and his infected clan get Beheaded or suffer mortal wounds like that they can't die from it..

"Come out. Jiraiya." Sil says having reverted back to her human form while looking for the toad sage who was hiding and trying to heal his wounds.

"Why so tense? Were you all talk about trying to kill me?" She taunted.

He ignored her while trying to mask his presence from her.

"You call yourself a Sage? Yet you're hiding like a chicken. I can smell you. Are you too afraid? Afraid of what Naruto will do to you should you even attempt to kill me?" She taunted with him trying to not fall for her trap.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Soon there will be more of our kind. This entire nation will be repopulated with our new race. You can't stop my alpha, he will succeed in breeding any potential woman his to bare his children. The Uzumaki Clan so to speak is revived and we are now much a superior clan now." She stated

"Never! Never will I let that happen!" He yelled out appearing

"So you have finally crawled out of your hiding place." She mocked.

"I will stop Naruto. I will stop you and his infected clan!" He glared at her as she smiled

"That's a laugh. Naruto is much stronger. Stronger than you. What makes you think you could ever stand up to him?" She questioned.

"Do you know who you are talking too? I am Jiraiya the gallant toad Sage! 5th Hokage of the leaf village and I will do what's necessary to save Konoha and the elemental nations from you! Naruto and your infected horde!" He proclaimed

"Lovely titles. I see Tsunade wasn't kidding when she said you would proclaim something so ridiculous." Sil said sarcastically with him glaring at the mention of Tsunade

"Oh? Still upset for not being able to get with Tsunade and bed with her?" She mocked seeing him look red.

"Shut up!" He growled

"Tsunade belongs to my alpha now and she is quite a screamer when Naruto plays with her tits." She added with him clenching his fists tightly.

"Face it old man. You'll never get Tsunade back she loves Naruto and him alone. You never had a chance with her even when she was your team mate." Sil added more insult to Jiraiya who was trying to restrain himself from not losing it and blindly charge at her.

"Shut. The. Fuck. UP!" He growled gritting his teeth.

"Did I strike a nerve? It's a shame you couldn't take her virginity, not even her old lover Dan, yet Naruto took it and she enjoyed every bit of it. She's looking forward to having another baby with Naruto." Sil says with Jiraiya now losing it and unable to stand it anymore and charged at Sil.

"FUCK YOU BITCH!" Jiraiya yelled with a Rasengan already made.

She grinned, he fell right for her trap.

He charged and thrusted it at her only for her to evade it and send a chakra infused kick to his stomach that it sent him crashing throw 6 trees.

He would lay there battered and wounded.

( Back with Naruto)

The Predator and Naruto were grappling each other. The Predator looked badly wounded but ignored the pain, as it lost some of its armor.

Both backed away. Until the Predator shot a Net launcher at Naruto who was caught into it.

The Predator knew he was losing this fight, and that if it was going down, then so will it's opponent.

He wasted no time in opening its wrist computer and arming its bomb.

Naruto slashed the net and broke free and dashed up towards the Predator and hacked off its left arm making it roar and pain as he then impales his claws through the Predator lifting it up snarling.

The Predator began to laugh. Naruto didn't understand why it was laughing as he began to consume the Predator. As Red mist scattered

After Consuming the Predator, Naruto suddenly gained all of its memories. It's knowledge, it's skills. He suddenly became stronger. He paused as he turned towards its left arm that was beeping and saw red symbols In count down sequence.

Now he understood why the Predator was laughing

"Oh Shit."

He wasted no time to pull out his Tri Kunai to instantly get everyone the hell out of here.

( With Sil)

She approached Jiraiya who coughed blood. Laying there.

"What are you waiting for? Kill me!" He growled glaring at her.

"Kill you? No. That pleasure belongs to Naruto." She said and with that a bright flash picked her up along with carrying Hana and her dogs.

"What? They leaving what's going on?" Jiraiya says looking around as he noticed a strange orb of light.

Which could mean something not good.

He reversed summon himself to Mt. Myoboku to be healed.

Ahri was already a safe distance away from as Naruto caught her in a bright flash as they got away further away from Taki heading back to Uzu.

And right after they left. The wrist bomb's time was up and then.


A massive explosion not only erased the forest area of Taki, but the very village itself!

That explosion was seen from Suna, Kumo and Iwa. Including the giant mushroom cloud.

Even Sound Village saw the explosion cloud.

Taki village along with its people and Shinobiwere gone.

This explosion would make a certain demolition missing nin proud and jealous at the same time.

Though Naruto and his company accomplished their mission and escaped.