
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Team Testing

(Forest of death. Training ground 44)

Now at Anko's training ground as She looked at her Genin team.

"Now onto business! I want us to introduce ourselves to each other, so we can get to know each other better as teammates. I'll start, so follow my lead. I'm Anko Mitarashi, jounin of Konoha. I like dango, and my friends Kurenai, Yugao and Hana. My dislikes are jerks who judge and persecute people for no reason, as well as my treacherous former sensei. My hobbies include studying poisons, and interrogating said with a dangerous smile .

"Anyways, my goal is to train you three to be kickass shinobi! Here in this village!"

"Now, How about you go first twin number one." Anko said to Sil.

"I am Sil, my likes, Naruto and my twin sister Eve, eating ramen, sweets ,fighting . My dislikes those who pose a threat to me or Naruto. My dream is to have a big family with Naruto and my Sister." Sil said with Naruto blushing a bit while Anko grinned.

"Ah, now I see why these two are so close to the boy." Thought Anko with a smile while glancing at Eve

"My name is Eve. My likes are the same thing as my sister had said, my dislikes are the same as my sister. Dream to form a big family with her and Naruto." Eve spoke with Anko now smiling wider.

"Ain't he lucky to have two girls who want to be his wives and have children with him." Anko thought now turning her eyes towards Naruto.

"Your turn." She said looking at him.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, my likes is Ramen, pulling pranks and my friends Sil, Eve, Hinata, Teuchi-san and Ayame-Chan. Even you Anko-Sensei. My dislikes are Kiba and Sasuke, and my goal is to become Hokage and... and... Form a family." He said not sure what made him say that last part, being Hokage had always been his dream but him wanting a family? He didn't like being alone and he always wanted a family of his own since he has no knowledge of who his real parents are.

Anko stares at him for a bit raising a brow.

"Well then since you all introduced yourselves tomorrow you will come here and do your test to become official genin." said Anko with a pleased smile seeing her trio of blondes smile at that.

"I am looking forward to that Anko-sensei." Commented Sil with her sister nodding.

"Me too! Let's go Sil-chan and Eve-chan let's go eat some ramen!" Naruto cheered with both blonde girls smiling

As the blonde trio walked off with Anko smiling. She could not wait to whip those three into badass shinobi.

(With Naruto Later on)

Now home at his apartment after he and the girls stopped to eat ramen. Tomorrow was he and the girls Genin test and become official genin. He sees both the girls watching Tv, while he is getting ready for bed.

An hour later, Naruto and the girls are in bed sleeping while having the same dream again.

As Naruto cringed in his sleep, So did Sil and Eve twisting and turning in their sleep even sweating.

In this dream, Naruto was having he was that creature again with those two humanoid female creatures. He mated with them and in the dream it was he and the two females and two kids the female creatures gave birth too, he mates with two other females and infect them, the female had indigo hair and pupilless eyes. The other had purple hair that was pineapple shaped.

The sound of the alarm clock woke him up out of his dream as it was 7 am it was time for him and the girls to go meet Anko-Sensei.

( With Anko)

The Special Jonin just finished getting dressed and freshening herself up for her first Genin Test as she was on her way to the door She opened the door, only to scowl, her good mood ruined by the person on the other side. "Hatake? What do you want?" She snapped.

Kakashi was leaning against the rail of the walkway, reading his Icha Icha book as he did so. He glanced up with one lazy eye, before closing his book. "Mitarashi, I need to talk to you," he said calmly.

Anko just groaned, closing and locking her door. "Another time. Unlike you, I actually intend to be on time meeting my team," she said.

"No, now," Kakashi said firmly, moving in between her and the stairs down. "I need to you convince Hokage-sama to trade Naruto for Sai. You know he's better suited for my team."

"Oh get your masked head out of your asshole already Kakashi. Are you saying you know better than Hokage-sama?" Anko asked, arms crossed in annoyance. "Hokage-sama listened to our arguments, he studied their files, and he made his choice. End of discussion."

"Anko, see reason," Kakashi said. "Naruto is an important asset to the village. He needs to be trained by an experienced shinobi who can rein him in, and who can bring out his true potential. That is something I can do far better then you. I was the student of the Yondaime Hokage," Kakashi said, only for Anko to scoff.

"And that automatically makes you qualified? Get it through your scarecrow brain Kakashi, you lost. Hokage-sama chose me, because I don't view him as an asset, I view him as a fellow human and shinobi. And while I may not know as many ninjutsu as you do, I can still teach him ninjutsu that will be useful to him, as well as teach him how to be a skilled assassin and infiltration expert. And lastly, where in the hell do you get off saying he needs to be reined in? He's a lot more better than pale boy you have on your team. Now get out of my way, I have a genin test to administer," Anko said, pushing past Kakashi.

The Cyclops jounin glared at Anko's back. "Mark my words Anko, this is not over," he said, before disappearing in a shunshin.

Anko just growled, her mood dampened but not entirely ruined. Kakashi had been rather upset the previous morning, when Sarutobi had informed them of their team assignments. He had asked Sarutobi to reconsider, but the Hokage had remained firm, stating that the teams were put together in a way that best benefited the village. Apparently Kakashi had decided that wasn't good enough.

She shook her head, driving the arrogant shinobi from her thoughts. She had genin to test, and she was looking forward to it.

(Training ground 44)

Naruto, Sil and Eve had arrived as they waited for their sensei Anko.

"Good morning my darling trio of blondes, " Anko appeared in a swirl of leaves.

"Morning Anko-sensei." said the Trio of blondes in unison.

"Now that you all are here, let's get started with our test." Anko said

"And what would our Test be Anko-sensei?" Asked Naruto

"Since I've brought you three here in the forest of death, your test will be surviving in the forest of death for Two hours!" Anko said surprising the three.

"What!?" said a shocked Naruto with Both Sil and Eve looked on in disbelief

"But Anko-sensei there are wild beasts out there in that place! Monsters too!" Protested Naruto

"I know that. But all you have to do is survive out there for two hours, once two hours are up and if you come out unscathed then you pass!. Now go on the clock is ticking!" She said ushering them to go in the forest of death She originally wanted them to survive in their for a whole day but that will be another time this was a test and she has to report the test to the Hokage later on. That is if her team survives but she has faith that they will come out alive and pass.

(In the forest of Death)

The trio of blondes calmly walked in the dangerous forest of death, looking around being cautious for any monster or beast that they may encounter.

Looking around he led the girls further into the forest, hiding in bushes, behind trees and looking out for any creatures they'd hope to avoid.

"Stay close to me Sil-chan and Eve-chan," Naruto told them as they kept walking as quiet as possible so that they don't alert any dangerous creature.

So far so good that they were doing well.

Just when they were going to pass some bushes, the bushes shifted and came out was a giant bear.

All three looked shocked, including Naruto this was the same bear that tried to chase him.

The beast growled and lunged at the three blondes. Sil tossed a kunai at the Bear's shoulder which made it roar in pain and looked angry as it roared and attempted to swipe it's claws at them. Sil and Eve moved away before it could attack.

The bear moved in on Sil, she was backed into a tree pulling out another kunai.

Eve went into her pouch and pulled out shuriken and tossed them at the Bear's side Making it growl and turn it's attention on her as it was going to charge at her at full speed.

Before it could Naruto threw a kunai at it's left eye wounding it making it roar in pain.

"Hey! Over here you beast!" Naruto taunted at the bear. As it's one good eye narrowed and roared loudly at Naruto and began charging at him with it's fangs bare.

Naruto saw the bear coming for him now, pain erupted in his right shoulder and right arm. The Bear charged into Naruto pinning the boy down ready to sink it's fangs into the boy.

"NARUTO!" Screamed Both Sil and Eve as the two tried to stop the bear.

His skin on his arms turned into dark-crimson chitin skin with Red and black tendrils sprouted from Naruto's arms morphing both his arms into a lethal pair claws and out of defense Naruto stabbed both his claws into the bear making fall limp dead. Using his newfound strength he pushed the bear off of him as it laid their dead after it was stabbed by Naruto's lethal claws.

Sil and Eve looked a bit surprised at the change of Naruto's clawed hands as they turned back to normal.

Naruto couldn't comprehend on how his hands turned into claws and that he killed the bear that nearly tried to kill him.

"Naruto are you alright?" asked Eve looking at him still stare at his arms and hands.

"Y-Yeah..." He said with a stammer not sure how he did that.

"Let's get going shall we..." He said as they walked off

2 Hours later.

Anko was waiting for her trio of blondes as she was eating dango. Waiting for them to come out the forest, she hoped they didn't get lost in the forest, if so she will have to go in there and find them. This was a survival test.

Coming out of the Forest were the three blondes she ate her dango and instantly went towards them.

"Well how did you do? Did any beasts and monsters tried to attack you?" Anko asked checking to see did any of them have any injury on them yet she couldn't find any.

"Well a giant bear tried to attack us we fought it together but Naruto killed it." Sil answered with Anko now having her eyes on the boy

"How did you kill the bear brat?" She asked wanting to know how could a kid like him make his first kill?

Now she wasn't aware that the bear was actually Naruto's second kill because the Hokage never told her or anyone else of how the boy killed Mizuki.

"I threw a kunai into it's eye." He said in a half-truth since he did threw a kunai into it's eye but he did not want to tell her how exactly he killed the bear.

Her face frowned looking at the boy, then towards his girls, no injuries, they survived in the forest for two who hours and fought and killed a giant bear.

A smile came on her face.

"Well then I guess you three have done it! You are official genin! You pass!" She said with a wide smile as the trio also smiled.

"Starting everyday will be Team survival in the forest of death! And you three will have teamwork exercising! And train at night to become a natural born strike team!." She said with a smile.

"Hey Anko-sensei. We have summoning contracts we were wondering do you know how we open it and sign it?" Asked Naruto seeing his sensei frown.

Now having been Orochimaru's only student and has some knowledge of his snake summons, yet she can't summon snakes like he can from the contract but knows snake ninjutsu.

Her only knowledge would be to sign the contract with blood.

"Sign the contract summoning seal with your blood, once you sign it you could be dragged into the summoning realm and meet the boss summons talk with them and they might agree to let them be your summoner." She said remembering the snake boss Manda.

"Thanks Anko-sensei!" He said with a smile

"Welcome Brat! Let's go celebrate Team Anko! We are going to make one badass team!" Anko cheered As she led them to a Dango stand.

Now that team 11 known as team Anko had passed the Elemental nations better watch out. Because Anko was determined to make the three blondes into a kickass team, and dominate every other team in the chunin exams in the future.

She sure as hell not going to let someone like Kakashi try to sabotage her team or try to move Naruto on his team.

(Hokage Office)

"Alright. Who's a team all passed their genin exams?" said the Sandaime looking at all the jonin.

"Team 7 passed." Kakashi said with disinterest as he sent a slight glare at Anko still not pleased with the team he has.

"Team 8 has passed," said Kurenai pleased that she got the team she wanted.

"Team 10 passed." said Asuma smoking his cigarette

"Team 11 passed!" Shouted Anko happily with the Hokage raising an eyebrow at Anko, Kakashi glared at Anko.

"What did you test them on Anko?" He asked looking at her.

"I put them in a survival test in training ground 44 for two hours and they did well without being harmed." She answered with Kakashi narrowing his eye at her while the others gasped that she sent them into the forest of death.

"Anko have you lost your mind? That forest is dangerous! They could have been killed!" scolded her friend Kurenai

"I had faith that they would pass this test and so they did." She assured

"Why couldn't you give them the simple bell test? That would have improved their teamwork skills." Added Kakashi

She scoffed looking at him in annoyance

"Because I wanted to see how would they fair in surviving in a forest with wild beasts and monsters. Besides the bell test is overdone all the time and I wanted to try something different. There's nothing wrong with doing that." Anko defended her reasoning.

"I think you were irresponsible for sending fresh academy students into the forest of death. I wonder did you go in there and made sure nothing bad happened to them." Kakashi said with an accusing stare

"Oh please your one to talk, I bet you actually wanted to fail your current team because you didn't get Naruto like how you wanted!" She spat glaring at him.

Kakashi scowled at her. While he couldn't deny it he wanted to fail the team, their teamwork wasn't as good as he thought and the team just wasn't complete without Naruto who could inspire both Sakura and Sasuke, and to spark up Naruto's rivalry with Sasuke seeing it was similar of how He and his teammate Obito Uchiha had the same rivalry. But if he failed the team now The councils will complain about him failing the last Uchiha's team. Kakashi felt like Anko didn't deserve Naruto the boy was supposed to form bonds with Sakura and Sasuke and not those blonde twin girls.

Before he could retort the Hokage stopped him.

"Alright Alright, enough. I'm very impressed with how each promising team has passed good luck in training them. Meeting dismissed." The Hokage said seeing them all nod and went off in their separate ways.

He was most interested in how Anko is training Naruto and those twin girls.