
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · アニメ·コミックス
55 Chs

Team arrangements

(Konoha at night)

Mizuki smirked as he slipped out of the Hokage Tower, a massive scroll strapped to his back along with a pair of giant shuriken. He couldn't believe how easy it had been to steal the Scroll of Seals. This sacred scroll held many of Konoha's most powerful and forbidden techniques. Mizuki knew with this scroll and Orochimaru's favor, he would have the strength he deserved. His whole life, he had hated those who were weak, and felt that power was everything, yet had been denied the chance to get true power over and over again. Well not anymore. Soon he'd be a powerful shinobi, and get the rewards he rightly deserved. Posing as Naruto Uzumaki as he knocked out the guards was just icing on the cake, a way to hurt that demon brat.

( Meanwhile with Naruto)

Now walking with Sil and Eve, heading back to the apartment he noticed a figure that looked like him jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

"What's wrong Naruto?" asked Sil with concern as Eve followed his look and frowned.

"Look." Eve said pointed at the Naruto imposter carrying a large scroll.

Widening His eyes Naruto decided to go after the imposter who is trying to frame him for something he stole. Sil and Eve followed him hoping to catch the imposter who is impersonating their Naruto.

Mizuki smirked as he headed towards the wall of Konoha, imagining the scene when the Kyuubi brat was arrested for stealing the scroll. He almost wished he could stay to see it. But he had to quickly meet with his contact, who would help him sneak out of the village.

Now reverting back to his original form he smirked he was nearly there as he could almost make it to his contact only to stop when he heard a voice stop him.

"Mizuki-sensei...? Why?" said Naruto who looked betrayed that his former sensei was framing him for stealing a scroll with Sil and Eve at his side.

"Because Demon Brat! I am taking this scroll to my master Orochimaru where he will offer me strength and power!" Mizuki said gleefully noticing Naruto's expression change as the girls glared at him.

"Naruto is no demon." said Eve glaring at him.

"Oh so your whores don't know what you are? You are a demon! Do you know why everyone calls you a demon? Because you have the Kyuubi No Kitsune sealed into you! That's right! The Yondaime sealed the Kyuubi inside you and made you a demon!" Mizuki said with glee hoping to see Naruto's fallen expression and his whores look at him differently.

"Is it possible that I have the Fox inside me?" Thought Naruto as he stares blankly at Mizuki who looked ready to throw the giant shuriken at Naruto.

"Ha! Now I'll kill him while he's stunned!" Thought Mizuki ready to throw the shuriken at Naruto.

Something within Naruto snapped and made him defend himself


Mizuki had a horrified look as he dropped the giant shuriken, blood seeping from his mouth as he was violently thrown against the wall with a hole where his heart was.

There stood Naruto with his right arm covered in Mizuki's blood holding the man's heart. Naruto dropped the heart staring blankly at Mizuki's dead body.

"What... Happened?" He whispered not understanding what made him do this. He had no reaction what's so ever and still has an impassive expression.

He killed Mizuki-sensei and he doesn't feel the slightest ounce of remorse of what he has done. He turned towards Sil and Eve they held no reaction either of what he just did It was almost as if they were going to do the same thing he just done had he not acted.

He acted as if he was a predator, his eyes were in front on Mizuki. It made him judge a distance to his prey.

After how Mizuki threatened to kill him or Sil or even Eve. Something inside told him to kill Mizuki and to protect his mates. And after killing the said man he has no remorse, none at all.

Taking the scroll he opened it and took at least something out of the scroll he took two summoning Contracts.

Both Summoning contracts the Rampage Summoning Contract and the Xenomorph Summoning Contract.

He gave the girls the Xenomorph contact while he kept the rampage contact.

He closed the scroll and decided to give it back to the Sandaime and explain what happened.

( Hokage Office)

Naruto told his old man everything of what happened, of how Mizuki tried to frame him then confessed of how he killed his former academy sensei which caught the Sandaime off guard, Naruto has never been known to kill before to his knowledge.

The old man stares at the boy and the girls they didn't seem bothered about Naruto's first kill, what worried him more was how Naruto seems to be taking it, he doesn't see a look of remorse on Naruto at all and it worried him.

"Are you feeling okay Naruto?" Asked the Sandaime in concern hoping this doesn't affect the boy.

Naruto had been a little silent, he wanted to tell the Sandaime that he wasn't feeling like himself and that he should explain to the old man about these dreams he's been having. But another part of him told him not to say anything.

"I am fine... old man." He answered as he could feel the old man study him Searching for any lies but couldn't.

"Very well. You have done a great service of stopping Mizuki you, Sil and Eve have, you will be rewarded with pay and that you get to keep those summoning contacts." He said seeing the boy have a light smile as did the girls.

"Well go home and go to bed, tomorrow is your first team arrangement." said the Sandaime as Naruto nodded as he left the office with Sil and Eve following him as the Hokage was left alone to his devices.

He had a feeling something was not right with Naruto and it concerned him. Yet he can't place his finger on it.

Something in his gut told him that Naruto is hiding something.

Maybe he will wait until the boy has the courage to tell him what he is hiding underneath.

( Tomorrow)

It was time to form the graduating genin into teams. He looked up as his secretary opened the door to his office. "The jounin you requested are here, Hokage-sama," she said.

"Ahh, please send them in," Sarutobi said. The secretary nodded and stood to one side, allowing the jounin to enter before closing the door. Surprisingly, Kakashi was on time, though he still had his face buried in his book. Next to him, Anko was rolling her eyes.

"You know, having a woman you could actually have sex with would definitely be better than just reading about it," she murmured to Kakashi, who didn't even look up from his book.

"Anko-san, are you propositioning me?" He asked, making Anko glare angrily at him. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Sarutobi spoke up.

"Enough please. Let's get down to business, shall we?" He asked. The four jounin present all stood at attention as he indicating the twelve folders in front of him.

"I want each of you to tell me the genin you want for your team, and why. Afterwards, I shall judge whether the teams you've asked for are the best, or if alterations need to be made. Asuma you are first." Said the Hokage.

Asuma Sarutobi was the son of Hiruzen Sarutobi. He was a jounin of Konoha, and was once a member of the Twelve Ninja Guardians, twelve ninjas who had sworn to protect the daimyo. He now wore a sash with the kanji for fire over the pants of his standard Konoha jounin outfit. He had spiky black hair and a beard, and often was smoking a cigarette, like how his father smoked his pipe. He now pulled it out of his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"I request Ino Yamanaka, Chouji Akamichi, and Shikamaru Nara. I believe I can shape them into an even better version of their fathers' team by offering to them new options and jutsu, helping them study their fathers' techniques and missions, and how to improve on what their clan's abilities and how they work together," he said.


"I request Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuuga and Shino Abrame. With those three together they are the perfect tracking team, Kiba with his Inuzuka traits can track down possible enemies same with Hinata having the Byakugan and Shino the boy can use his bugs to drain chakra and to follow any shinobi." Kurenai finished

Sarutobi just nodded, before glancing at Anko.

"Anko Mitarashi, what team do you want?" He asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki, Sil and Eve." She said with a smile while the Hokage didn't seem surprised at the team she wanted and had a feeling she was going to request that team while the other jonins looked surprised at her wanting Naruto in her team but also about the twins Sil and Eve

"Hmmm I just may consider letting you have that team. " Sarutobi said, writing the information down. "And now you, Kakashi-san," he said.

Kakashi closed his book, looking up lazily as he did so. "I request Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki for my team. I believe the three of them combined will make an excellent assault team, perhaps even becoming as skilled and dangerous as the sannin themselves one day," he said, while Anko flinched at the mention of the sannin. "Sasuke Uchiha, as the tests in the Academy showed, has a lightning affinity like myself, so I'll be able to help him learn how to utilize lightning jutsu more effectively. I can also teach him how to be a very effective and deadly shinobi without his Sharingan, which would translate to him being deadlier with it. Sakura Haruno, is a blank slate, and can easily fill any number of support roles with proper teaching. Her chakra control especially lends to her becoming a skilled field medic or genjutsu mistress. And Naruto Uzumaki is a chakra power house. I can easily teach him any number of ninjutsu for him to simply plow through his enemies with. I also think having Naruto on the team will help inspire both Sasuke and Sakura, becoming the heart of the team, if you will." He said.

Sarutobi nodded quietly at that. "I see. Anko-san, do you have a rebuttal?"

Anko nodded quietly. "I do Hokage-sama. What Kakashi-san fails to note is that I know Naruto better, he doesn't I have trained Naruto for the genin exams to help him pass, same with the twins, I feel as if having Naruto on Kakashi's team is a disaster. Him being with the civilian girl and last Uchiha heir won't be balanced properly." Explained Anko with Kakashi frowning at the special jonin.

"Naruto should not waste his time with you or those twins he's always with, his skills and potential are wasted. You don't have what it takes to bring out his true capabilities. Only I do." Kakashi said

Anko's eyes narrowed as she got into Kakashi's face. "And what would you know of his potential?" She growled. "I know more about Naruto Uzumaki then you could possibly hope to know."

Kakashi just stared at her lazily. "Last I checked, I was the one with the experience and seniority," he said.

"And what, that automatically makes you right?" Anko snorted. "Let's not forget that you've never taught any genin students for more than a couple hours, before failing them. I know why you want him on your team, not just remake the legendary sannin but as the original team 7! Yeah I know you're reasoning!" She spat seeing him glare at her. As the Hokage intervened

"That's enough stop it both of you! I've heard your suggestions and arguments, but there are other things to take into account, before I make my decision. You all are dismissed. I shall inform you of my decisions Friday morning, before informing Iruka-san so he can give out the team assignments to the students."

The jounin all quickly nodded, before leaving. Sarutobi quietly studied the requested teams, wondering what he would do. But Anko, and Kakashi both had requested students the other two wanted. And there had been merits to their reasons for wanting them as well. Which left him with the problem of deciding whose arguments were the soundest.

Anko's argument had shown the greatest flaw in that idea. Anko's team request would make for a very deadly strike team, capable of striking key enemy targets and gaining valuable information. But Kakashi had raised a good point as well concerning Naruto becoming a ninjutsu powerhouse. Kakashi had raised a good point regarding his team making an excellent assault team, one that could even rival the sannin with the right training and situation. And yet Anko had raised an equally fair point regarding Naruto as well, how the boy would have to start from scratch, hindering him in the long run. And if he was honest…he wasn't that eager to remake the sannin. Orochimaru had become a monster and a traitor, pushing and breaking the boundaries of humanity in his own quest for immortality. And Tsuande Senju had become a gambling drunk, abandoning Konoha to wander the world, and to forget past pains. Jiraiya was the only one of them who was still an active shinobi of Konoha, which made Sarutobi chuckle softly at the irony. The dead last had proven more loyal and dedicated to Konoha then the clan heiress or the prodigy had.

Sarutobi slowly began going through the folders on each of these students. If he was going to make these choices, he had to ensure he made the best possible choice he could make.

( Friday, the Academy)

Iruka entered, though he was confused when Mizuki didn't follow. A confusion shared by the majority of the class, but not by Naruto, Sil or Eve.

"Iruka-sensei, where's Mizuki-sensei?" Ino asked, as Iruka grimaced a bit, looking down.

"Unfortunately…Mizuki was recently discovered to be a traitor," he said, causing the class to gasp. "He was feeding information to an enemy of Konoha, and was planning to steal an important artifact to deliver to those enemies. He was captured and executed. I know this is big news," he said, stopping the class from erupting into excited gossip, "but we need to move on to more pressing matters. Today, you all will receive your team assignments. I have here the names of your teammates and your jounin sensei."

Naruto looked excited at this wondering who will be his sensei? Will Sil and Eve join him?

"Team Seven will consist of Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Sai Yamada. Under the command of jounin Kakashi Hatake," Iruka said with Sakura now cheering that she is on Sasuke's team.

"Team 8 will consist of Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuuga and Shino Abrame, under the command of Kurenai Yuhi." Iruka said with Kiba not looking happy that Sil wasn't on his team but at least he has Hinata. Hinata looked saddened that she wasn't on Naruto's team. And Shino well he was Shino.

"Team 10 consists of Shikamaru Nara, Choji amakichi and Ino Yamanaka under the command of Asuma Sarutobi." Iruka went on making Ino groan at being stuck with a chubby boy and lazy ass.

"And last but not least Team 11 consists of Naruto Uzumaki, Sil and Eve. Under the command of Anko Mitarashi." Iruka finished with Naruto cheering as Sil and her twin sister smiled wide at this.

Kiba glared hard at Naruto that he gets to be paired with his Sil-chan.

Iruka smiled at them all as he set aside the clipboard. "Before I dismiss you all for lunch, I'd like to say a few words first. It has been my honor to teach and guide you all through our time together at the Academy. You all are the future of our village, and I have to say that you give me hope for the future. The road ahead of you will be difficult, but if you show the same determination and skill I saw here in the Academy, you'll all do fine. Just trust in each other, and trust in yourselves. And lastly…congratulations to all of you," he said.

The students all grinned, before Ino spoke up. "We couldn't have done it without you sensei. Thank you!" she said, as others began to do the same, clapping and thank him, as Iruka just chuckled and smiled awkwardly.

"Alright, alright, settle down now," he said. "Your sensei will arrive here soon, so sit back and get to know your teammates until they arrive. And again…good luck, to all of you," he said, before disappearing out of the room.

"Can you believe it Sil-chan and Eve-chan, we are on the same team and with a sensei we know!" Naruto said happily as both twins nodded pleased with it as well.

Just as he finished speaking, a smoke bomb went off at the front of the class, obscuring the students view of what was going on there. The students yelped in surprise, backing away from the front of the class. The smoke suddenly was cleared away, as Anko stood at the front of the class in her usual everyday outfit.

She grinned as she looked over the students. Behind her was a banner that read "The epically Sexy Dangerous Anko Mitarashi has arrived!"

"Alright brats! I'm Anko Mitarashi, sensei of Team 11! Where are my adorable little genin?" She asked making the trio of blondes raise their hands.

"Alright! Come with me Team Anko! It's time for all of us to get to know each other! Follow me!" The Special jonin said happily as her trio of blondes followed her.