


/"So, you are the Luna, Alpha Tates mate?/"

/"Yes, but we haven't been together for long./"

/"Caroline told me that the two of you planned the birthday celebration for Sebastian Tate. It was lovely,/" Lucas compliments as we sit across each other in the living room. Caroline sits closely beside him as Evangeline is near me.

/"Caroline planned most of it, and I pretty much watched her work as I constantly fell asleep. I don't know how she manages to work for so long without rest./"

Evangeline smiles. /"That's my Caroline./"

/"Is Dad coming by?/" She asks, and Evangeline tells her he is busy helping the newer guards with training, but he will stop by for dinner. /"Well, when will Eric be home?/"

/"Any time between now and dinner,/" I say. /"We haven't spoken since this morning./"

/"And everything went well with the rogue searches?/" Evangeline asks.