
Chapter 52

I slowly took a sip of water and then another and again another.

I have to calm my nerves! Why am I panicking?! Bryan doesn’t know about anything! How will he ever know what I am ordered to do?! I need to stop acting suspiciously!

I walked over to the table and kept the glass back.

“Mia, have a seat.” Bryan said.

I looked over at him and saw his worried expression. How can I ever think of cheating such a kind person?! How can dad even think of such a person as his enemy?! I bet that dad too would develop a soft corner for Bryan after spending some time with him. Bryan is such a person who would make anyone like him in no time by his actions. They say that action speaks louder than words and I believe in that after meeting Bryan. He is the perfect example of that saying.

“Mia, what are you thinking? Sit.” He said again.

I snapped out of my trance and went to sit on the bed.

He sat on the arm chair near the table.

“Have you calmed down?” He asked me.

I nodded my head.