


PLOT: Based on Bonnie & Clyde and during the GREAT DEPRESSION - Bianca & Joel set out on foot to rob small petrol stores and big banks to support their downward financial situation and for a sadistic thrill....

CAPS - the fictional American town, location where the story is based at. Laid-back coastal town; relaxing town with nice lagoons and friendly folks, scorching hot weather)


- Bianca: black hair, blue eyes, handy with a gun, evil, sadistic, love interest of Joel; American

- Joel: black hair, green eyes, handy with a gun, evil, sadistic, love interest of Joel; American

- LIEUTENANT Parker: grey hair, 60 years old, retired cop, focused, determined to capture Bianca & Joel; American

- Store Owner: owner of Caps Store, wants justice against Bianca & Joe, father of cashier American, obese, brown hair, blue eyes

- Bank Manager: owner of Caps Bank, wants justice against Bianca & Joel, scared of Bianca & Joel; American

- Bianca's Mother: Bianca's mother; focused; loving; caring weary of Joel; American

- DR PETE - Caps Arsonry owner; has extensive knowledge on firearms; fireman; extensively rich; American



(The first meeting between Joel and Bianca's mother starts. Joel is wearing a pink tuxedo suit; with black loafers. Bianca is wearing a pink-flower dress and black sandals. Bianca invites her boyfriend Joel inside her home; Bianca's mother greets her daughter and the love interest of her daughter)


(to Bianca) Hey darling Bianca... (faces to Joel) And you must be the man my daughter keeps telling me about...

(Bianca's mother and Joel shake hands)


(smiles; to Bianca's mother) All righty... Very nice to meet you... Please take a seat at the dining table... I'm making good old' scrambled eggs... Did Bianca ever tell you how much she loved them as a kid...


(Chuckles; to Bianca's mother) No she hasn't actually. (questions Bianca) You didn't tell me that babe...

(Bianca laughs)


(to Bianca) Sit at the dining room table... Show your man the way...



(5 mins later - Bianca's mother, Bianca & Joel sit by the dining room table. Bianca's mother serves her daughter; herself and Joel a serving of scrambled eggs. They start eating their scrambled eggs)


(questions Joel) So what did you do Joel.. What do you do for work before this big economic recession hit us...


(smiles; to Bianca's mother) Oh well I was a welder.. Before I (smacks table in frustation) Before I was put off...

(Joel realises his frustration; Bianca comforts Joel by rubbing his arm. Bianca's mother grows weary of Joel)


(comforts Joel) Hey... It's okay... it's...


(saddened; to Bianca's mother) Sorry... Since I've lost my job... I've been in a bad way...


(worried; to Joel) Yeah I understand... and I apologise for the emotional and economic harm it has caused you and my daughter... I'm not sure if you're aware or if Bianca has told you... Bianca was a hairdresser and barber... The whole package...

(Joel smiles; and nods his head)


(smiles; to Bianca's mother) Yeah Bianca has told me that... She's shaved my head once but now...

(Joel puts his hand on his head; stroking his growing hair. Bianca smiles at Joel)


(smiles; to mother) Yeah Mum... I need to cut his hair again...


(chuckles; to Bianca) Yes honey... you do...

(Joel burps. Bianca's mother becomes more weary of Joel; the room is surrounded by awkward silence for a minute)


(chuckles; to everyone) Sorry... (burps louder) EXCUSE ME...

(Joel chuckles; and resumes eating. Joel finishes; and looks at Bianca's mother)


(smiles; to Bianca's mother) Thank you mother of Bianca... I quite enjoyed it... Keep up that cooking...

(Joel coughs and stands up)


(whispers to Bianca) Honey... I'm going out for a smoke... Want one?


(smiles; to Joel) You bet babe... Let's go outside... (to Bianca's mother) Mum... Joel and I will be outside...

(Bianca's mother is shocked; by the learning of her daughter smoking)


(shocked; to BIANCA) You smoke... How long have you been smoking for? How long?


(Shocked; to mother) Mum... I'm 25 years old... if I want to smoke I can... I'm not a child... You can't tell me what to do...


(to Bianca) I know that... Can I please speak to you in private?

(Bianca looks at Joel; with an annoyed expression on her face)


(to Bianca) I'll be outside...

(Joel walks outside. Bianca talks to her worried mother)


(annoyed; to mother) What mother?


(concerned; to Bianca) I don't know if I like this man Joel... i don't think he's right for you... I sense trouble...


(Annoyed; to mother) Mum... DO NOT tell me who I can and can not be with... Okay... you know I hate that... So please don't do it...


(concerned; to Bianca) Bianca darling... I'm concerned...


(shouts to mother) MUM... I CHOOSE WHO I WANT TO BE WITH YOU. NOT YOU. You are so unwelcoming to my hottie boyfriend... I'M OUT...

(Bianca makes her way out. Bianca's mother begs her daughter to stay; and not leave)


(concerned; to Bianca) No please don't go... (begs Bianca) Bianca please.. Please don't go... I beg you... Don't go...

(Bianca continues walking out; ignoring her mother and screams at her)


(screams; to mother) I'M OUT... BYE... I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN...

(Bianca slams the door shut. Bianca's mother cries in fear of her daughter's wellbeing and safety around her new love JOEL. Minutes later; Joel drives himself and Bianca home)



(JOEL'S APARTMENT - messy, black-interior apartment. JOEL is shirtless; with a medium build; wearing green baggy pants and is barefoot - Joel is laying down and smoking a joint. Bianca lays beside Joel; with her head on Joel's barechest)


(smiles; to Bianca) You okay Bianca girl... you okay babe...


(smiles; to Joel) Only when I'm with you...

(Joel continues smoking the joint; and smiles in delight and taste)


(smiles; to Bianca) Be happy pretty... Be happy around me... I will make you happy...


(smiles; to Joel) Oh I know you make me happy babe. I know you do... I know...

(JOEL finishes his joint; and lays Bianca down flat on her back. Bianca grows excited; as Joel begins a kissing spree; and kisses her wildly. Bianca smiles in delight; and holds Joel's arms as he kisses her)


(chuckles; to Joel) Goodie... Goodie man... Goodie...


(chuckles; to Bianca) Is that my new name? I like that pretty woman...

(Joel continues kissing Bianca. Bianca kisses Joel for roughly 5 mins; holding his arms in the process. Joel laughs with fun; and let's go. Joel sits up on the side of the bed; Bianca sits up beside Joel; and strokes Joel's arm. Joel smiles in love)


(in love; to Joel) Damn babe... We need money... No money... This depression and economy we are in... it sucks... It really...

(Joel pulls Bianca's body close to him by the arm; Bianca hugs Joel)


(to Bianca) Yes it... it really sucks... Smoking is the only thing keeping me content... apart from you.. but we need to do something more...


(hugging Joel) Like what though... Like what...

(Joel laughs; Bianca looks at Joel)


(questions Joel) What... what's your plan??


(to Biance) They take away my job... My life... I'll take away their livelihoods. My partner in crime is you... Care to join me...


(smiles; to Joel) Yes... you bet... YOU BET BABE...

(Joel grows excited; and goes into a kissing spree yet again. Joel is upright upwards; kisses Bianca for 10 mins straight; they fall asleep minutes later. Joel sleeps on the blankets of the bed; Bianca sleeps under the blankets. Joel wakes up; and looks at Bianca; and kisses her on the lips)


(in love; to Bianca) Good morning baby girl... Good morning...

(Bianca wakes up. Joel continues kissing Bianca on the lips; Bianca smiles)


(smiles; to Joel) So what do we do today...

(Joel sits up on the bed)


(kisses Bianca) Rob and kill. That's what... Stay here... I'm gonna get weapons.. Stay here beautiful girl.. We have business to attend to...

(Joel kisses Bianca on the lips. Bianca smiles as she watches her shirtless boyfriend stand up. Joel gets changed in a blue shirt, black casual jeans; and white thongs)


(to Bianca) Okay darling girl... Your man... your beast will be back...


(romantically; to Joel) Can't wait... Don't be too long...


(smiles; to Bianca) I won't baby girl... Stay there...


(questions Joel) Where are you going honey bee? Where?


(to Bianca) To the gun store.. We must collect guns if we're gonna rob for money... How else are we going to babe?


(romantically; to Joel) Oh I know that but... But how are we going to get guns.. we've got no licence...


(to Bianca) Oh I'll have a licence... I'll forge one With a basic word processing platform and a printer.... EASY LEMON SQUEEZY. I will be back babe... just wait...

(Joel kisses Bianca one more time; then leaves the apartment. Bianca smiles at the romantic time she had with her boyfriend)



(Minutes later; Joel arrives at the CAPS ARSONRY by stealing a flashy red VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE; a place dedicated to the selling of firearms. DR. PETES the owner notices the young man Joel walk in the doors; looking at each firearm displayed on the wall mounts)


(greets Joel) Hello young man... Do you have a gun licence?


(to DR. PETE) Oh yeah I do... I do old man...

(Joel chuckles. DR. PETE is insulted. Joel walks to the cashier desk where DR. PETE is standing; and pulls a gun licence and presents it to DR. PETE; with which is an unknown fraud to DR. PETE. DR. Pete accepts the licence as legit; and allows Joel shopping for guns)


(questions Joel) Okay.. Is there any specific firearm you are looking for? Anything in particular. I've got shotguns, handguns, assault rifles, RPGS... anything in particular?


(to Dr. Pete) Something to use for the second amendment. Guns to protect yourself and such... you know..


(to Joel) Oh yes... Every family, and every person deserves the right to bear arms to protect them from immediate harm... Well a basic handgun will do...


(to DR. PETE) Oh yeah maybe... What about assault rifles? Perhaps I should...

(Joel attempts to pick up the assault rifle; DR. PETE grab Joel's other hand)


(to Joel) Sorry young man... No picking up the display.... Sorry...


(apologises to DR. PETE) Okay... Well I uh... Okay...


(to Joel) Like I said... A simple handgun will do...


(agrees with DR. PETE) Okay... I'll do that... I'll purchase two please... One for myself... and one for my girl... thanks....


(to Joel) Righto... please present to the counter.. and I'll process those transactions...

(Joel presents to the counter at CAPS Store)


(to Joel) I'd just like to check your gun licence again. For verification orders and requests... thanks...

(An annoyed Joel presents his identification card to DR. PETE once again. DR. PETE checks for verification - the forged gun licence is very well done; DR. PETE doesn't realise with the verification machine accepting the gun licence as legit)


(to Joel) All right... verified... Okay... the price is $400.00 total...

(Joel pays for the guns by card; the transaction is processed)


(to Joel) Thank you... Thank you for your service...

(Joel picks up one of the handguns; and looks at its features and design. Joel has never used a handgun in his life; and perpetrates lies to DR. PETE)


(to DR. PETE) So... I uh... I've never used a handgun before... I've used guns to go shoot rabbits with my father... But a handgun... I guess I use (points at trigger) This trigger... and...

(Dr. Pete becomes concerned over what Joel is about to do)


(concerned; to Joel) Ah... young man... don't... don't....


(to DR. PETE) and it should go like this...

(Joel pulls the trigger; and shoots DR. PETE in the shoulder. DR. PETE groans as he falls down on his bottom; and screams at Joel)


(to DR. PETE) YOU GODDAMN MANIAC. You goddamn... You armed it deliberately to shoot me... I'm calling...

(Joel becomes a maniac; and shoots DR. PETE again in the shoulder. DR. PETE screams in agony after being shot again; and grows even more furious. DR. PETE grabs his handgun; and shoots JOEL in the shoulder; Joel ducks and misses; DR. PETE calls the emergency alarm - directing contact and service to CAPS Police. DR. PETE attempts to shoot Joel again; but Joel shoots him first; two times in the chest. DR. PETE immediately dies)


(chuckles; to DR. PETE) Good riddens... Good bloody riddens. You talk too much shit anyway..

(Joel notices a large cardboard box beside the deceased DR. PETE. Joel immaturely and with great disrespect; steps on and over the deceased DR. PETE to access the cardboard box. JOEL then returns to the wall mounts of displayed guns; and puts three assault rifles; one sniper rifle; and one RPG gun in the cardboard box. Joel then chuckles at the deceased DR. PETE and runs to his stolen red VOLKSWAGEN Beetle; and puts the cardboard box of collected firearms; directly into the trunk of the car. Joel drives off back to his apartment)

(HOURS LATER - the CAPS POLICE DEPARTMENT arrive at the bloody and manslaughter scene. The lieutenant PARKER of the Police Department; analyses the scene and remains determined to catch the killer. Many of his junior officers analyse the scene; taking photographs)


(to Parker) Sir LIEUTENANT. How can any sane person do this to another human being?


(to JUNIOR OFFICER #1) Not everyone in the world is sane son... it's about time you understand that... Of all the crooks I've had to deal with... It can be a crazy world....

(Three senior officers front Parker regarding the situation)


(to Parker) LIEUTENANT Parker. Manslaughter case this is. Case File 4. Four manslaughter cases in a week. CAPS is becoming very unsafe for the elderly and young families...


(assures SENIOR OFFICER #1) We'll find the person responsible. Attain video and surveillance footage of the evidence. That'll help us uncover and solve the case; as well as acquire facial verification of the suspect involved..


(to PARKER) Will do LIEUTENANT. Will do...

(The crime scene investigation continues to be solved)



(Joel arrives home in his stolen red VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE with the stolen firearms directly inside the trunk of the car. Bianca notices her boyfriend Joel is home; by looking out the window. Bianca is wearing a purple one-piece tankini suit and is barefoot; and is amazed her boyfriend has stolen a flashy RED VOLKSWAGEN Beetle. Joel locks the car door; with the cardboard box of firearms in his hands; and enters the apartment. JOEL grows romantically as he sees his girlfriend in a tankini suit; and puts the cardboard box of firearms on his bed)


(romantically; to Bianca) Well aren't you sexy girl? Aren't you...

(Bianca watches as Joel slowly takes his shirt off)


(romantically) Oh sexy boy.. eh... What a sexy boy...

(Joel hugs Bianca; and brings her closer to his body as he talks to her about what had happened whilst he was away from her)


(questions JOEL) So what did my naughty boy steal from the firearm guys...


(to Bianca) Well the whole shop... (laughs) And I shot the little leader of the shop to...

(Bianca laughs sadistically. Joel bends down to cardboard box full of firearms; and pulls an assault rifle out and shows his girlfriend)


(to Bianca) Now this is an assault rifle... Imagine how big this bad boy will be... Bad and scary...

(Bianca laughs in suspense and sadistically. Joel laughs with her; and puts the assault rifle down)


(to Bianca) Righto... We go shooting tonight... But first babe... we go for that beautiful swim down CAPS Lagoon. Come with me BABY...

(Joel grabs Bianca closer; as they kiss passionately on the lips standing up)


(smiles; to Bianca) Are you having a good time baby girl? Yeah... yeah..

(Joel picks Bianca up; Bianca grows excited as Joel sits her on his back. Joel walks around in love; Bianca kisses her boyfriend on the forehead; Joel laughs in love and lays her down on the bed. Joel and Bianca passionately kiss on the bed for 5 mins straight. Bianca puts her hand on Joel's barechest)


(in love; to Joel) Let's go now babe... Lets's go swimming...

(JOEL smiles as he lifts Bianca up standing on the floor. JOEL takes his white thongs off; and changes into his grey swimming trunks; Bianca waits for her boyfriend outside; and is in awe of the flashy red VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE. Joel takes the cardboard box of firearms; outside and places them inside the trunk of the car. MEANWHILE - a female elder resident of the apartment complex notices the shirtless Joel outside; with his girlfriend beside him)


(to Bianca) You make sure he looks after you... I'm sure he will... Just look at his body...


(smiles; to Elder Resident) Oh hewill. My baby hot boy will...

(ELDER Resident smiles)


(to Joel) How much exercise you do man? You're buff.. are you trying to be a bodybuilder?

(Joel laughs)


(to Elder Resident) A lot... and yes... I want to be MR. UNIVERSE one day...


(smiles; to Joel) Keep trying son... and you will get there...

(Bianca starts to become envious of the elder female)


(annoyed; to Elder Resident) Okay... my boyfriend and I are going... Bye...

(The elder resident begins to develop feelings towards JOEL)


(smiles; to Joel) Bye buff man... Bye...

(Joel chuckles as he waves goodbye to the elder resident. Joel hops in the driver-seat; with Bianca in the front-passenger seat - Joel drives off)


(in love; to Joel) He's my kind of man...



(Joel is driving the fancy, elegant, VOLKSWAGEN BETTLE along the roads of the town of CAPS)


(annoyed; to Joel) Did that old woman ever shut up? Damn she was so... so goddamn annoying...

(Joel notices Bianca's jealously)


(to Bianca) Don't be jealous babe...


(annoyed; to Joel) She sure seemed to like you...


(annoyed; to Bianca) Bianca... You think I'm gonna fall for that old hag... That old, wretched, useless thing... Who knows... she may be the first one I kill...

(Bianca smiles in suspense and laughter; as she lovingly smacks Joel's side-body; Joel laughs. They are at the traffic lights; Joel grows impatient as the car is not moving forward; after the traffic lights signify green)



(Joel beeps the horn loudly. The car in front was on his phone; not watching the traffic lights; and quickly goes)


(annoyed; to CAR) Halle-fuckin-ula...

(Bianca laughs. Joel continues driving himself and Bianca to CAPS LAGOON)



(CAPS LAGOON - an elegant; pleasantly favoured blue lagoon along the coastal town of CAPS. Joel parks his red VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE along the car park of the swimming hole. Joel smiles as he looks at Bianca)


(smiles; to Bianca) Ready babe... Nice and quiet... Just you and me... What could go wrong?

(Joel takes his seatbelt off; and exits the car door. He walks to the door of the front passenger seat; and opens the door lovingly; whilst looking at his girlfriend)


(in love; to Bianca) It's time to hop out my beauty....

(Bianca laughs romantically)


(romantically; to Joel) I think you can help me out... That's a man's job...

(A romantic Joel takes the seatbelt off of Bianca; and lifts her up in his arms. Joel kisses Bianca romantically; as he locks the car door; taking his keys with him. Joel kisses Bianca as he walks towards CAPS LAGOON. Joel carefully puts Bianca down, standing. Bianca in love; hugs Joel; Joel hugs Bianca tightly. Bianca looks at the blue lagoon swimming hole; and smiles in delight)


(hugging Joel) The lagoon is most beautiful... It's stunning and beautiful... all at once...


(with love; to Bianca) Not as beautiful as you...

(Bianca stops hugging Joel; and kisses him on the lips. Joel loves Bianca passionately; and kisses her on the lips. Bianca lets go of Joel; and steps backwards)


(with love; to Joel) Come get me... Come get me... QUICK...

(Bianca screams in excitement as she dives into the lagoon and swims away from Joel. Joel dives into the lagoon; and lifts his head up out of the water. Bianca lifts her head up underwater; Joel quickly swims closer to her and grabs her. Bianca laughs with love)


(with love; to Bianca) I got you... (laughs) Nice and tight...

(Bianca smiles as Joel holds her tight)


(with love; to Bianca) You ain't going anywhere baby girl... You ain't...


(laughs; to Joel) You're so... You're such a funny man... Funny baby man...

(Bianca breaks free and laughs at Joel; then swims closer to him. Bianca and Joel kiss each other passionately on the river)


(smiles; to Joel) Love you honey boo...


(Kisses Bianca) Love you honey bee...

(Joel and Bianca continue kissing each other in the lagoon for 10 mins. SUDDENLY - Parker and his police department crew arrive at CAPS Lagoon. Parker instructs his police crew their tasks and responsibilities)


(to senior cops) All right seniors. Track the young gun-maniac down... Remember black hair, green eyes, medium build.. get him now...

(The senior police officers make their way to find, track, capture and arrest Joel. PARKER turns his attention to the junior officers)


(to junior cops) Now juniors... Take photographs like with the last scenario.

(MEANWHILE - Joel notices the police are after him; as he sees red/blue lights flashing near the lagoon)


(worried; to Bianca) Bianca... We have to go now... Quick...


(concerned; to Joel) Baby... Why... This lagoon is most spectacular and relaxing...


(annoyed; to Bianca) The cops are after me... after that incident at the gun store... Quick baby girl... Come on...

(Joel picks up Bianca from underwater; and tries his best to remain out of sight from the police officer's point of view. Joel and Bianca are completely drenched; Joel carries Bianca carefully to the VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE without being seen. Joel carefully puts Bianca down; Bianca hops into the front-passenger seat of the car. Joel hops into the driver seat; starts the engine. SUDDENLY - the senior officers notice the suspect JOEL)


(to senior officers) The red BEETLE. Get him...

(Joel pushes firm down on the accelerator; and drives off)


(to senior officers) He's going... One of you go after the suspect. Go...


(to SENIOR OFFICER #1) I will. Let the LIEUTENANT know ASAP. I'm gone..

(SENIOR OFFICER #2 makes his way to tailgate the flashy, stolen RED VOLKSWAGEN BETTLE; in an attempt to arrest JOEL for manslaughter. SENIOR OFFICER #1 reports to PARKER)


(to PARKER) LIEUTENANT. We have found the suspect. The suspect is running loose on the streets of CAPS. We've got one officer after him...


(to SENIOR OFFICER #1) Thanks for the report fellow officer. They won't get away just yet... That bastard will pay for the death of DR. PETE. He was a good friend of mine...



(On a busy highway - SENIOR OFFICER #2 tracks Joel's red VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE; and begins tailgating Joel. Joel becomes frustrated at being tailgated)


(frustrated; to SENIOR OFFICER #2) DAMN... DAMN... He's fuckin tailgating me... FUCK. FUCK. FUCK....


(to Joel) There's got to be a way... there's got to be a way we can get away...

(Bianca looks at the revision mirror; noticing the police car tailgating herself and Joel's car)


(instructs Joel) Drive off through the woods.. Like drive straight for miles; then all of a sudden take a sharp left... Like really sharp left at a quick speed. We will lose them for sure...

(Joel listens to Bianca's instructions; and drives top-speed at 120 miles an hour; SENIOR OFFICER #2 increases his driving speed to catch up to the suspect Joel. Joel accidentally crashes into a small hatchback; killing the driver and the car stops)


(screams in anger; to himself) FUCK... FUCK... FUCK... FUCK...


(comforts Joel) Drive off... Just drive off honey... Quick... before they catch us...

(JOEL drives top-speed again; and continues driving across the highway; driving on the opposite side of the road to lose the cop car. SENIOR OFFICER #2 manages to catch up; but misses the quick sharp-turn Joel takes to the middle of nowhere. SENIOR OFFICER #2 stops the car; and shouts with annoyance)


(angrily; to himself) DAMN... DAMN... DAMN... FUCKIN DAMN...

(SENIOR OFFICER #2's walkie-talkie activates with the voice of LIEUTENANT Parker)


(via WALKIE-TALKIE) All units... Follow en-route to this location... waypoint addressed to your maps now...

(SENIOR OFFICER #2 interrupts the transmission)


(via WALKIE-TALKIE) Don't bother... I lost him... Damn...


(via WALKIE-TALKIE) Damn... Don't worry... We will catch this bugger next time... He's not on the loose much longer...



(Bianca & Joel arrive at the small convenience store named CAPS STORE. The 22-year-old female cashier is at the front counter; awaiting for customers to purchase petrol and items. Joel and Bianca; completely drenched in the car; look at each other. They both laugh at their quick escape from the police)


(laughs; to Joel) Now that was... that was wild...

(Bianca & Joel continue to laugh at their wild escape. Bianca puts her hand on Joel's drenched barechest)


(laughs; to Joel) You are drenched babe. One wet puppy dog... (laughs)

(Joel laughs; and tilts to the side towards Bianca. Joel passionately kisses Bianca on the lips; Bianca holds Joel's arms tight. Joel stops minutes later)


(romantically; to Bianca) I am quite hungry BEE. I am...


(romantically; to Joel) Oh my big bad bear is hungry... I better feed him... I better feed him well...

(Bianca smiles as she strokes Joel's biceps)


(romantically; to Bianca) I better feed him... I better go in and feed my man...


(romantically; to Joel) We go in together... We rob... For money... we both got no money boo boo... Guns in the car... Two handguns.. That should do...

(Joel and Bianca hop out of the car; and make their way towards the trunk of the car. Joel opens the trunk of the car; and grabs two handguns. Joel refills the gun with bullets; and hands one handgun to Bianca)


(determined; to Bianca) Let's go baby girl... Let's rob this little puny store... With me...

(Joel holds Bianca's hand; as they enter inside the convenience store. The cashier notices Joel's shirtlessness; and points to the sign "NO SHIRT NO SERVICE." Joel laughs and ignores the sign; and looks at the items on stock to purchase)


(laughs; to cashier) Don't you want money girl... Don't you want money...

(The cashier remains pointing at the sign; and becomes nervous around Bianca)


(laughs; to cashier) You know you shouldn't discriminate... You know you shouldn't... Don't you love men with their shirts off?

(Bianca laughs at the cashier The cashier remains pointing at the sign of the "NO SHIRT NO SERVICE' sign.)


(laughs; to cashier) Whatever... whatever...

(Bianca makes her way to her shirtless boyfriend Joel. The cashier interrupts Joel)


(firm; to Bianca & Joel) You can not be served under our guidelines... leave now or I'm calling my father...


(laughs; to cashier) Oh go on darling... Your dear father will not stop us...


(determined; to Bianca) Oh he will. He is the store owner of this store...

(The manager walks out; the manager is an obese brown-haired man. He walks out; and notices Bianca & Joel being trouble to his daughter; and not respecting the store's rules)


(firm; to Bianca & Joel) All right you two... You're both being trouble... out... Get out of my store right now... I don't want your service...

(Bianca laughs at Joel)


(sadistic; to store owner) OH YOU WILL....

(Joel pulls a handgun out from his swimming trunks pocket)


(firm; to store owner) Oh you will LISTEN... And you will LISTEN NOW... NOW...

(Joel pulls the trigger at the roof of the convenience store. The cashier cries and screams; the store owner panics and protects his daughter by keeping her behind him. The store owner panics and gives in)


(scared; to Joel) Okay... Okay... I will listen... to whatever you want... Please don't hurt my daughter... Please don't...


(laughs; to store owner) That all depends if you listen mate... (yells) I ain't stuffing around... Listen you obese fuck...

(The store owner grows gradually scared)


(scared; to Joel) Okay... Okay... What do you want?

(Joel grows frustrated and impatient with the store owner; and shoots at the roof once again)


(scared; to Joel) Money... Okay money... Okay...


(frustrated; to Store Owner) Yes you dumb fuck... Hurry up... Too many burgers and coke have fired your brain cells. HURRY. NOW...


(Sadistic; to store owner) And we're taking food without paying... Deal with it...

(The store owner panics; and quickly unfills the cash register)


(Whispers to cashier) Sasha darling... Quick... Money bag in the cupboard...

(Sasha obeys her father; and cries in fear. She quickly makes her way to the cupboard; and pulls out a money bag. Sasha returns the money bag; and hands it to her father. The store owner quickly puts all the bank notes and coins into the money bag; and hands it to Joel. Joel takes the money bag of stolen cash with force; and looks at Bianca)


(to Bianca) Let's go babe...

(Bianca walks out - with stolen chips, hot meat pies, lollies, and other snacks. She walks out of the small convenience store; Joel and Bianca drive off minutes later. Sasha cries at her father; and hugs him)



(CAPS POLICE STATION - blue/white interior with divided rooms - instruction room, forensic labs room, evidence storage room, holding cells; interview rooms; cafe area; amenities area; workout gym)

(PARKER is working at his office; uncovering and trying to solve the case of "CASE 4 MANSLAUGHTER.' Suddenly; a phone call comes in Parker's office; Parker quickly answers the telephone. It is the store owner of CAPS STORE; reporting the robbery incident involving Bianca & Joel to the police)


(on phone) CAPS POLICE DEPARTMENT. LIEUTENANT Parker speaking...

(STORE OWNER speaks in a feared voice)


(on phone) Hello police... I'm here to report a crime... My store... my store has been robbed. By a crazy couple... They're crazy..


(on phone) I'm sorry sir for what has happened. I and my team will solve this crime right away. Please tell me what the suspect looked like....


(on phone) Okay... the suspect is... he was shirtless. Grayish sort of trunks; barefoot. And he was armed...

(STORE OWNER continues talking. Parker automatically knows the appearance of the suspect matches JOEL already. Parker interrupts the STORE OWNER on the phone)


(on phone) Sorry to interrupt. I think I may know the suspect...


(on phone) You know who I'm talking about...


(on phone) Yeah... I think I may do... he's wanted for another crime...


(on phone) Well yeah... My store has been robbed... My daughter is frightened as anything...


(on phone) I'm sorry this has happened to you... I'm undergoing this investigation as we speak. I suggest contacting your business insurance provider for reimbursement of the money... that's what I'd do in your situation...


(on phone) Yeah that's what I'm going to do... Let's hope those crazy two get captured and justice be served...


(determined; on phone) Oh we will find that crazy couple... and would you please send us video surveillance footage of the robbery please? That will help us undergo this investigation further; and find the suspect.


(on phone) Will do... Thanks for keeping us safe... and please keep safe for the betterment of this community... Bye...

(PARKER ends the phone call. PARKER looks at the papers and photographs of evidence on his desk; and becomes overwhelmed. A second later - video surveillance footage of the robbery is sent to the email address of LIEUTENANT PARKER. PARKER opens the email; and views the footage of the robbery incident at CAPS STORE. PARKER analyses the footage; and looks at the car plate of the red VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE; and tracks its past locations via satellite camera footage around the town of CAPS. He finds the address via surveillance footage with which where the car is being kept; and locates the address as 1 STURT STREET CAPS. Parker smiles as he finally captures and locates the location of JOEL's whereabouts)


(Determined; to himself) I found you you prick...

(PARKER remaining determined; stands up and exits his office; and heads to the instruction room of CPD. LIEUTENANT PARKER grabs the attention of his fellow junior and senior officers)


(to junior and senior officers) OFFICERS. Listen up. I'm holding a quick and most important meeting...

(All senior and junior officers make themselves seen at the meeting; attending and listening to all input and stats being addressed regarding "CASE 4 MANSLAUGHTER")


(to junior and senior officers) All right... all officers... I have input and data to share about the suspect of "CASE 4 MANSLAUGHTER." I had intel a few minutes ago that the suspect had robbed the small convenience CAPS STORE. I had watched the surveillance footage; and tracked his number plate to his whereabouts. His secret home safe house... Tomorrow morning... we're going to ambush him and his girlfriend...


(To PARKER) Will do sir... We'll be ready...


(determined; to junior and senior officers) Be ready as ever you will be... See you tomorrow morning. 6am sharp... Don't be late...

(The scene closes)



(Joel and Bianca are at their apartment; Bianca is standing up cutting and trimming Joel's hair with professional clippers; using her professional industry knowledge for the correct method of trimming Joel's hair. Joel and Bianca laugh at the robbery)


(laughs; to Bianca) Oh baby... We are... we are unstoppable we are... No one... and I mean no one can stop us...

(Joel and Bianca laugh sadistically)


(Chuckles; to Joel) No baby... Nothing can stop us... You are right about that...

(Bianca plays 'rock n roll' music live on the portable BLUETOOTH speaker. BIANCA and Joel jam out; and laugh sadistically)


(in love; to Bianca) Well Bianca bee... We've got one big bank robbery tomorrow. Let's show this town who's boss... Everyone will listen to us... EVERYONE..

(Bianca laughs sadistically with Joel)


(Sadistically; to Joel) Oh they will listen to us... They will...

(Bianca finishes cutting and trimming Joel's hair. Suddenly - Bianca's phone rings. She looks at her phone; and notices it's her mother ringing. Joel questions Bianca who is ringing)


(to Joel) Your hair is neatly finished and trimmed...


Thanks... (questions Bianca) Who's ringing babe? Who?


(annoyed; to Joel) Mother... Worried little bitch... Let me answer and abuse her over the phone...

(Joel giggles. Bianca picks up her phone; and answers the phone call; sitting on a stool beside Joel. Joel grabs Bianca's hand and sits it at his barechest; and then kisses it. Bianca smiles at Joel; and starts talking to her mother. Bianca's mother is concerned within her daughter's safety around Joel)


(on phone) Yes mother...


(on phone) Darling Bianca... you haven't been answering my phone calls.. What's going on?

(Bianca becomes annoying with her mother's concern over her safety. Joel moves his stool closer; and hugs Joel; warming her up with his body strength. Bianca smiles at the warmth of Joel's skin)


(on phone) Mother seriously... Seriously... I'm fine... I'm...

(Bianca's mother grows annoyed with her daughter; and wishes her daughter not to be around Joel - after hearing the news of the police wanting his capture)


(on phone) BIANCA. This man you are with... He's wanted... And I bet you're involved... I didn't raise you to be a criminal.. neither did your father... STOP being with that Joel... End the relationship...

(Bianca's mother's plea angers Bianca)


(Shouts on phone) How dare you tell me who I can be with... FUCK OFF MOTHER... FUCK OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT...

(Bianca's mother grows concerned over her strained relationship with her daughter)


(on phone) Bianca... I'm just... I'm just...

(Bianca angrily ends the phone call... Joel continues hugging Bianca with his strength; Bianca smiles)


(in love; to Joel) How's my big warm bear going?


(romantically; to Bianca) Kissing time... I want to... kiss...

(Joel grows excited; and picks up Bianca. Bianca grows excited as Joel lays her down on the bed; Bianca grabs Joel's arms as Joel stands upright; kissing Bianca)


(kissingJoel) Good man... Good... Good... Keep going baby...

(Joel continues kissing Bianca with his strength. Bianca and Joel are in deep passionate love)


(in love; to Bianca) Fuckin beautiful woman... So fuckin... (kisses Bianca) Beautiful...

(Bianca beats Joel's chest and laughs. Joel laughs at the beating; and continues kissing Bianca for 10 minutes straight. Bianca smiles; Joel falls to the side of the bed; tilting to the side; looking at Bianca)


(smiles; to Joel) Hey... Hey...

(Joel lifts a stand of Bianca's hair down her cheek; overlapping her ear. Bianca kisses Joel)


(in love; to Joel) Okay... bank robbery tomorrow... We are gonna be rich fucks tomorrow...


(in love; to Bianca) You bet babe... You bet baby girl...

(Joel and Bianca kiss on the bed; Joel wraps his body around Bianca and kisses Bianca; keeping her warm with his body heat. Bianca smiles in love; keeping warm under Joel's skin. Minutes later; they fall asleep. THE NEXT MORNING - Joel wakes up; kissing Bianca awake. Bianca smiles as she sees her shirtless boyfriend kissing her)


(Smiles; to Joel) Well good morning my big bear...


(in love; to Bianca) Good morning Miss Bianca... baby girl...

(Joel kisses Bianca; and rolls backwards off the bed; landing on his back on the floor; then stands up; Bianca smiles in love. Joel grabs an assault rifle from the cardbox box of firearms; and attaches it to a holding strap. Joel puts the strap on himself; and is fully armed)


(in love; to Joel) Watch out for my big bad boy in town...


(laughs; to Bianca) No one better hurt my beautiful girl... Or... shoot shoot...

(Bianca laughs in love)


(to Bianca) Get up honey bee. We've got a bank to rob...


(smiles; to Joel) Okay... Okay...

(MINUTES LATER - Bianca changes into a green tank top and black jeans; fitted with black sandals. Joel remains shirtless; with blue jeans; and is barefoot)


(smiles; to Bianca) You ready to go..


(in love; to Joel) You ready to go shirtless...

(Joel smiles in love; and nods his head at Bianca. Joel hugs Bianca; Bianca feels the warmth of Joel's skin yet again)


(hugging Joel) You're so warm... You're so warm babe...

(Joel stops hugging Bianca)


(in love; to Bianca) I'll warm you up later once we rob this bank... Let's go gorgeous....

(Bianca smiles as she walks out the front door with her boyfriend JOEL. The female elder resident notices Bianca all armed up with an assault rifle; attached via strap. The elder resident remains spooked and scared of Joel)


(spooked; to Joel) Woah... woah young man... Why are you armed for?


(to Bianca) Ignore her babygirl...


(to Joel) Okay babe... I will...


(spooked; to Joel) I thought... I thought you were a good man... I was wrong... You monster...

(Joel becomes angry; and his chest breathes heavily and is about to lose his mind. Bianca walks towards Joel; to comfort him by putting her hand on Joel's barechest)


(worried; to ELDER RESIDENT) You're making my man angry... Leave my man alone...

(ELDER RESIDENT yells at Joel; afraid of him)


(yells at Joel) You bad devil man... YOU....

(JOEL loses his mind and becomes frustrated and futile - shooting the elder woman with the assault rifle.... Joel screams in fury... the elder resident dies instantly; falling on her back. Bianca puts her hand back on Joel's barechest; as Joel becomes ape-like crazy)


(comforts Joel) It's okay babe... It's okay... I'm here...

(Joel hugs Bianca. Joel is tense; trying to calm down)


(tense; hugging Bianca) That old woman... MADE ME... FUCKIN ANGRY.. FUCKIN...

(Bianca continues hugging Joel; and taps him on the back; comforting him)


(comforts Joel) It's okay... It's okay... Let's head to this bank...

(JOEL agrees and nods his head; exiting the hug)


(tense; to Bianca) Let's go baby girl...

(Joel and Bianca hop into the red flashing VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE. Joel drives off to the bank. MINUTES LATER - the police cars arrive at the location of Joel's apartment to ambush him and Bianca. Senior officers prepare to move in; and kick the door open. None of the senior officers notice and can not see Joel or Bianca in their sights)


(to PARKER) Not here... They're not here LIEUTENANT.


(annoyed; to himself) FUCK... FUCK. Smart fucks they are... DAMN...

(JUNIOR OFFICER #1 directs LIEUTENANT PARKER's attention to the dead and deceased elder lady)


(to Parker) Uh LIEUTENANT... looks like another person the suspect killed...

(PARKER notices the gun wound on the elder lady's forehead; and is spooked by the gunshot wound)


(spooked; to JUNIOR OFFICER #1) God... sickly... Those two couple are just bloody crazy if you ask me... Damn... These bastards are going to be stopped; and are going to rot in a cell. Away from each other...

(SUDDENLY - a witness from opposite Joel's apartment witnessed the death of the elder resident from inside via his window. He makes his way to the police; and is very spooked by the incidennt)


(timid; to PARKER) Sorry sir... um policeman. I saw the shooting from inside my home via my window.... I heard the young man speak loudly to his girl that they were on their way to the bank... probably to rob it... I'm not sure...


(To WITNESS) Damn... thanks for letting me know witness... and I'm sorry you heard this happened... Report to the CPD about the incident; we're going to need much clientele information for the investigation of the ongoing crimes these two continue to commit... Thank you...


(to Parker) I will report to CPD.


(to Witness) All right good... (to senior officers) All right... all senior officers and myself will go after the crazy two (to junior officers) My juniors. Take further notes from the suspect; and take photographs for photographic evidence... and organise the dead body to be taken to the morgue. This bastard couple are going to pay...


(to PARKER) I wish you good luck and a safe public duty for arresting that crazy couple... Thanks for keeping us safe...


(assures WITNESS) No worries. Have a safe day...

(The scene ends)



(CAPS BANK - green/white interior; divided in four sections - DAILY BANKING AREA, BUSINESS BANKING DEPARTMENT, LOAN SERVICING DEPARTMENT, INVESTING DEPARTMENT. JOEL & BIANCA arrive at CAPS BANK - Joel parks the car and smiles at Bianca)


(smiles; to BIANCA) You ready babe...


(Excited; to Joel) You bet babe... You bet... Let's do this thing...


(Smiles; to Bianca) Let's go honey bee..

(Joel exits the car; fully armed; and closes the door. Joel makes his way to the front-passenger door of the car; Bianca undos her seatbelt; Joel helps her out by the hand)


(In love; to Joel) Thanks handsome... Thank you...

(Bianca follows her shirtless, armed boyfriend to the entrance of the bank. A security officer notices the armed JOEL with his accomplice BIANCA. The security officer arms himself with a pistol)


(Shouts to Joel) Hey... Hey stop right there.. right now... FREEZE. I'm calling the...

(JOEL sadistically shoots the security officer. The security officer groans as he falls; and collapses; and then dies. Bianca looks at Joel; they both laughs sadistically)


(laughs; to Bianca) Rob that bank.. here we come... Bianca & Joel...

(Bianca continues to laugh sadistically with Joel. Bianca and Joel enter the bank minutes later; the bank tellers look stunned)


(scared; to JOEL) No... no... What do you want? What do you want?


(to BANK TELLER) Money you stupid fuck... RIGHT NOW...

(Joel aims his assault rifle gun at the BANK TELLER. The BANK TELLER screams in fear; and obeys Joel out of fear)


(sadistic; to BANK TELLER) You better listen to my man.. You better listen to him right now...


(firm; to BANK TELLER) Open the VAULT you FUCK. Now...

(The BANK MANAGER enters the scene; and tries to be a hero; avoiding the bank being robbed by a thug couple)


(shouts to Joel & Bianca) Get out of my bank you THUG COUPLE. Get out now...

(JOEL grows impatient with the BANK MANAGER and shoots the ceiling with the assault rifle. The BANK MANAGER listens to JOEL in fear)


(scared; to JOEL) All right.. all right... I'll listen... Please don't hurt my staff or me... Please.. I will... I will open the vault... follow me...

(THE BANK MANAGER guides JOEL & Bianca to the vault room. THE BANK MANAGER unlocks all four vaults. All four vault doors open; Joel and Bianca run to each vault to collect and steal much money as possible with a money bag. THE BANK MANAGER is in fear)


(begs Bianca & Joel) Please you young people... I know times are tough... but this isn't the way... Yes the economy is in a bad shape but it's not permanent. We can all get out of this without violence... Please.. reconsider your actions...

(JOEL looks annoyed; turns his head; and shoots the BANK MANAGER in the stomach. The BANK MANAGER falls and dies)


(annoyed; to BANK MANAGER) FUCKIN shut up you piece of shit... GODDAMN man...

(Bianca laughs sadistically with Joel. Bianca & Joel collect as much stolen money as they possibly can in their money bags; and prepare to run. They exit CAPS BANK together; the bank tellers scream in fear. Outside of the BANK - Parker and the senior police officers have JOEL & Bianca in their sights; JOEL & Bianca prepare to run to their car. Joel carries Bianca to the car; avoiding himself and her being shot at the same time. Joel jumps into the car; missing and dodging the bullets. Inside the car - A criminally insane Joel grabs his assault rifle from his bare back; and aims it at PARKER; shooting Parker directly at the kneecap. PARKER groans as his kneecap bleeds heavily. Joel sadistically smiles at his shot)


(Sadistically; to JOEL) Yes... Yes...


(Annoyed; to himself) SHIT... He's got a good eye.. (to senior officers) GET HIM OR HER... GET THEM BOTH...

(Joel laughs)


(laughs with Joel) Let's send them on a wild chase...

(Joel laughs with BIANCA, and they drive off on the stolen red flashy VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE)



(Joel continues to drive the flashy red VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE away from the cops and LIEUTENANT PARKER; avoiding capture. Bianca screams in excitement)


(excited; to Joel) Let's go... Let's ride crazy...

(Joel laughs with Bianca; as Joel deliberately crashes his car into others - killing two drivers in the process. Car horns go off signalling death and destruction to the vehicle. Parker speaks loudly in a teleprompter with the driver-car window down)


(firm; to Joel) Stop your vehicle as soon as possible... Stop right now...

(Joel laughs with Bianca; and stops the car)


(jokes with Joel) What... you think we're gonna listen to those punks... Let's keep going...

(Joel continues to laugh with Bianca. Joel drives the red VOLKSWAGEN beetle at top speeds; Parker uses his great shooting eye; and shoots the tyres with a sniper rifle. The car drags and stops. Joel grows frustrated)


(frustrated; to himself) FUCK... FUCK... FUCK...

(Parker begins shooting the car; attempting to shoot both of the ludicrous criminals; Joel & Bianca. Joel quickly wraps his body around his beloved girlfriend Bianca)


(scared; to Bianca) Forever and always... I will always love you Bianca.. Never forget that...


(scared; to Joel) Forever to the end babe... Forever...

(Bianca & Joel hug each other. Joel gets shot on the back shoulders twice; and screams in agony. Bianca screams in worry of her boyfriend's safety. Joel gets shot in the back one more time; and collapses; and dies. Bianca screams in guilt, fear and grief. Bianca pulls out a massive assault rifle; and starts shooting the senior officers; and Parker. Three senior officers fall down and die; SENIOR OFFICER #2 manages to shoot Bianca in the heart. She collapses and dies; the red flashy VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE is completely riddled with bullets)


(to SENIOR OFFICER #2) Are the two psychos dead?


(to Parker) Yes sir... Yes... They are dead. The psycho couple are as dead as anything...

(Parker approaches the crime scene of the red VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE - with which the dead Bianca & Joel lay dead. Parker is shocked and both relieved)


(to SENIOR OFFICER #2) All right... These two are dead. Get the others to set up a crime scene. The past history of these two will be looked into...

(Parker opens the car door; the deceased shirtless Joel's arms fall beneath the door. Parker lifts the deceased arms of Joel's up; and sits the deceased Joel up. Parker searches the riddled-bullet car for firearms; and notices the cardboard box full of firearms inside the trunk of the car. Parker pulls the cardboard box of weapons outside of the car; and notices a piece of paper enclosed within the cardboard box. PARKER opens the letter in Bianca's writing stating - "I love you my dear Joel. We will rob these people in this town forever. We will die forever. Forget the story of other heroes and martyrs, remember this story of BIANCA & JOEL.")

(Parker gives the cardboard box of weapons to SENIOR OFFICER #2 minutes later; to take to CPD for criminal investigations)


(to deceased Joel & Bianca) Good riddance crazy two...



(Joel and Bianca were both cremated at CAPS Cemetery; the riddled car went into the dumphouse. The money stolen and robbed from the till of CAPS STORE was reimbursed via business insurance)

Bianca's mother was both disgusted and hurt; that her daughter was around a smoke, gun-induced criminal; where they both robbed banks and killed people to make a living. Bianca's mother died of a heart attack; deeply hurt and in grief of both her daughter's actions; and her daughter's death. The economic recession grew worse; many people starved to death with the inability to access money to buy food for daily consumption. A war between the rich and poor started; ten years of the war ended in misery. One year later; the economic recession failed; the economy was strong and recovering; there was plenty of work)
