
Beyonders of the world

What do you think when you get reincarnated in novel or game that you love?. It's a frequently asked question to people in my world. Life there may be beautiful like fairy tales. Live as a hero and save the world. Isn't that amazing. many say that living in the stories we love is better than living in the real world. It's a wonderfull place to run from reality itself. It must be thrilling isn't it. Or maybe you will get exited, maybe disappointing. Who knows. Ivo Graham wakes up in the world of 'Destiny' he has been playing for 10 years. In a world ruled by the strongest, a world full of unknown undercurrents. Regressors who want to save the world, transmigrators who want to return to their world, and reincarnators who compete to be the best in this world. Stuck between all of them. Ivo Graham set a resolution in his heart. In a new world, beyond what known and unknown. I Will survive according to my will. *** i will trying to update 3 chapter/week maybe 4 if i have time. I really appreciate the support you all gave to me. if you have time, and like the story that i wrote, please leave a comment. it will make me to wrote more in this novel. Thank you to all of you who read this. i hope you enjoy it

Daydreaming_cat · ファンタジー
70 Chs


"Master, are you sure the plan you described earlier will work? If I go along with what you're saying, I'm not sure that this plan will work."

"The success rate is 70%. You underestimate White Snow Academy too much." Ivo handed over the small storage bag he had gotten from Hazel. All the items there have been taken and moved into the bracelet. Leaving the items Davis might need.

"The rest is up to you. Either you succeed or fail in carrying it out. You must live. Death is not allowed." Ivo emphasized to him. He's very serious about this.

"Even if you are going to die, I will not allow it. Live to the end. Survive even if you are now a believer in the religion of death. Even when death is chasing you, you must live. Don't let what we talked about today get out."

This was the first command he gave. Ivo left him alone in the cave. The last words rang in his ears. "See you soon The Lost One."

"Yes, Master." Davis knelt on the ground until Ivo's sight left his sight. Only he himself was left in the cave.

The Lost Ones. It was the identity given by his master. He needed a new identity to carry out the tasks he was given because the name Davis Hover was impossible to use.

A smile formed on his face. It was strange for him to feel happy just because of a new identity given to him by his master. For him, a smile is a rare thing for him.

Emotions such as happiness and pleasure had never been felt since living in the Hover family. "It doesn't look bad. Maybe this kind of feeling will appear more frequently in the future."

Whether it was the effect of the Compliance contract or not, he had realized one thing. He has changed.

Davis got up and took out a pumpkin bottle in his hand. A dangerous symbol can be seen in the bottle.

"Today, Davis Hover has died. Leaving behind a servant by the name of The Lost One."

He splashed all the liquid from the bottle all over his face. His originally quite handsome face slowly blistered and eroded the flesh on his face. The eyeball that was originally black like obsidian has now been destroyed.

Most of his face left only a skull with red flesh that slowly decayed. Only one eye was still intact and the other one had been crushed giving the people who saw it a look of horror.

Even so, his views have not changed, perhaps even for the better. His body still functions like a normal human.

There was neither expression nor pain that he felt, his current body was not that of an ordinary human. No moans of pain or groans came out of his mouth.

After performing the ritual of seeking death, his body was no longer that of an ordinary human. The pain was not something to worry about for the death seekers in the Court of Death.

Even if Ivo was torturing him like before, With his current state right now, he wouldn't make the slightest sound. This is an advantage as well as a disadvantage.

"I have to get used to this and have to be careful." He checked his whole body. His master's warning appeared in his mind.

When you receive the Death Energy, you will never feel pain again except with certain methods. Be careful, as much as this brings you an advantage, you'll be easier to kill.

This is the cost of being one of the seekers of death through the ritual you underwent earlier.

"I will always remember it, master." He said it while crushing the hand that had been damaged earlier.

The death energy slowly enveloped his body and formed a grayish-black robe. Even though it was thin, this was enough for him to cover his entire body.

It's time to move.


Ivo took a leisurely stroll along the forest path. Even though this place was very remote, it didn't mean White Snow Academy didn't touch this place. They sometimes build several places so that they are suitable for fighting.

"Hmm? It seems Argon has returned to spying on me." Ivo muttered silently. His gaze didn't change as if he didn't sense anything. He couldn't reveal that he had 'Perfect mana sense' before he could protect himself.

His mana sense was so sensitive in sensing changes in mana in nature that he had to always be careful in his actions so the secrets he has will not be discovered.

'Distortion body can only protect me from the use of investigative-type skills or talents directed at me but cannot hide from the resulting effects. Maybe not now.' Ivo looked up at the blue sky which was slowly filling with gray clouds.

This scene was exactly what he remembered. He had witnessed this scene so many times that he was used to it.

"Soon. It will start in a moment."

In the depths of his heart, if he could he wished that the events that would happen in the future would not happen. Even though he had thrown away these thoughts when he started from White Snow Academy while playing 'Destiny' this feeling came back to his heart.

Not because he was afraid. Nor did he feel any concern or pity about the other people who would die in the future. Death is a common thing in this world.

Maybe because previously he was just a player who could repeat himself when he failed or died. Every time he failed, he just had to press the restart button and start again from the beginning.

But this moment, was where he lived. Live in a world full of conflict and fight. He was no longer a player who played games as an escape from the real world.

He currently lives in this world. Even though he carried an identity from his old world, Ivo couldn't deny that he had lived in this new world.

Moreover, this is not a world that will be kind to you. One wrong step will lead him to his death.

As if ridiculing his thoughts, 2 marker lights shone brightly toward the sky. Ivo shook his head helplessly. Not a single thing had changed from his memory. At least for now.

"What am I hoping for. Only strength can make me survive in this world."

He took out his sword and disappeared from his spot.


20 minutes before the lights were turned on, Raven and Rachel were running through a very dense forest. The two met by accident when Rachel gave vent to her anger and tried desperately to catch up to the top 100 rankings.

The two are currently forming a team together. Even without Neilson, Almost none of the participants dared to go against them

"Raven, where are we going now?" Rachel asked enthusiastically. From the moment she met him, earning points was a breeze.

Raven didn't answer. He looked around him carefully. His eyes glowed a golden color before returning to how they were before. A cold gaze filled with loathing could be seen from him. As if he was ready to kill someone.

'He's there. If I succeed, with what's to come next I'll have an easier time getting the support of White Snow Academy.'

Rachel asked back anxiously. "Ravens. Are you okay?"

'What happened to you.' Rachel felt worried for Raven. Ever since he and Bernard lurk met in the hall, Raven gave off a different feeling than usual.

"No. I am alright. You focus on getting even higher points. The more the better." Raven said that while showing a smile as if saying there was nothing to worry about.

His hand formed a golden colored magic circle. The magic that was used slowly erased his body along with the sunlight remaining in the sky.

Before disappearing, he shifted his gaze to Rachel. "I will go first. Take care of yourself."

Rachel just looked at the place where Raven had disappeared. She didn't move one bit. Her gaze shifted to the direction Raven was looking at earlier.

There is only a dense green forest covering the view. Nothing could be seen from her eyes. She wasn't someone with an Investigation-type talent nor any powers or magic in the investigative field.

When compared to Raven who mastered swordsmanship and magic. She simply has no equal.

She was a pure mana fighter who specialized in spear techniques. Even her mana training techniques were focused on improving his spear skills.

She didn't know what burden Raven was carrying so he often forced himself. But she still wanted to help him. At least the burden he has will be reduced a little. That's what she thought.

"Sorry, Raven. But I can't go on like this. Shut up and just accept the word that you're okay." she took a step to follow the direction of Raven gaze earlier.

I don't want to be left alone and watch you suffer in a lonely place without anyone knowing.

I want to be someone you can lean on and someone you can rely on.

Therefore forgive me for this selfish act of mine.