
Beyond Your Eyes

There is an old classic saying, in which our eyes are the window to our soul. Our deepest fears and desires hide within them. For Celeste D’Angelo, she is someone others would consider to be very blessed. As the only child to a vastly wealthy family whose power and influence knows no bounds, nothing stands in her way. With her serene personality she adored by her friends and is even considered among her peers as a glamorous classic doll. But despite that, internally Celeste has her own struggles, desires, and fears that if someone paid just a little more attention - they might mock and be cruel to her. On the surface nothing fazes or bothers her, but as one gets deeper and deeper into her skin a different story is told. Dean Cortez is a man who is a human hurricane. Also hailing from a wealthy family, Dean takes life by the reins and drives off leaving a disaster in his wake. Crass and wild, much like a wild mustang, he is a force that can’t be stopped. For Dean he indulges in doing whatever, whoever, and whenever. Embodying everything people expect from a rich kid especially one of equal status to the Cortez Family. But everyone has secrets, and though everyone gets close to him, no one sees the secrets he hides beyond his eyes and deep in his heart. Through some circumstances the pair end up together, and while they are vastly different from one another, their defining traits perfectly balance them out like Yin and Yang. Follow along to see how they navigate their mid-twenties, familial and societal pressures, the secrets they carry, and their growing affection for one another. authors note: This is my first kind of slice of life novel! I appreciate any feedback and I hope you enjoy! The artwork is courtesy of Claudia Wilson via Canva

jklena · 都市
174 Chs

Chapter 146 - Like Father Like Son

I don't think the mother thought I would do that as she immediately got red in the face and started stammering. Her daughter froze and looked at me wide eyed. Clearly her mother hyped her up so she did not anticipate a no right away.

I expected some type of reaction but they just stood there like sitting ducks. No words could even formulate out of their mouths. I was not sure what exactly happened as I could bet I was not the first person to call them out that way.

I just rolled my eyes and moved away from the mess. Not one person stopped me as I made my way into the backyard to sit on the swing. 

I heard some commotion inside and then finally the two women were cast away. I did not get how this family could have deadly connections and yet anyone can walk in and make a scene. It felt all kinds of odd and strange. I stayed outside just drinking my water when my grandmother Carla came out to apparently look for me.

"Tu abuelo te está buscando. Él te quiere en su estudio." <Your grandfather is looking for you. He wants you in his study.> 'Oh great.' I was reluctant to get up but I would rather get this circus over with. So I got up and followed her into the study.

The old mans study was down many long and winding hallways in the house. It was not easy to get to and that was done purposefully. It kept people who did not need to be there out and anyone who wished to see him had to be accompanied by my grandmother Carla as she knew the shortcuts.

But she did not take any shortcuts and had me walk the long version to get there. It became clear as to why when she began her interrogation once we were away from most of the family. "Entonces he estado escuchando que te has limpiado." < So I have been hearing you have cleaned yourself up. > 

"¿Y que? " < So what? > She did not look offended. Rather she looked very pleased. "Estoy encantado de verte finalmente crecer. " < I am just glad to see you finally grow up. > She patted my back in pride. "Hmmm."

She did not speak up again until we made it to my grandfathers study. She opened the door and let me inside. The old man was looking at some files on his desk and for a split second I worried about it being about Celeste but thankfully it was just some old files. 

"Por favor sientate." < Please sit. > He gestured out to the free chairs in his office so I sat on the arm rest. Hoping my defiance gleamed a bit. "Mi nieto. Has cambiado desde la última vez que te vimos. < My grandson. You have changed since we have last seen you. > His voice sounded more aged than before.

It made me a bit sad but that was life. "Me pusiste a prueba." < You tested me. > It was neither a question nor an accusation. It was a statement. His eyebrows now white from age picked in interest before laughing a dry laugh. "Tu intuición nunca te ha fallado." < Your intuition has never failed you. >

It helped that my dad told me they plotted something. At first the story of Gloria coming to the house sounded plausible but when she came back despite being 'kicked out' told me something was not right.

Sitting outside away from everyone also gave me time to think. And the fact that no one even attempted to speak up also was a major red flag. It made me furious that everyone except my parents and my abuelita who joined us knew about it. Even my favorite cousin.

"Quería arreglar un matrimonio para ti. Pensamos que una mujer te calmaría porque sé lo inteligente y capaz que eres cuando te lo propones y te lo tomas en serio." < I wanted to arrange a marriage for you. We thought a woman would calm you down because I know how smart and capable you are when you set your mind to it and take it seriously. >

My temper was my biggest flaw. So despite wanting to give him a piece of my mind, I just let the anger roll inside me. There was a tray with hard liquor and he poured himself a glass before offering one to me. I just declined and held up my bottle despite it not having any alcohol in it. Still to angry to even want to voice out anything.

"Esa mujer y su hija nunca fueron candidatas como material matrimonial para ti. Sin embargo, quería ver si los rumores sobre tu cambio de hábitos eran ciertos. Las mujeres con las que te habías asociado antes eran como ellas, pero lo rechazaste de inmediato y, aunque la oportunidad de desafiarme estaba ahí, hiciste lo correcto. Incluso trataste de arreglar el estado de ánimo de los demás, algo que nunca haces."

< That woman and her daughter were never contenders as marriage material for you. However, I wanted to see if the rumors were true about your changed habits. The women you have associated with before were like them but you rejected it right away and even though the opportunity to defy me was there you did what was right. You even tried to fix the mood for others which you never do. >

I just stared stony face and prayed my anger did not go through. I have only been here one day and I already was facing this crap.

He sat down in a heavy plop but his eyes gleamed with pride and happiness. "Alguien te está domesticando. No sé quién ni por qué, pero me alegro de que lo sean." < Someone is taming you. I don't know who nor why but I am glad they are. >

An idea popped into my head at that very moment. One that if I played it correctly would greenlight the very wishes I wanted from this family. "Una mujer me está domesticando. Ella es alguien tan especial que no podría imaginar la vida sin ella. Si pidiera la mano de mi mujer en matrimonio. ¿Me negarás?" < A woman is taming me. She is someone so special that I could not imagine life without her. If I asked for my woman's hand in marriage. Will you deny me? >

Both grandparents seemed shocked at my statement. But in their joy they fell right into my hands. "Si eso significa que continúas con tu buen comportamiento. Bendeciría el matrimonio hoy." < If it means you continue your good behavior. I would bless the marriage today. >

I got out a sheet of paper and wrote up a contract. "Dejemos esto por escrito. No quiero que me quites esto. " < Let's get this in writing. I do not want you taking this from me. > The old man hesitated but then signed it. I also had my grandmother sign it. 

I thought he would be more suspicious but he just laughed heartily this time. "De tal palo tal astilla. Espero conocerla pronto." < Like father like son. I expect to meet her soon. > 

new chapter!

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