
Beyond The Unknowns

Isolated from the outer world there lied a village hidden deep in the mountains inhabited by bunch of ignorant people. Among those people there lived a young boy who's different from the rest. Because of his unique way of thinking and curious nature he felt suffocated to live among the bunch of ignorant sheep like people. Unable to suppress his feelings and curiosity he sets out on an adventure to find his answers. Guided by the stars and the nature he sets out on an journey to satiate his curiosity. Thus leaving the village and his family where he lived since his birth. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the unknown he encountered terrible fate during his journey which cost him his life. Favoured by luck and fortune he wakes up and finds himself in the body of a young Demi-human and in a completely different world. In a world filled with different species he continues his exploration while overcoming various hardships. Solving the mysteries of the new world along his journey the mystery behind his transmigration puzzles him when he found out about the existence of the fragments of the previous owner of the body inside him. 'Why can't l remember anything after I pass out? Why do I find myself in different place and in different situation every time I pass out?' Unaware of his other personality he questions. Every time after passing out his another personality takes over his body. Fighting like a battle maniac and acting like a bloodthirsty monster he craves for blood. Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his dual nature? Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his transmigration? What kind of encounter will he encounter in the unknown world?

Bloom07 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

who are you??

"But how did the babylonian people die? Did something caused it or was it all natural?"

Zan blurted out with curiosity.

"I don't have any idea. But what I'm sure of is that, irrespective of the reason behind the demise of babylon, whatever caused it, is truly unfathomable to any mankind. It's way complicated than what anybody could think of."

Herman frowned and replied.

Along the way Zan and Fey asked several questions to herman, who was leading them to his laboratory. As they kept on marching forward, they passed by several tattered structures what seemed to be like the remains of the ruins of the Babylon.

Roaming around the city of Babylon felt like walking inside a dungeon filled with skeletons.

The skeletons of babylonian people were scattered all around the place. Even when the flesh had rotten away and only the bones remained, the bones somehow never disintegrated. The sight of the centuries old skeleton horrified them.

"Herman didn't you say that babylon was an ancient city? Then why have this bones not decayed yet?"

While trying to avoid the skeletons as much as he can and maintaining a certain distance from the skeletons, Zan questioned Herman.

"Indeed it was believed that babylon had existed around few thousand years ago in the past. And practically speaking, this bones should have decayed a long ago. But somehow no matter what you try, it doesn't decay. It's as if someone had placed a curse on the babylon and is deliberately trying to preserve the bones of babylonian to set an example out of it."

Herman spoke as if he knew something but was unwilling to unveil it.

Upon hearing the words of Herman, a chill ran down in both Zan and Fey's body and they started to shiver. Their feets got cold and the light in their face faded away. Herman who has been mumbling all by himself stopped and looked back, and found them with horrified look on their face.

"Come on I didn't mean to scare you guys. I just wanted to warn you guys about the abnormalities surrounding this place. So don't worry too much. Just because the bones won't decay doesn't mean that it'll start moving all of a sudden hahah....."

He let out a cheerful laugh and joked about skeletons returning to life.

Herman misinterpreted the gloomy look on the faces of Zan and Fey. While still thinking that they were scared because of what he had said, he failed to realise the imminent danger that was approaching him stealthily and steadily.

[Krr... Krr... Krr...Grr... Grr...]

A terrifying scream echoed from behind Herman. Sounds of bones clicking and groans of the undead started resonating in the whole space that they were walking in. Upon hearing the terrifying screams, a sudden chill ran down inside the body of Herman. Herman got a cold feet and stopped talking.

Both Zan and Fey wanted to point out something to Herman. But they couldn't form words in their mouth for some reason no matter how hard they tried. Paralyzed by the fear, they could neither act nor speak. While looking at the mummified stance of Zan and Fey, Herman slowly turned his head behind, mustering all his courage.

What laid ahead of him was the same undead who came back to life which he joked about previously. Not one, not two, but an army of undead swarmed up on them.

Herman, who had been living in Babylon for 50 years had never encountered such phenomenon before.

This new encounter which caught him by surprise, terrified him. The sight of undead shook him up and he stumbled, and fell behind on his ass.

Upon his fall, the undeads charged at them. Herman quickly got up and started chanting. He stuttered while chanting but somehow managed to complete the chant.

Upon completion of his chant, a large ball of piping hot fireball flew towards the undeads. Smoke filled up the whole place, blocking out the vision of everyone present there.

"Eat that you bastards. You undead bastards could die again."

He shouted out with great enthusiasm.

As the smoke cleared out and their vision returned, what laid infront of them was the sight of undead who remained unfazed even when getting struck by a ball of fire. Unfazed by the magic casted by Herman, the armies of skeleton dashed towards them.

"Run! Run! Both of you idiots start running. If you don't want to join them, then start running this instant."

He shouted, calling out for Zan and Fey.

Paralyzed by fear they stood their like somebody who's seen a ghost. Herman's desperate scream knock them back to their senses.

And they started to run as if there life dependent on it. As they continued to run, the maze like paths of Babylon confused them. Panicked and Unsure about which paths to take, both Zan and Fey started running opposite to each other. Seeing that Herman shouted at them.

"Not there you idiots! That's a complete dead end. If you run there, then you'll only be a livestock awaiting to chopped. Just follow me!"

With a disappointed look on his face, Herman shouted.

'That's why I don't like kids'

He thought while looking at them, disappointed.

He then told them to follow his lead without looking back. Herman then took the lead, but no matter where he took them the undeads followed. He casted multiple magic along the way clearing the paths. But there seemed to be no end to the rising undeads. They kept spawning one after the other.

No matter where they went, what awaited them was only undeads. The whole city was filled with the undeads.

After hours and hours of running, Herman finally stopped.

"Just a bit ahead and we'll be at my laboratory."

He exclaimed while breathing heavily.

Zan crashed at Herman who abruptly stopped out of nowhere.

"What the hell, old man? Why'd you stop all of a sudden? Do you want to kill us all?"

He exploded and let out series of curses in anger.

And they started debating between themselves. In that momentary stoppage, the undead caught up and charged at them.

"Look what you got us into, old man. Had you not stopped then we wouldn't be facing this situation right now."

He looked at Herman, irritated.

The undead circled them, leaving them nowhere to escape. While in a state of panic, Herman and Zan still continued blaming each other for the predicament that they were facing at the moment. And just then Fey got fed up and scolded them both.

"Both of you stop it. It doesn't matter whose fault it is. That matters no more. What matters right now is to find out, how to deal with the situation that's lying ahead of us. So just stop it already."

Fey exploded out in frustration.

After hearing Fey, both of them shut their mouths and stopped talking. And as the undeads close up on them, Herman suggested them to keep the undeads occupied for a while and buy him some time to cast a powerful spell to open up a pathway for them to escape.

With no definitive solutions and that being their only best option on escaping the predicament, they nodded their heads in agreement. Fey suggested Zan to take the lead in the battle while she'd support him from the distance. Zan agreed without any hesitation and charged at the undead with his bare hand. The undeads took little to no damage when getting punched by Zan.

Just then, Zan tightly clenched his hands forming a fist and mana started regulating in his hand, unconsciously. Zan finally understood few reason behind his mana release in the middle of the ongoing battle. He wanted to explore more about it, but had no time in his hand with the battle raging onward.

With his fist engulfed in mana he charged again at the undead and upon landing a hit, this time the undeads finally started taking damage. Seeing that he charged ahead recklessly to deliver as much damage as he can. Fey who's been casting magic from the distance, told him to stop being so reckless. She scolded him for recklessly charging ahead.

" You idiot stop using mana so recklessly. You'll only tire out yourself and deplete your mana."

Unconsciously, Zan started enjoying the fight. He enjoyed the sounds of the undeads dying, he enjoyed the sounds made by his fists when he landed hits on the enemies. It's as if the raging battle turned him into a battle maniac and awakened his other personality. Herman who's focused on casting his magic failed to notice that side of Zan, but Fey who's been fighting alongside Zan noticed the distortion in Zan's personality while he's fighting.

The sight of Zan enjoying the life and death battle, terrified her.

While letting out a evil grin on his face, Zan continued to eradicate the undeads ahead of him. But despite that, there seemed to be no ends to the undeads. They kept on spawning infinitely.

"Hahaha.... This is fun. Hahaha.... More, more, more...."

With a cold blooded looks in his eyes while tearing the enemies from left to right, he let out an evil laugh.

Zan's personality started getting distorted. Unconsciously he started laughing more and more as he killed more and more undeads. The dark eyes which once reflected purity and innocence were now dyed completely red. The mouth which once let out pretty smiles which could melt anyone's heart were now letting out an evil grin which could terrify any onlookers.

"What happened? Just what happened to the Zan I knew? Is it even the same Zan that I know? Just who are you??"