
Beyond The Unknowns

Isolated from the outer world there lied a village hidden deep in the mountains inhabited by bunch of ignorant people. Among those people there lived a young boy who's different from the rest. Because of his unique way of thinking and curious nature he felt suffocated to live among the bunch of ignorant sheep like people. Unable to suppress his feelings and curiosity he sets out on an adventure to find his answers. Guided by the stars and the nature he sets out on an journey to satiate his curiosity. Thus leaving the village and his family where he lived since his birth. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the unknown he encountered terrible fate during his journey which cost him his life. Favoured by luck and fortune he wakes up and finds himself in the body of a young Demi-human and in a completely different world. In a world filled with different species he continues his exploration while overcoming various hardships. Solving the mysteries of the new world along his journey the mystery behind his transmigration puzzles him when he found out about the existence of the fragments of the previous owner of the body inside him. 'Why can't l remember anything after I pass out? Why do I find myself in different place and in different situation every time I pass out?' Unaware of his other personality he questions. Every time after passing out his another personality takes over his body. Fighting like a battle maniac and acting like a bloodthirsty monster he craves for blood. Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his dual nature? Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his transmigration? What kind of encounter will he encounter in the unknown world?

Bloom07 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

The voice of the mountain

The mana allocation took place for quite a while. And as the clustered mana particles broke, his bodily functions started to improve. The bloods in his blood vessel flowed more smoothly, his heart started to pump better, even his muscle tears started to heal. With all his blood vessels unclogged a layer of mana got released and coated his body. The surrounding mana got denser and the whole area around him brightly illuminated with mana particles. Fey who's around there could do nothing but stand still in astonishment.

"How could one radiate such strong radiation of mana particles? Is it even possible for one to do such?"

She exclaimed with a worried look on her face.

And as Zan carried on with his mana allocation more and more mana particles gathered around him. The bright illuminated mana particles blinded Fey's vision. It felt like looking at sun directly with bare eyes.

The blinding bright rays of mana particles worried her.

The bright light around him was so bright that it could be seen from the distant places. Species all around the world noticed the uncanny occurrence of the bright light and began to move towards the source of light.

After completing mana allocation he calmly opened his eyes as if nothing happened. His eyes were slightly glowing in purple color.

Fey who was noticing him from the moment he started mana allocation looked at him with a frightened expression. She looked at him as if she had seen an ethereal being.

Zan who only woke up recently after finishing mana allocation gave her a perplexed look. Her facial expressions baffled him.

"Don't you have any idea why I'm looking as such?"

She questioned while looking at him.

Her questions made no sense to him as he was unaware of the situation. Already confused by her facial expressions he got even more confused by her question.

"From the bottom of my heart; I've got no idea why you're in such situation. For this whole time I've been too focused on mana allocation that I felt like I've been lost in some empty void. Wherever I looked I found stars and dark space. I don't even know how to define this otherworldly experience to you."

Even Fey who herself had undergone mana allocation in the past had never felt as such aforementioned by zan.

But she knew that the experience of mana allocation was different for different individuals. Around the time when she performed mana allocation she found herself in a familiar place filled with trees, flowers, shrubs and nature. The place which she had seen her in her subconscious mind resembled her mana nature. Thus she was a mage with an affinity towards nature.

After recalling her experience she concluded that Zan's mana affinity was quite unique which even she wasn't aware.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she forgot to reply him. Zan who'd been anticipating her replies was getting annoyed.

"Hello Fey? You there?"

He yelled with a loud voice.

His loud voice startled her. She forgot about the topic which they were discussing at the moment. She then tried to recall their conversation but all she could think of was the bright light he radiated during his mana allocation process.

" Uhhhh uhh. You were emanating such bright radiance of mana particles that it felt like it'd blind my eyes just by looking at it. And the sheer amount of mana that you were radiating was truly terrifying. That's why I had that frightened expression. Do you get it now?"

Fey awkwardly exclaimed.

"Well that wasn't the thing that we were talking about but anyway I really had no idea about the things that were happening around me when I was performing mana allocation. I did feel a warm sensation and sense of healing at that time, but besides that I've got no idea about the things that happened around me."

"Is that so? Then no wonder you couldn't tell why I had that kind of expression. But have I been forgetting something? Why does it feel like I'm forgetting something?"

With a look which seemed like that of someone who's lost in their own thought she kept on murmuring to herself.

Suddenly a thought came to her mind as she kept on trying to recall about the thing which she felt missing. Flashes of bright light lingered around her eyes as she recalled about the thing which she was missing.

"We should probably run now. If we don't hurry up we might as well end up dead like that wolf which you killed."

She expressed her worries after recalling the event. As she started to run he followed her as well without questioning her. While having no idea why they were running again he spoke while running.

"Hmm... Why are we running again? Are the wolves chasing us again?"

"If only if it were as simple as only wolves chasing us"

She replied and released a deep sigh~

"It's not only the wolves, but the whole world which have seen you emanate such bright light is chasing us. So just keep quiet and follow me if you don't want to die."

Annoyed by his questions she yelled at him while explaining him about the approaching dangers.

Afraid to anger her further he silently nodded and followed her with his lips sealed.

Without stopping they kept on running as if there's no tomorrow. After running for quite a while they stop at a place. The place felt ghostly-empty with nothing other than a vast sandy piece of land. Not even trees neither animals could be seen there. Howling of the wind and sounds of their footsteps was the only thing they could hear in that huge sandy piece of land.

"How could there be such a place in the jungle of giants?"

Unaware of the location She questioned while inspecting the surrounding.

'I took a pride in knowing about jungle of giants from inside out. But where is this place? Why have I not heard about such mysterious place in the jungle of giants before? Argh my pride!'

Her pride took a hit after she failed to recognise the place infront of her.

Unable to identify the place she blurted out in frustration;

"Ughh What kind of place is this? I can't think of anything."

"Huh?? What do you mean that you don't know about this place? I thought that you lived around here and knew everything about this place. Now what will happen to us if even you're not aware of the place?"

He started to panic upon hearing Fey.

"I had the same impression as well. I believed that I knew everything about this place. But how wrong I was?"

She hesitantly admitted her shortcomings.

"Then are we lost?"


His question left her speechless.

She couldn't answer to his questions. Ashamed by her lack of information she avoided making eye contacts with him. Her pride wouldn't let her to admit that she couldn't find a way. Thus to keep her pride intact and to uplift his spirit she lied to him and told him that they'd find the exit if they continued to move forward.

Foolish Zan believed her lie and nodded his head in agreement as they marched forward in hopes of finding the exit.

Despite walking for a long time nothing new could be seen. The scenes didn't change even a bit. It was the same scene filled with dry sand and unusual thorny plants.

Unusually the temperature of the sorrounding dropped and it started to get more colder as they moved ahead.

Even the sand that should be able to absorb heat during the day felt as cold as snow itself. And the blowing wind which sounded like howls of the wolf make it even more freezing for them to walk.

After walking quite a distance they came across a place with nothing but rocks. After covering such a long distance the only the thing new thing they encountered was a place filled with rocks. Aside that the environment was the same and the place was still ghostly-empty.

Unwilling to give up after traveling such a long distance, they continued to move forward. And after a while at a certain distance they could see a long mountain range.

Upon seeing the addition of new thing in that boring place they hurriedly ran towards the mountain range. But to their disappointment neither Zan could climb it nor Fey could fly over it.

Their happiness lasted no longer after seeing the height of the mountain. The rocky mountain range was simply impassable for them to pass over.

They both sulked in disappointment after learning about the bitter truth.

Zan sulked in a corner while Fey continued to search for a way to pass over the mountain. Upon closer inspection Fey found out that the mountain was being protected by some kind of magic. A magic so mysterious and powerful that she couldn't comprehend even a bit of it.

"Is there really no way to pass over it? Do we have to look for other way? Do we need to go back again?"

"I'm not sure about it. Even though I can't comprehend it, there must be some way for us to pass over it again."

She exclaimed while trying to think of a solution.

"Then lets just look around and see if there's a way to pass it"

Zan replied.

And they started to look around. Even after looking for a while they found no ways to pass over the mountain and were as clueless as they were before.

And just when they both were on the verge of giving up, Zan punched the mountain as hard as he can out of frustration. But that changed nothing and only his hands started to bleed.

Seeing such Fey yelled at Zan to stop his madness. But just when she was scolding zan, they both heard a voice.

[Who are you? Why have you come here? This is not the place for likes of you to be at. Go away... ASAP..]

Upon hearing the voice they both got terrified and started to shiver. They looked around and found nothing.

Horrified by the unknown voice Zan stuttered while voicing his opinions;

"Whoever it is, come out and show yourself. I'm not afraid of you. Only cowards talk behind the back. Show yourself and speak."

[You must have guts to be speaking like that to me, you frail looking child. I could kill you right here right now before you could even blink.]