
Beyond The Unknowns

Isolated from the outer world there lied a village hidden deep in the mountains inhabited by bunch of ignorant people. Among those people there lived a young boy who's different from the rest. Because of his unique way of thinking and curious nature he felt suffocated to live among the bunch of ignorant sheep like people. Unable to suppress his feelings and curiosity he sets out on an adventure to find his answers. Guided by the stars and the nature he sets out on an journey to satiate his curiosity. Thus leaving the village and his family where he lived since his birth. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the unknown he encountered terrible fate during his journey which cost him his life. Favoured by luck and fortune he wakes up and finds himself in the body of a young Demi-human and in a completely different world. In a world filled with different species he continues his exploration while overcoming various hardships. Solving the mysteries of the new world along his journey the mystery behind his transmigration puzzles him when he found out about the existence of the fragments of the previous owner of the body inside him. 'Why can't l remember anything after I pass out? Why do I find myself in different place and in different situation every time I pass out?' Unaware of his other personality he questions. Every time after passing out his another personality takes over his body. Fighting like a battle maniac and acting like a bloodthirsty monster he craves for blood. Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his dual nature? Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his transmigration? What kind of encounter will he encounter in the unknown world?

Bloom07 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

species and magic

After a bit of doubt the spirit disclosed it's identity and appearance.

Upon seeing the appearance of the spirit zan gets shocked.

It looked small, had wings in it's back and no matter how much anybody would look at it the face resembled that of a human. But more than anything else It's eyes which were as blue as the deep ocean enthralled him and with green hair and lips which were as red as strawberry, no matter how much anyone could think, it was simply the definition of beauty in itself.

Upon gazing such godly appearance of the spirit, unknowingly Zan uttered;

"beautiful, it's the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen in my entire life".

Listening to such praises made the spirit to blush but she reluctantly hesitated to show her gratefulness.

"of course I'm beautiful, and you should admit it too."

Replied the spirit in an arrogant tone.

Even though the sight of the spirit fascinated Zan, hearing such arrogant tone of the spirit annoyed him.

"At least you could say that you're grateful or thankful when someone's complementing you"

Zan replied while making a annoyed face.

"I know I'm beautiful so why should I be grateful, but anyway thank you(in a low voice)".

The spirit still refused to show her gratefulness but with slight consideration towards what Zan spoke of, it thanked Zan.

It was the spirits first time hearing such compliments as spirits don't usually interact with other beings and hide their appearance in most of the cases.

"At least you're thankful but why didn't you show your appearance from the beginning?? "

Zan questioned the spirit.

The spirit replied that spirits don't usually show their appearance to anyone besides the ones that they trust.

"So you trust me huh?? But why would you trust me when we've only met for the first time??"

Zan questioned the spirit.

The spirit disclosed that spirits are unusually sensitive to the aura of most of the living beings. Hence after gauzing Zan for a while it came to a conclusion that Zan had a good personality. The spirit sensed his good nature and decided to disclose it's identity infront of Zan. And also since he introduced himself already, it wouldn't be fair for him to keep her appearance a secret.

"Also why are you calling me as you? I've got a name."

Spirit added.

"Well yes, I did disclose my identity but I would have done the same if somebody else would have asked me for it. It's not like I'm hiding my identity. Also what's your name??"

Zan replied

After hearing Zan, the spirit told zan that it's not okay to disclose his identity as there could be beings which could capture him to experiment or even beings which could kill him because of his unique appearance.

"Also my name is Fey and what about yours?"

Questioned the spirit as she continued.

"What?? What?? Are there really such beings which could possess harm to my existence or could even capture me and perform experiments on me?? "

Unable to accept her words, Zan exclaimed in a state of shock.

"There are many species living here demi-human, human, monsters, beastman, centaur, elf, dwarf, dragons..... And many more. Just like there are good people and bad people there are good and evil spirits too. And among such species there's a necromancer species which targets any unique living being and perform experiments on them even the wizards of human species are no exception as they perform various experiments on the monsters and such.

Fey replied while trying to warn him about the dangers of the world that they're living in.

"Hmmm.... uhhhh... I couldn't identify most of the species that you explained about. Although I could get a few such as human, spirits and demi-humans, I couldn't get most of them."

With a bewildered look in his face while scratching his head, Zan replied.

" Well it would be a miracle if you could get all what I was telling, afterall you're not someone from here."

Fey exclaimed with a calm demeanor.

"You'll get it all eventually in the long run, so don't stress about it. All you need to remember right now is the fact that there are all sorts of people living in this place, so you shouldn't approach anybody carelessly. Just remembering this much will be enough for now."

Fey continued.

"Also you've yet to tell me your name! And I'm wondering when you'll be introducing yourself?"

Fey added to her sentence.

"Oh sorry about that... I was way too focused on your words that I forgot about that part."

Zan replied with an apologetic tone.

"The name is Zan, Zan Ryu."

He raised his thumbs up, gritted his teeth and replied with a confident tone.

"Oh Zan! That's a nice name you've got. And perhaps unique too hehe.."

Fey chuckled and replied.

"Thank you Fey and you've got a nice name yourself as well."

Zan replied while trying to return the compliment.

"Thank you as well and if there's anything else that you're curious about you can ask me."

Fey exclaimed.

"Ohh, if that's the case then would it be possible for me to know more about this place?"

"Okay sure, I'll tell you everything that you want to know. First up all the place we are in right now is called the 'jungle of giants'. And in case you've been wondering why it's called such then It's all because of the huge and tall trees present around here."

Fey exclaimed while looking at Zan's face.

"Ohhh... So it's called 'jungle of giants' because of the huge trees present around here."

With an astonished look in his face, Zan exclaimed.

"Also, if you go deep in the jungle you can find the civilization of spirits. But I won't disclose the location to you though, since it's forbidden to do so in our spirit community."

Fey exclaimed while letting out a playful smile.

"Ehhhh.....(letting out a deep sigh) no matter how much I think, all this experience is totally new to me. It feels like I'm finally learning something about the world. The world is so vast, even vaster than my imagination. No, not even in my imagination would I have known such."

He replied in an astonishment.

"Hahaha... It's way bigger than you could think of Zan and I've not even told you about other civilizations or other places and yet you already sound astonished hahah..."

Fey replied with a joyful expression.

"Whaaaaattttt???????, It's still much bigger than this?? Well you did mention previously that there were other civilizations but even so can one even venture this whole world in one's lifetime? And also if I'm not wrong you mentioned something about humans too, right??"

Her statement shocked him.

"Yes indeed there are many other civilizations living here and almost all of the civilizations have their own territory. Among those civilizations, the human civilization are a bit peculiar. Although I don't know about exact location of their civilization but I did encounter few of humans in the magical forest."

Fey replied while scratching her head trying to reminisce something.

"And where's the magical forest that you mentioned about??"

Zan questioned.

To answer the questions asked by Zan, she started to think for awhile while trying to reminisce the memories of the magical forest. After thinking for awhile, she exclaimed that the magical forest is at the far north. She then mentioned that it would take one almost 45 days to reach there from there present location.

"What?? 45 days?? That long??"

Disappointed by the claims made by Fey, Zan let out a deep sigh~~

"Yes even though I was flying it took me 40 days to reach there, so I'm not sure if you'd even reach their in the same time as I did."

Fey deliberately answered such as if she wanted to discourage Zan from having the thoughts of going there.

"Let's leave that for now but why is it called a magical forest?"

Zan questioned as he gave up on the thoughts of travelling there.

"It's called magical forest because of the abnormalities sorrounding that place but most probably it's called such because of the species which can use magic are found there."

Fey replied.

"Huh! What kind of abnormalities are you talking about and what is magic??"

Zan asked Fey in a state of confusion.

"Hmm... let me think about it for a while. Ummmmm... the kinds of abnormalities like a tree that's burning without turning into ash or the glowing horns of the tree sized deers or the colourful rainbow mushrooms and many more."

Fey tried as hard as she could to explain Zan about the types of abnormal occurrence seen in the magical forest.

"Also you don't know about magic??"

She continued.

"Oh yeah, you did tell me that you're not someone from here. In that case it's natural for you to not know about it."

She resumed.

"Magic is like a power to influence something or rather it's a supernatural phenomenon. Like creating fire out of thin air or flying in the sky without any equipment."

She tried to simplify the concept of magic as she tried to explain it to Zan.

"Woah!! That sounds super cool. Can you even create fire without any firewoods?? You can even fly in the sky?? This all sounds impossible to me but at the same time magic sounds really awesome."

With a glow in his eyes, he exclaimed in astonishment.

"Yes you can create fire without firewoods or even fly with the help of magic. And I heard that all living beings possess magical powers in them unless they've been abandoned by the mother nature itself. As magic in itself is a force of nature. So all living beings would usually possess trace amount of magical powers too. Although there are some exceptions to it as well. Even though magic is a natural phenomena, the distribution of magical powers is irregular. In the same species there could be a person with really high amount of magical power and in the same way there could be someone who doesn't possess any at all.

Magic in itself is irregularity after all."

Fey kept on talking while explaining Zan about the unusual phenomena called magic.

Even after such elaborate explanation of magic Zan failed to retain any information that she had been trying to explain to him.

"In conclusion magic is irregularity and not all the living beings could execute magic."

Zan replied looking all confused.

"Yes, infact I could show you simple magic too and although my magical powers are not high enough, I could definitely create fire in thin air."

Fey replied with a gleam smile in her face.

In thin air without aid of any equipment as Fey uttered few words, the temperature of the surrounding started to increase all of a sudden and as Fey finished her sentence a ball of fire appeared right infront of Zan.

The sight of magic performed by Fey astonished Zan. And such Zan uttered in astonishment;

" Woah unbelievable, you could create fire without anything, really unbelievable, it still feels like I'm in a dream which I'm not hahah..."