
Ch 1: Rebirth

Icarus had always known that his fate would lead him to the sun. He had a burning desire to soar higher than anyone else, to break free from the shackles of the earth, and to touch the very edge of the heavens. His father, Daedalus, had crafted him a pair of wings with feathers and wax, and Icarus had eagerly donned them, feeling the weight of his dreams lift him up.

The first time he flew, Icarus was ecstatic. He soared above the waves, feeling the rush of the wind and the warmth of the sun on his face. He was invincible, a god among men, and he knew that nothing could ever bring him down.

But as he flew higher and higher, the sun seemed to beckon him, a siren song that he could not ignore. He flew towards it with all his might, his wings beating fiercely, and he felt his heart skip a beat as he brushed against its fiery surface.

For a moment, Icarus was filled with a sense of wonder and awe, a feeling that surpassed anything he had ever known. But then the wax that held his wings together began to melt, and Icarus realized with a sinking feeling that he was falling.

He tried to flap his wings, to catch the wind and rise up once more, but it was too late. The wax was gone, and he plummeted towards the sea below. The wind roared past his ears, and he felt his body slam into the water with a bone-jarring impact.

But as he sank into the water, Icarus felt an inexplicable sense of peace. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate, surrendering himself to the unknown. He was not afraid of death, for he had lived his life to the fullest, and he had experienced something that few others could ever imagine.






When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the sea, nor in the world he knew. Instead, he found himself standing on a barren plain, with nothing but swirling mists in every direction. A voice spoke to him, a voice that seemed to come from all around and yet nowhere at once.

It was then that he met Death. She was a fearsome figure, cloaked in darkness and wielding a scythe that glinted in the dim light. Her eyes were hollow, and her skin was as cold as ice. But despite her terrifying appearance, Icarus found himself drawn to her. She was like no other being he had ever encountered, and he felt a strange sense of calm in her presence.

"I am Death," the voice replied. "And I am here to guide you on your journey."

Icarus felt a chill run down his spine, but he refused to show any fear. "What journey?" he asked, trying to sound confident.

Death regarded him for a long moment, then amusingly told him, "You are a rare one, mortal. The last time i said this to someone, they nearly pissed their pants and fainted. But you, you're different, you're not really afraid, are you?".

"I am not afraid," Icarus replied. "I have already faced my greatest fear and lived to tell the tale. I flew too close to the sun, knowing full well the consequences. But I did it anyway because I wanted to touch something beyond myself. I wanted to experience something beautiful, even if it meant facing pain and agony."

Death listened to Icarus's words, her eyes narrowed in contemplation. "And do you regret your choice?" she asked.

Icarus thought for a moment before answering. "No, I don't," he said. "Even as I fell from the sky, I felt a sense of joy and wonder. I had glimpsed something extraordinary, something that transcended my mortal limitations. And now, as I stand before you, I feel no regret. I only wonder what lies beyond the sun, beyond this life."

Death nodded slowly, as if he understood something profound. "You are a curious soul, Icarus," he said. "But your journey is not over yet. You have a new world to discover, a world of magic and fantasy. Will you embrace this new life, knowing that it too may bring pain and agony?"

Icarus smiled, his eyes filled with hope. "I will," he said. "For there is no beauty without pain. And I am ready to see beyond the sun."

And then, as if on cue, Icarus recited his life one last time.

Icarus took a deep breath and looked straight into Death's hollow eyes. "I am Icarus," he said. "And many people see my death as a tragedy. But that is very wrong, in my opinion."

Death cocked her head, intrigued by Icarus's words.

"When Father gave me wings, they did not tell me that I would burn in flames," Icarus continued. "But I knew. I knew that the joy of flying would be fleeting, and that my journey would ultimately end in agony. And yet, I flew higher and higher, chasing the warmth and light that drew me inexorably skyward, until my wings melted and I fell into the sea."

Death listened intently as Icarus recited the poem. As he finished, she regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and admiration.

"You are a rare one, Icarus," she said. "Most mortals would view their fate as a tragedy. But you, you saw beauty in the pain. You understood that there is no beauty without pain."

Icarus nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "It was addictive," he said. "Even Dionysus would marvel at my insanity."

Death chuckled, the sound like dry bones rattling in the wind. "Indeed," she said. "You have a curious soul, Icarus. And now, as you wait for judgment in the land of Hades, do you regret your choice?"

Icarus thought for a moment before answering. "No, I don't," he said. "Even as I fell from the sky, I felt a sense of joy and wonder. I had glimpsed something extraordinary, something that transcended my mortal limitations. And now, as I stand before you, I feel no regret. I only wonder what lies beyond the sun, beyond this life."

Death regarded him with something akin to respect. "You have lived your life with reckless abandon," she said. "Always seeking the next thrill and never thinking of the consequences. And yet, you understood the beauty in the pain. I am curious to see what you will make of your new life, Icarus."

Icarus smiled, his eyes filled with hope. "I am ready to see beyond the sun," he said.

Very well," Death said, raising her scythe. "Step towards the light, mortal. Your new life awaits."

Icarus took a deep breath and stepped forward. The light grew brighter and brighter until it was all he could see, and he felt a sudden surge of energy as he was pulled towards it. For a moment, he was weightless, suspended in the void between worlds. And then, with a sudden jolt, he was born anew, a new soul in a new body, ready to explore the wonders of this strange and wondrous world, A world beyond the sun.