

"Beyond The Horizon" weaves a haunting tale of pain, sorrow, and redemption, centered on the enigmatic Kieru O'hera. A mild-mannered boy, Kieru is burdened with the monumental task of averting an apocalyptic future. To do so, he must journey back in time, facing the harrowing truth of mankind's cruelty and inhumanity. As he traverses this perilous path, Kieru's faith in humanity falters, leaving him to question if the world deserves a second chance at all. Plagued by a debilitating medical condition that triggers frequent blackouts, Kieru uncovers a deeper mystery—he shares his body with four other souls. This revelation adds a profound layer of complexity to his quest, as he navigates the external chaos of a world on the brink of collapse and the internal turmoil of his fragmented identity. The power of "Beyond The Horizon" lies in its masterful blend of intimate character study and epic stakes. Kieru's evolution from a gentle boy to a reluctant hero is marked by profound moral dilemmas and emotional depth. The apocalyptic future he strives to save serves as a stark, urgent backdrop to his mission. This narrative captivates with its rich, multi-dimensional storytelling, delving into the darkest aspects of human nature while offering a glimmer of hope through Kieru's relentless search for meaning and redemption. "Beyond The Horizon" promises an unforgettable journey of thrilling adventure and deep introspection, leaving readers profoundly moved long after the final page is turned.

Kins009 · ファンタジー
44 Chs


Amidst the quietude of Site-Stonehaven, an ominous calm had settled over the sprawling RSCP Foundation complex. A bastion of containment and secrecy, it stood resolute against the relentless storm that lashed outside. Inside, however, tensions brewed beneath the facade of routine. The night was a canvas painted in hues of cold, biting frost, the winds howling like banshees through the dense forest that surrounded the fortified structure.

Within the labyrinthine corridors, where every corner held secrets buried deep in the annals of the Foundation's history, a disturbance brewed. For years, the facility had held its horrors at bay, but tonight, fate had other plans.

A seismic shudder rippled through the earth, sending shockwaves through the very foundation of the facility. Emergency lights flickered to life, casting stark, blood-red hues upon the faces of staff scrambling to secure their charges. The air was thick with the acrid scent of ozone and fear, mingled with the metallic taste of dread.

Dr. Rhys Stane Moores, a figure of intellect and authority, dashed through the chaos, his mind a torrent of regret and urgency. His protests had been brushed aside in favor of containment protocols, and now the consequences loomed large. "Damn it all! If only we had pushed harder. If only I had pushed harder," he muttered through gritted teeth, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders.

In the heart of the facility, the control room hummed with frenzied activity. Ganymede, the steadfast overseer, commanded the operations with a demeanor forged from years of discipline. Her ebony hair framed a face etched with determination, eyes scanning the flurry of monitors that displayed critical data. "What's the status?" Stane queried, his voice tinged with anxiety.

Ganymede spared him a brief glance, her tone sharp with urgency. "Containment breach in cell block 2. The subject has escaped," she replied, her words punctuated by the blare of sirens that echoed through the corridors.

Stane's jaw clenched. "Humanity's folly unleashed once more," he lamented, his thoughts racing with memories of the creature's acquisition. An anomaly designated 004, it was a being of unparalleled strength and enigmatic origins. The Foundation's efforts to harness its potential had always teetered on the brink of disaster.

As if on cue, another tremor rattled the room, steel doors groaning against the strain of an unseen force. Panic surged among the personnel, mingling with the bitter taste of failure. "Activate emergency protocols ALPHA 9," Ganymede commanded, her voice cutting through the chaos. "Full lockdown. Now!"

The command was met with swift obedience. Automated defenses engaged, sealing off corridors and windows alike, transforming the facility into a fortress of desperation. The stakes were clear—contain the breach or risk unleashing untold havoc upon the world beyond.

Outside, the storm's fury mirrored the turmoil within. Rain lashed against reinforced glass, thunder rolling like the timpani of a malevolent symphony. Through the deluge, the silhouette of 004 loomed, a titanic figure navigating the labyrinthine halls with purposeful strides. Its green-hued visage bore no trace of emotion, eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity.

Within the control room, tension reached a crescendo. Ganymede's voice crackled over the intercom, commanding the remaining personnel to hold their ground. "We cannot let it breach further," she declared, her resolve unyielding even as the facility quaked around them.

Time seemed to slow as the inevitable unfolded. With an echoing bang, the secure metal door buckled inward, causing a collective startle among the team. Ganymede, like the others, was shaken by the unexpected breach. Amidst the chaos, a new researcher shrieked, a puddle of yellow spreading at her feet in a testament to her nerves. It was her first real encounter with a containment breach, a rite of passage at this facility, Ganymede mused.

The men weren't any less terrified. The relentless pounding continued, more protrusions forming on the once-impenetrable door. Soldiers, sensing the escalating danger, retreated cautiously. Fear hung thick in the air, palpable and suffocating.

They had all witnessed horrors on the job, but nothing compared to the impending threat of Anomaly 004 breaking free. It was clear the entity outside was determined and enraged—a formidable adversary.

Thinking quickly, Ganymede grabbed the transmission radio, her only lifeline in this dire moment. Desperation edged her voice as she relayed a distress signal, hoping to summon reinforcements from the Foundation's higher ranks.

"SOS. Emergency SOS," she began, the urgency tightening her throat. "We're under attack, I repeat—we are under..." Her words caught in her panic-stricken throat as another thunderous blow sent the door crashing down, filling the room with dust and debris.

Smoke billowed into the room, swirling like an underwater creature creeping across the ocean floor. A harbinger of impending doom, 004 advanced in the haze like a specter of destruction, moving deliberately toward them. The soldiers, poised but wary, trained their weapons on the threat.

Then came the unexpected.

A hand emerged from the smoke, casually sweeping it aside to reveal the face of their adversary—a humanoid child, yet undeniably monstrous.

Moments passed in suspended disbelief, the room a tableau of conflict and resolution. Weapons trained, hearts pounding, the soldiers faced a choice—end the threat or seek understanding in the face of the unknown. It was a pivotal moment, one where fear and empathy collided with catastrophic consequences.

"Wait, he's hesitating," Dr. Stane whispered, awestruck. "Like he's taking in the sights..."

"Almost like..." Another added.

"A predator," Ganymede finished, her voice tinged with scorn.

The creature's eerie eyes lock onto them, glowing in the dimness. His face was young, yet unnervingly blank, save for a small horn protruding from his forehead. His presence exuded control, as if he moved in a trance-like state, devoid of emotion.

They aimed their lights and weapons, fascinated yet chilled by the enigma before them—especially by the flickering blue aura emanating from his fists.

As the soldiers opened fire, the sound reverberated in the confines of the room, each shot a testament to humanity's fear and determination. With a suddenness that defied expectation, he closed the distance, shattering any illusion of safety. The gunfire echoed, screams pierced the air, and a window shattered under the onslaught.

The monster attacked with frenzied determination, a force of nature unleashed.

The room fell silent after a while, the smoke clearing to reveal the aftermath of their choices.