

"Beyond The Horizon" weaves a haunting tale of pain, sorrow, and redemption, centered on the enigmatic Kieru O'hera. A mild-mannered boy, Kieru is burdened with the monumental task of averting an apocalyptic future. To do so, he must journey back in time, facing the harrowing truth of mankind's cruelty and inhumanity. As he traverses this perilous path, Kieru's faith in humanity falters, leaving him to question if the world deserves a second chance at all. Plagued by a debilitating medical condition that triggers frequent blackouts, Kieru uncovers a deeper mystery—he shares his body with four other souls. This revelation adds a profound layer of complexity to his quest, as he navigates the external chaos of a world on the brink of collapse and the internal turmoil of his fragmented identity. The power of "Beyond The Horizon" lies in its masterful blend of intimate character study and epic stakes. Kieru's evolution from a gentle boy to a reluctant hero is marked by profound moral dilemmas and emotional depth. The apocalyptic future he strives to save serves as a stark, urgent backdrop to his mission. This narrative captivates with its rich, multi-dimensional storytelling, delving into the darkest aspects of human nature while offering a glimmer of hope through Kieru's relentless search for meaning and redemption. "Beyond The Horizon" promises an unforgettable journey of thrilling adventure and deep introspection, leaving readers profoundly moved long after the final page is turned.

Kins009 · ファンタジー
42 Chs


They fell into the seemingly endless queue at a vibrant, eye-catching cart, where a man diligently served customers, completely unaware of the Kaiju in their midst. The menu displayed an impressive array of options, elegantly inscribed in flowing cursive on a weathered wooden board, each item beckoning with promises of delightful flavors. Around them, the air buzzed with the chatter of families and friends, laughter mingling with the sound of the waves crashing nearby.

Orenji reached into the pocket of his shorts and pulled out a handful of coins. "Pretty amazing, right?" He said, catching Kiel's distracted gaze.

Kiel nodded, a sense of exhilaration washing over him like a warm breeze on a sunlit day. So, this is what freedom's like, he mused, taking in the lively scene around him.

At last, after what seemed like an eternity, their turn arrived. "What can I get for you?" The man at the cart asked, his voice cheerful.

The Kaiju's eyes gleamed with incredulity. The scent hit his nose with such speed that he instantly identified the unmistakable fragrance. Ice cream? Unbelievable.

He made a gesture, a blend of curiosity and bewilderment etched on his face. "Wait a moment," he signed, "what's behind this sudden surge of emotion?"

"Come again?" Orenji snickered, a grin spreading across his face as he tried to make sense of the situation. Kiel's overly cautious expression piqued his curiosity, the stark shift in his demeanor impossible to ignore.

The confidence that once radiated from Kiel was now replaced by a cloud of visible nerves, revealing the deeper apprehension lurking beneath the surface. Orenji couldn't quite grasp the hand signs, but the tension in Kiel's stance spoke volumes.

"Now I'm getting goosebumps," Kiel continued, puffing out his cheeks. "What's your deal?"

"Seriously, what?" Orenji was more baffled than ever, his confusion deepening.

"I mean, you..." The Kaiju gestured, his expression conflicted. "Is it possible for someone to be so warm-hearted? Your eyes, your demeanor, the way you speak—everything about you feels... oddly kind." A faint smile tugged at his lips, a genuine, if small, gesture of warmth.

"So… does that mean no ice cream, or...?" Orenji asked, his own smile a mix of confusion and amusement.

Kiel barely registered the words as he gazed in admiration at the beautifully detailed umbrella above him, adorned with vibrant stickers that cast a cool shade. The exquisite designs captivated him, drawing his eyes to the surroundings. In the distance, sailboats floated serenely on the ocean, their sails billowing gently as soft waves lapped at the shore. He felt himself drifting into a daydream, entranced by the peaceful scene—until, at last, his order arrived.

"All right, one double-decker and one regular—enjoy!" The man announced, presenting the ice creams with a cheerful smile.

Kiel gazed at the peculiar brown creation perched on the cone and accepted it with a sense of wonder. Instantly, he was enveloped by the sweet aroma of French vanilla ice cream, rich dark chocolate, and an array of colorful toppings. Each scent was a vibrant burst, some stronger than others, but all striking a powerful chord with his senses. The fragrance of each flavor was a captivating experience, an unforgettable melody that would linger in his memory for a lifetime.

The Kaiju took a cautious lick of the ice cream, skepticism evident in its eyes.

In an instant, a wave of nostalgia surged through him. Memories of childhood summers flooded his mind, transporting him to a world vibrant and joyful—a realm filled with laughter and light. He could almost feel the lush green grass tickling his toes, the gentle breeze cooling his back, and the sun casting a warm glow that ignited the landscape with hope. The rich, creamy taste of chocolate enveloped his palate, creating a melting sensation unlike any other, as if each bite held the essence of those carefree days.

He lost track of time as he savored the ice cream, completely absorbed in the moment until the familiar squeak of the ice cream cart jolted him back to reality. With a twinge of sadness, he glanced down to find his cone vanished, but he couldn't help but smile, knowing it was the best delicacy he'd ever tasted—brain freeze be damned.

"Oh, I suppose it's my cue to say thank you now," he hinted with newfound alertness, bowing his head in a gesture of gratitude.

Orenji, flustered, replied almost instinctively, "Oh, no, it's really fine! You don't have to do that. I mean, that's what friends are for, right?"

Friends? The mere idea transformed Kiel's expression into one of genuine amusement. Having spent a significant time here, he had never once been called a friend or experienced the warmth of camaraderie. He had met new faces, participated in their games, watched sunsets paint the sky, and indulged in ice cream. Yet now, he had a friend to share all those moments with. That realization was enough to brighten his day. In that instant, he felt a flicker of humanity within him. A small smile blossomed on Kiel's face, reflecting his newfound joy.

One of Kiel's favorite things about Stonehaven was the vibrant street performers that filled the streets with life.

As he strolled through the lively streets, he delighted in the jugglers tossing vibrant balls into the air with effortless skill. Each toss brought gasps of awe as acrobats and contortionists showcased their breathtaking athleticism, their movements fluid and captivating. He couldn't contain his laughter at the whimsical performances of puppeteers, whose characters danced to life in charming absurdity. And when the sweet melodies of street musicians wafted through the air, he found himself dabbing tears from his eyes, touched deeply by the sheer beauty of their songs.

The Kaiju trailed behind, struggling to keep pace, forcing Orenji to pause frequently. As they continued through the bustling crowd, Kiel suddenly caught sight of a figure amidst the throng. He took a few steps forward and froze, a gasp escaping his lips in a rush of fright. There stood the boy, just for a fleeting moment, eyes locked onto Kiel. But when he blinked, the figure vanished as if swallowed by the crowd.

He was gone—just like that.

Once again, a familiar shudder ran through him, an unsettling sensation he had come to know all too well. The simplest explanations often proved to be the most accurate, yet he had initially assumed it someone else. As he scanned the crowd, he saw only a sea of unfamiliar faces—no one who caught his eye. But then, with a sudden jolt, Kiel realized who he had glimpsed.

The boy had black hair with a green sheen, mirroring his own. He was entirely green, reflecting Kiel's appearance perfectly. And those glowing blue eyes—striking yet haunting—were framed by soulless black corneas. Although they weren't identical, an instinctive feeling combined with the unmistakable similarities made it clear; it was a reflection of himself.

Kiel had just caught a glimpse of his younger self—his seven-year-old self, to be precise.

Whoa, Kiel, he mused, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. Surely, he must be imagining things. It was his go-to mantra, one that usually quelled his anxiety—almost. He pressed a hand to his forehead, seeking to steady himself. What's happening to me? With a deep breath, he glanced again, his heart racing.

Just then, Orenji called to him from a distance. Kiel threw one last look at the spot before hurrying to join his new friend, a swirl of distress and confusion churning inside of him. He raised his hands, signing slowly, "Hey, so..." He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

With earnest gestures, he continued, "I was just wondering. Now that we're friends, and friends share everything—at least from what I've witnessed—do you ever feel like you don't fit in here?" He formed the sign for 'different,' his brow furrowed with concern.

He concluded, "Like you're different from everyone else? I'm just curious, that's all." His fingers fell still, conveying the weight of his question, the air thick with unspoken understanding.

Orenji sighed, a muscle in his right cheek flexing as he struggled to understand. "You're not listening to me. What are you even talking about?" He asked, the gestures foreign to him but intriguing nonetheless.

"It's been different—truly different, like being an outsider," Kiel continued, each movement betraying the weight of his emotions. His headache had returned, and he gestured as if grabbing something from the air. "I thought I saw something."

He paused, his fingers moving expressively. "These past few days have been a whirlwind, you know? Different, difficult, risky… just strange. More strange than even I can explain."

"Especially that," he added, his hands hovering as if weighing the significance of his next words. He took a deep breath, aware that this moment could change everything, and his fingers formed the beginning of a life-altering revelation.

"The thing I need to tell you now is that I'm a..." His hands stilled, suspended in the air, as silence enveloped them both, thick with anticipation.

With every gesture, Kiel felt the weight of his truth hanging between them, poised to transform their world.