

"Beyond The Horizon" weaves a haunting tale of pain, sorrow, and redemption, centered on the enigmatic Kieru O'hera. A mild-mannered boy, Kieru is burdened with the monumental task of averting an apocalyptic future. To do so, he must journey back in time, facing the harrowing truth of mankind's cruelty and inhumanity. As he traverses this perilous path, Kieru's faith in humanity falters, leaving him to question if the world deserves a second chance at all. Plagued by a debilitating medical condition that triggers frequent blackouts, Kieru uncovers a deeper mystery—he shares his body with four other souls. This revelation adds a profound layer of complexity to his quest, as he navigates the external chaos of a world on the brink of collapse and the internal turmoil of his fragmented identity. The power of "Beyond The Horizon" lies in its masterful blend of intimate character study and epic stakes. Kieru's evolution from a gentle boy to a reluctant hero is marked by profound moral dilemmas and emotional depth. The apocalyptic future he strives to save serves as a stark, urgent backdrop to his mission. This narrative captivates with its rich, multi-dimensional storytelling, delving into the darkest aspects of human nature while offering a glimmer of hope through Kieru's relentless search for meaning and redemption. "Beyond The Horizon" promises an unforgettable journey of thrilling adventure and deep introspection, leaving readers profoundly moved long after the final page is turned.

Kins009 · ファンタジー
44 Chs


"Your mission is clear," Ganymede continued, her gaze piercing. "Find and terminate RSCP-004. Ensure it poses no further threat."

Haturii nodded solemnly, his mind already turning to the logistics and strategies required for such a perilous undertaking. "We'll need specialized equipment," he stated, his voice tinged with urgency.

Ganymede motioned to Dr. Stane, who stepped forward with a folder of classified documents. "These are RSCP-004's containment files," he explained, his tone measured but tinged with concern. "Study them carefully."

Haturii accepted the folder, his mind absorbing the details with a precision born of years of training and experience.

"Classification: Category 3/4. We never settled on a precise designation for something of its calibre. Listen carefully, Deputy," The woman made clear, "Not everything in this world is as it appears. In fact, many creatures in the wild go to great lengths to deceive, disguising themselves as something entirely benign or even enticing to lure unsuspecting prey, targets, or hosts without detection. This phenomenon is known as aggressive mimicry, where predators or parasites adopt the appearance of harmless entities, or even attractive mates, while harboring predatory intentions. Regardless of their guise, they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Take the anglerfish in the depths of the ocean, for instance, dangling a seductive light to lure unsuspecting fish into its waiting jaws. Similarly, the alligator snapping turtle wiggles its worm-like tongue to attract hungry fish. Fortunately, humans are far more discerning than aquatic life. We remain safe from such trickery. No creature has evolved to resemble something familiar, something everyday, just to ensnare unsuspecting people into their grasp.

But what if there was a mimicry so advanced, so unprecedented in the natural world? Enter the 'Doom Bringer,' a mutant hybrid we've rather affectionately nicknamed for numerous reasons. It is one of the most perilous anomalies encountered, with scaled skin tough enough to withstand even gunfire. Though its anomalous appearance might seem fanciful upon initial inspection—like something out of a children's book perhaps—this anomaly is no laughing matter. RSCP-004 poses a significant existential threat to Earth's ecosystems if it were ever to breach containment, a prospect that alarms us all.

Containing RSCP-004 has proven exceedingly challenging. What we require now is a team capable of outwitting the anomaly, employing unconventional tactics akin to those of guerilla warfare. My forces are stretched thin. This creature—swift and armed with formidable teeth capable of piercing human flesh—can be cunning, deceptive, and ruthless. Yet, if confronted by operatives with superior strategy, it can be subdued without casualties. Once contained, it becomes a matter of transferring its remnants.

We will provide you with the necessary weapons and supplies for this mission. Use them as needed."

As Ganymede turned to leave, Haturii's voice halted her retreat. 

"If you're saying we should be cautious, we get it," Haturii replied, his voice carrying an edge of impatience.

"No. Once again, you misunderstand me, Deputy. I'm saying you should be afraid. Very afraid." Her tone was icy as she turned to leave.

"All the more reason why you're coming with us," he called after her, his words sharp and urgent.

Her brown eyes, steady and unyielding, appraised him once more. "What?" She murmured, the single word dripping with skepticism.

"You are coming with us. Aren't you?" He asked, his gaze unwavering.

"Field ops is your job," she responded curtly.

"We're going to need your expertise on ground."

"And that's what Stane over here is for," she said flatly, nodding toward the stoic figure beside her.

"You've spent the last five years of your life working on this project, day and night. No partner, no kids, not even a dog or a pet. It's been your one true love." His words were measured, each one striking a chord deep within her. She couldn't help but feel a strange, sudden unease that climbed down her spine, bringing a chill to her bones. Though he spoke true, and yet far from it. He continued, calm and collected, impossible to ignore. "And now, after all of that sacrifice, you're telling me you don't want to meet it? To look finally into its eyes and know just what it is you gave everything up for?"

Ganymede turned to walk away, her decision resolute. Despite his all be it better intentions, Haturii found himself left with the conclusion, "Sure do hope it's worth it." He muttered, his enthusiasm deflated like a balloon.

Initially, he had called on his students, thinking it was a level one class containment breach. An easy, straightforward task, perfect for the duo starting out their first mission together as a team. The kind of mission where danger was minimal, or so he had thought initially. But now, faced with the true nature of the monsters they were up against and the horrifying potential of what they could unleash, he quickly scanned through his thoughts, desperate to find a way to deprive his students from partaking in such a perilous mission while he tried to straighten out the rest of this madness.

Meanwhile, a short distance from the two adults.

"I don't know what's going to happen...."

"What?!" Asked Orenji, confused.

"...If we're dealing with ridiculously Op Monsters now, it's highly unlikely we'll be taking on this mission." She continued.

"Yeah," he replied with a queer look in his eyes, the one that told her he was most definitely not serious. "Oh well, can't be helped!"

"I've always known you to be quite the dundee, but dammit 'Renji, how lazy can you possibly get?!" She retorted, crouching down as she noticed something odd on the ground.

It was one of the reinforced blast doors, which the monster had so effortlessly burst through earlier. The sheer weight of it would have crushed an ordinary man twice over, but for the child Kaiju, it was merely light workout.

But something was wrong.

Something was definitely out of place. As vague and mysterious as most things in the Foundation.

"Oi, come look at this. You seeing this?" She called out.

"What? What's up?" He asked, approaching her.

"It's faint and strange, but I think I sense residual traces of Taiji on this," she placed the response, running her fingers across the steel door as she spoke.

"TAIJI?! But that's impossible. Last I checked, inanimate objects don't possess such, y'know."

"Don't you think I know that already!" She resonated out loud. In the mystical world of Claives and Monsters, Taiji is the natural, metaphysical energy that flows within all living things. It serves as the root of elemental manipulations and a vast array of other skills. They can manipulate this to boost their speed, stamina, or create effects otherwise impossible. Such techniques range from exhaling fire to summoning spirits. "But this one, it seems different," she continued, "It's like the Monster relies on this stuff. No signs of elemental manipulations or the likes, just Taiji. Pure energy..." She looked at him, completing her thought.

"An Ergokinetic?"

"An energy user. Wait, hold on, you think this Monster might be some sort of energy manipulator?"

"Maybbeee," she drew out the word long enough, and he knew she didn't want to believe it herself. "I mean, sure looks like it," she answered, slowly getting back to her feet, "And if I'm right about this, that would at least explain how it managed to bring down rows upon rows of tungsten steel doors."

"Fascinating. Monsters using Taiji now as some kind of element? This is big, we gotta tell Haturii!" As he tried to leave, Yukira grabbed him by the upper arm, stopping him. He paused to look at her and he could see on her steel trap face, a glimmer of surprise.

"Whoa now, jumpy. Where do you think you're going?" She asked, looking at him with the kind of beaming grin that told, 'Oh, I most definitely need a favor now.'

"To tell Haturii..." he answered plainly.

"I've got a better idea."

"Oh, good lord..." he knew what was coming.

"So how about we not do that. Look, all I'm saying is, why don't we take a quick look ourselves to make sure? Cause if we're wrong, we'll look like total idiots."

"Yeah? No." He turned around and began to move.

"Renji, we need this, alright?!" He stopped then. "Oh, come on man, if we don't take on this mission, we won't be taken seriously by the other teams. More so, it won't look good on our part if we end up just quitting halfway. I don't know about you, Orenji, but I've got a reputation to keep." She paused, putting aside her pride. Just this once. "Look, I'm not saying we go rogue, okay? We'll just do some visual verifications, lay eyes on the target, and call Haturii. After all, a mission must always be completed, right? Right?!" She drawled, throwing him a look.

Orenji turned to her fully now, his attention captured. "One quick look, then we call Sir Haturii. That's it. That's all we get."

"Oh," she said, feigning innocence. Jutting out her chin defiantly, Yukira stated her next words firmly, unknown to him she had her fingers crossed behind her back, all the while very well telling the lie, "Well, all right then. I promise..."