
Beyond the forest

This story is a fan fic/retelling of one of the Roman myths of Medusa but with a twist. It follows the storyline of Medusa being assaulted inside a sacred temple by Posiden, and cursed by Aphrodite. This is an LGBTQ+ book, a female-on-female romance, following the unlikely love story of a blind mortal who came seeking revenge, finding and falling in love with Medusa. The book contains strong language, mention of sexual assault, graphic imagery, same-sex relationships, violence, and gore. Please read with caution. *This story was inspired by a prompt circling TikTok, the concept is not my original idea, though the main character, Marigold, as well as her story and their love story together, are, minus some historically accurate details from the myth itself. With that, I hope you enjoy their tale.

summer_reiyn · その他
6 Chs

Chapter 1


"COME BACK!!" The scream burns my throat, spinning wildly as panic sets in. "JACOB?! BENJAMIN?!? Anybody...." Feeling around the walls, I know I'm inside the temple still, but there's no sign that my brothers are still with me, and I can't help but cry out, frustration boiling. They had convinced me to come into the woods with them, and I stupidly followed. Between being blind, and the circumstances that had caused my disability, I was the village outcast, None of the children my age had liked me, and even now, at 19, they still seem to hate me, despite never doing anything to incite their rage, besides existing. Sinking to the ground carefully, I rest my head in my hands, pulling gently at my hair, willing myself to calm down. Mother would eventually realize I was missing, surely she would come looking for me. While almost everyone had turned their backs on me, Mother had always been gentle, trying her best to protect me from the others. She hadn't been home when we had set off on this little excursion, surely she come to find me once she returned home.

As what feels like hours pass, I shiver against the cool damp air, signaling the arrival of nightfall, the bugs in the forest beginning their song. With each passing minute, I become less sure that anyone is coming for me, hopelessness taking over me. Mother surely must be home by now, and she had to have noticed I was not there, so where was she? Laying down on my side, the cool stone chilling my skin, I let the tears fall, mourning my eventual death. The temple I was currently in was rarely visited, said to be cursed, and all who entered never returned. It used to be used to worship one of the goddesses long ago, but a few centuries ago it was abandoned, the priestesses vanishing from thin air, and quickly word spread of the doomed temple, only fools and drunks ending up here, never to be seen by their loved ones again. My brothers had abandoned me here hoping I'd meet the same fate, deeming me already cursed, my blindness and scars all the proof that I was tainted, aided by the ghosts of that night that whispered around me, the whole village knew what had happened, and they all felt the same; I was the cursed girl. The tears come faster, shivers wracking my body, when I hear a small sound echo through the temple. Sitting up quickly, I whack my head on a stone, cursing under my breath as I rub the spot. "H-hello?" There's only silence in return, but I feel their eyes on me, hope and fear warring in my chest. "Hello?? Is someone there?? Please, help me." Fresh tears come to my eyes as I look around, useless without my sight. The silence is deafening as I curl back up on the marble floor, my tears and sobs echoing across the temple, as I slowly fall asleep, praying to the goddess of the temple for help, wishing I knew their name.

Sunshine warms my face, slowly pulling me from my fretful sleep, and I groan as I slowly sit up, my bones aching from sleeping on the floor. Using the stone id nearly killed myself on, slowly bring myself to my feet, feeling around the wall as I follow the sound of rushing water, nearly crying once more when I find the source. Lowering my face I take a deep breath in, relieved the water smells clean, before dipping my cupped hands in, bringing the cool liquid to my dry lips, a moan of pleasure coming from me as I pour the water down my throat. Feeling the edge of the fountain carefully, I sit down on the stone, dipping my hands back into the fountain before rubbing my face, trying desperately to get whatever dirt I had slept in off my skin. I need a plan, I have to find help, but how? If nobody comes for me, I can't just walk back to the village. There was no clear path through the woods, and I'd surely meet my demise before I got even close to the perimeter. Refusing to break down again, I take a few calming breaths, speaking out into the space, feeling foolish, but desperate for an answer. "Goddess, if you're here, why is this my life?"

I jump nearly falling into the fountain when a strong feminine voice seems to appear from nowhere, not truly expecting a response. "I do not have the answers you seek, young one. Leave now, or suffer the consequences. Your presence is unwanted here." I can't help the snort that comes from me, the insanity of my life finally getting to me. "Well, that's unfortunate because they don't want me in my village either, not that I can get back anyway." I know it probably isn't wise to piss off a literal goddess, but I have little left to lose, and frustration has dulled my sense of self-preservation. The sound of footsteps has me turning, not bothering to lift my head, knowing I wouldn't be able to see them anyway. The steps stop in front of my spot on the fountain, smooth fingers with sharp nails gripping my chin, slowly lifting my head. "Then you will face the same fate as the other mortals foolish enough to trespass in my home." I hold my breath, waiting to finally be free of my existence, but release it after a moment, confused as to why I'm not dead yet. "Your eyes...." The voice trails off, and anger bubbles in me, not wanting to hear any more insults before I die. "Yes, I know. I have scars and I'm blind and I'm a monster. Now please, save me the rhetoric and just end me. Please.." My voice grows small by the end, my sorrow and self-pity almost swallowing me, when a soft hum comes from the goddess, her grip loosening slightly on my chin. "Who did this to you, young one?" Her voice is calm, and my brow furrows as I feel her long claws tracing the scars over my cheek. "It doesn't matter who did this to me. I'm broken, cursed, and left for dead by my family, my mother, not even caring to find me." One of her fingers catches the tear that escapes my eye at the declaration, the truth of my situation finally setting in. "Take my hand, young one. Follow me to the garden and tell me your story, in return, I will help you." My brows raise, surprised when I feel her hand touching mine, her grip gone from my face. With nothing to lose, I take her hand in mine, following her to the garden, trying not to get my hopes up. My family doesn't want me, them, and my village to find me cursed, useless, and unwanted; There was no way a goddess would feel any differently.

As we walk outside, the sunlight licking my skin, I slow my steps, A sweet smell tickling my nose that I can't quite identify. We come to a stop, and with a gentle hand on my shoulder, she helps me sit on a bench, the stone cold in contrast to the warmth of the sun on my skin. "What is your name?" She's silent for a moment, a strange sound flows through the breeze, before finally responding. "I am Medusa." The name gives me pause, having never heard of her before, and I resist the urge to ask her to elaborate. "So tell me, young one, what happened to your sight?"

With a sigh, I pull my hands into my lap, fidgeting with my fingers, the thought of the 'accident' making my pulse race. "I grew up in a small village, not far from here." I take a deep breath, trying to disconnect myself from the story, needing to distance myself to make it through it. "I was best friends with the son of the village elder, he treated me well, sometimes even better than Abraham, his son. I used to think that it meant I was special, he always told me I was." I gulp, taking another cleansing breath, my whole body shaking. "On my 16th birthday, I went to his house to find Abraham, instead I was met with the elder, telling me Abraham wasn't home... And offering to celebrate my birthday with me instead... " My throat constricts, fighting feverishly not to go back to that day, the mere thought making my whole body recoil. Medusa remains silent, waiting patiently for me to continue, and after a few deep breaths, I finally do. "He brought me to his room, and he....." Tears blur my vision, my whole being seeming to rattle within my skin, and I jump as I'm pulled from the memory by her hand encompassing mine, a show of strength that catches me off guard. "After. Everything, his wife returned home, and found me curled up in their bed, bloody and naked, and she was furious. She threw acid across my face, most hitting me in my eyes.." A full-body shudder rips through me, the pain coming back full force as if I'd just been attacked.

There are a few moments of silence, and I think for a moment that she has seen my shame, agreeing with the elders that my disability was my own doing, that I deserved it, but those thoughts cease when I feel her hand come to rest on the side of my face. "How would you like my help?" Her voice floats around me, that sound slowly growing louder. "What do you mean?" The sound seems to continue to grow, and I realize where I recognize it from. Its... Snakes? The thought makes me recoil, but knowing Medusa is near and wishes to offer me aid gives me a sense of calm, certain that the goddess would not allow the snake to hurt me if it was close by. "I share your pain, young one." Her voice is ominous, shaking with rage. "I too was taken advantage of, used for a man's pleasure against my will, then punished for his actions as though they were my own." The news comes as a shock, not realizing goddesses could meet such fates. "I can return you to your village, allow you to go back to your daily life surrounded by people who do not care for you if you truly wish." Despite wishing desperately to go home a few hours ago, her words give me pause, the idea no longer holding the same appeal it had the night before. "And if I do not wish to return to the village?" The air seems to charge, tension and anticipation building in the air. "Then I can offer you my aid one other way." Swallowing the knot in my throat, I straighten, eager to know what my second option was, needing something, ANYTHING, but to go back. The snake's sound reaches a crescendo, the tension palpable. "Then you may live here, with me, and I will help you exact revenge against all who have wronged you."

The idea shouldn't have been as appealing as it was, but the need to avenge myself was strong, tired of feeling weak. "What will I give to you in return?" I was ready to pay any price, having nothing truly left to lose, but I still was smart enough to ask before I agreed blindly to a deal with a centuries-old goddess. "You will give me yourself." My eyebrows shoot up, a look of unsurpressed surprise taking over my features as she continues, her voice gentle, the snake sound dulling to a small buzz. "You will agree to be bound to me, to live the rest of your lives serving me."

"Goddess..." A small lilting laugh catches me off guard, the sound as soft as a butterfly's wings. "Medusa." Her correction is patient, her tone never rising. "M-medusa... I don't know how I can serve you, I'm blind, I'm not of much use." If I was expecting a reply, I was sorely mistaken. All I get back is the rhythmic hissing, and I finally shrug, deciding my sacrifice would be worth finally getting my revenge. Holding a hand out to her, I steel my nerves, my decision made. "I agree to stay here with you, Medusa. I will serve you in all my lives, in exchange for you helping avenge my betrayals." Her long thin fingers wrap around mine, warmth shooting up my hand to travel through my arm, the feeling turning slightly painful as it reaches my neck, her voice booming through the garden. "I accept your deal, young mortal. From here forth you carry the mark of Medusa, the serpent symbolizing your loyalty and ownership to my temple. In return for your sacrifice, your enemies will be dealt justice, no harm will come to you at their hands again."

With trembling hands, I feel up my arm, shocked to find the skin slightly raised, a design wrapping up my arm, around my neck, and coming to rest on my shoulder. Running my fingers tenderly over the swirls and dips, I realize she's right, a large snake now adorning my flesh, a surprising wave of calm meeting that realization. "Tomorrow we begin training, But today we will rest, and feed you, your frail body is inadequate for the battle ahead." As I go to protest a small round object falls into my hands, running my fingers over the smooth skin, I bring the object to my nose, scenting the sweet odor of the peach before sinking my teeth into it, a moan rising in my throat as the sweet juice drips down my chin. "There is plenty of food within the garden, explore and familiarize yourself with it, for maintaining its flourishing fruits will be your job soon enough." Nodding I stand, my feet slightly unsteady from sitting on the stone for so long, and I feel her energy move, the sound of the snake almost seeming to follow her. "Rest today, young one, for tomorrow, begins your new life as a priestess of my temple." Before I can answer, she's gone, the strong maleficent energy dissipating in her wake.

After eating my fill of fruit from the garden, I wander into the temple, my hand gliding along the textured stone walls, trying to map out my surroundings. As night falls I make my way back to the spot I'd slept in the night before, unsure of what else I was meant to do. Sliding slowly down the stone, my feet aching from exerting myself all day, I rest my head against the cool stone, exhaustion heavy like a ship's anchor, pulling my body down to the ground to rest. As I finally hit the floor, I lower myself onto my side, the need to sleep overwhelming, and for a moment I truly feel small. Starting tomorrow I would be training with the goddess Medusa, and soon I would be exacting my revenge against the village elder for stealing my innocence, his wife for stealing my life, my mother and brothers for stealing my future from me, and the whole village for daring to sit by and watch me be humiliated and harmed. As thoughts of vengeance and retribution dance in my head, the thoughts slowly pulling me into sleep, I hear her voice, echo through the room. "Come, young one." As I begin to float on the clouds of my fatigue, I pass out, The slow sound of snakes lulling me to sleep.