
Beyond the final second

Loneliness, not a particularly bad circumstance, but what to do when you are completely alone in your room, not just unable to leave, but to die. This is the situation Victor found himself in, having picked up strange clocks. Now, he must unravel the mystery of the clocks in order to escape this eternal captivity, or go insane in his dreams, as they may hide much more than meets the eye. *** I am a novice author, and I ask you to help with improving the quality of the text, with the comments.

Mrak_Teni · ファンタジー
17 Chs

The same tomorrow

Darkness... The abyss. I had forgotten something, something very important, something I wanted to remember... Some long dream... I hear some ringing... I think I'm waking up."

The ceiling appeared before my eyes, my hand reaching out to turn off the alarm clock. The sun's rays were breaking through the curtains, but there was still not enough light in the room.

- I don't remember anything, why the alarm clock? А... Work. I'll put it off for five minutes...

The alarm clock chimed again.

- It's been five minutes already? I should at least reach for my things...

Without getting out from under the blanket, I reached for my things and got dressed by touch.

- Well, now I'm dressed.

After a couple of minutes, I gathered enough strength to get out of the cozy bed. Later, I wondered for a few seconds if I should make it up. I did.

- So... Now I have to go to work... though stop!... - For a moment, I remembered that I had worked my entire shift and it was the weekend. - I think I forgot to turn off my alarm clock. I'm going to go back to sleep.

I didn't think much about it, so I laid down on the bed, but before I had time to rest, I got a message on my smartphone.

- Who'd think of texting this early in the morning?

"You have a message from user I. I. Munro."

- Some stranger? Shit, I'm not going to sleep now.

The message said:

"Hello, Victor Owloysius. Congratulations on getting out of a difficult situation! I would like to know how it ended and how you did it? Follow the link, there are pictures."

- Follow the links? Looks like another spam. Gotta turn off the notifications from him so he doesn't wake me up again.

I put my cell phone on the nightstand and immediately tucked my face into the pillow and tried to fall asleep.

I was not able to plunge into the embrace of dreams, all the time there was some kind of discomfort that did not allow me to fall asleep. I was asleep for a while, but the discomfort persisted. I looked at the time on my smartphone: "10:50 on June 20, 2020.

The room was already bright: yellow wallpaper, a brown wooden closet, and a table with many drawers that stood by the window.

The surface of the table was not occupied by anything. There was only a lamp on it, and a plastic black drawer held pens and pencils. The notebooks were below, on a pull-out shelf.

"I guess I've had enough sleep for one day." - I muttered, got out of bed, pulled back the curtains, and squinted my eyes a little from the bright light.

I could see the five-story buildings and the park between them. It was clear summer weather.

Turning away from the window and sitting on the bed, I began to go over the day's business.

- Today I would have to have a physical exam to get a certificate. I won't have time for morning tests, I'll go for fluorography and to the dentist. Eh, waiting in line again, first to the dentist. He will put "sanitized", and then I'll go take a turn at the fluoroscopy office. Well, I'll go pack, otherwise I won't have time yet, but I'll eat in the city.

In the corner was my black backpack with an umbrella cane on a harness. All my clothes were mostly gray. After I put on my sneakers and my backpack, I immediately went out to the entrance and without waiting for the elevator down the stairs. The iron door of the staircase opened wide and sounded its long signal. The warmth of the street wafted into my face.

As I walked away from the house and passed by the grocery store, I heard my phone ring. The time "11:03" and the contact "Mom" came up. I immediately answered the phone:

- Yes, hi Mom.

- Hi, it's your day off, am I interrupting?

- No, not a distraction. I just woke up a little while ago.

- Okay, how are you doing? Isn't it boring out there by yourself?

- I'm fine, you ask that a lot. I'm doing a paperwork for work right now.

- At least call someone. Is the old one over?

- Yes, it's been a year and I need a new one.

- Oh, good, then. By the way, I dreamt about you today. In my dream I was very sad, it was somewhere on vacation, I dreamt about ships, and I met you. Are you sure you're not sad alone?

- Yes, I'm fine. I'm an introvert, on the contrary, let me sit alone, and think about different things.

- You sure?

- Yeah, I have enough to do at work, but the weekends have just started.

- All right, well, I should get going, I'm going to make breakfast. Thought I'd give you a call beforehand. Have a good day.

- Bye, you have a good day, too.

Challenge complete.

By this time, I had already made it to the shawarma stand. Behind the window stood a young girl: with purple hair gathered into a ponytail, slender and of medium height, with green eyes and delicate facial features.

There was no crowd near the booth, because it didn't open until 10:30.

- Will you be wanting something? - The girl was a little quiet and looked at the visitor for two seconds.

- Is something wrong?

- Oh, I'm sorry, will you be ordering anything?

"Something's on her mind. Suspicious, but it's best not to show it."

- Yes, I'll have the usual shawarma. How long will it take?

- Oh, it's fine. The order will be ready in six minutes.

"Judging by the reaction, she didn't hold it against me. Apparently she was confused with someone else."

A few minutes later, the girl handed over the shawarma.

- Take your order.

- Yes, thank you.

The girl opened her mouth to say something, but didn't dare.

"It seems she wants to ask something, she can't leave right away."

- Excuse me, did you have something to say?

- Oh, no, that's... Bon appetit.

"Didn't dare, hopefully nothing fateful, I don't want to pry the girl with questions early in the morning. "What's what, but obsession doesn't suit me."

- Okay, thanks...

On the way to the clinic, I pondered what the girl wanted to say:

"New person, haven't seen her before, which means she got the job recently. I can't guess her age, so it's no use trying. Okay, there's still tomorrow."

After a while, I was already approaching a four-story, light blue polyclinic, and I immediately started mumbling out loud:

- Okay, if I'm going to the dentist's office, I don't have to go to the clinic, I have to go to the building next door... somewhere separate... And here it is!

The letters "Dentistry" were displayed on the building across from the clinic. It was built into a residential building. There were no long lines inside. There were three people sitting at one of the offices, who also seemed to have certificates in their hands. I turned to all the people standing by the office:

- Excuse me, where do you have to go to get a physical?

- If you're going to the dentist, it's here," answered an elderly grandmother.

- Who's the last one?

- I'm the last one," replied the same grandmother.

- Okay, then I'm right behind you.

She was a skinny grandmother with a cane, and wore a shirt and a long skirt, the fabric of which reminded me of a sweater of some kind.

Sitting in a chair waiting my turn and putting my backpack on my lap, I looked at the time on my phone.


Near the window a man was walking in a straitjacket under the escort of the orderlies: thin, sunken eyes, and himself as if withered with gray hair, fallen out either from nerves or from a seizure. He looked out the window directly at me, his eyes filled with terror, and he began to yell and try to run away. His scream could be heard even through the window, and there was a clear word: "Umbrella!"

The orderlies froze for a moment and then grabbed him and began to throw him into the car, but he jumped into it himself and cowered in a corner.

"What was that just now? He was looking right at me, and why the umbrella? Yeah, I sure look a little weird walking around with it in clear weather, but not weird enough to scream about it. I mean, it's crazy, though, you'd have to wonder what causes them to have seizures."


A student came out of the office and the woman who was first in line came in. A man came up to me and asked:

- Are you the extreme one?

- Yes, that's right.

- I'll be right behind you.

- Okay.

The man sat across from me and squinted a little, then asked:

- Excuse me, but have we crossed paths somewhere? You have a rather familiar face...

- Maybe we've crossed paths somewhere, it's a big city, it's quite possible.

The man looked about 35 years old. Face with stubble, dark hair, moderately well-fed, tall, wearing jeans and a striped black and red T-shirt.

- "Probably." ... That's it...

The man fell silent, there was an awkward pause, and another man came out of the office, thus moving the line forward. Next in line was the grandmother I was standing behind.


The silence continued, another man came out of the office, and the line shifted again. A man decided to break the silence:

- 'Excuse me, but what do you think of this grandmother?

"What a wildly odd question. Is he more into grannies and looking for fetish friends? Or is he the precinct officer who found the thief? She doesn't resemble a bad person, what can I even say?"

- Grandma? She's just a grandmother, nothing unusual.

- I see, I must have made a mistake.

"Oh, he must have been looking for something, but who is he?"

- Wrong about what?

- No, nothing at all, just asking.

"Apparently he doesn't want to continue talking about his grandmother. At least let me ask him straight out."

- Okay, what do you do, by the way?

- Me? I'm a mechanic, I fix cars, what do you do?

"Well, if you pay attention, he's got rough skin on his hands, which sounds about right. I think I can answer that."

- And I'm a cook, I cook food. I'm filling out a medical certificate.

- It's okay, oh, it's your turn.

Grandma came out of the office. From the doorway I could see the dentist's chair and the dentist himself - a young specialist, almost an intern.

Without closing the door, I entered the office, after which the doctor leisurely asked, raising his eyes to the next in line:

- Are you here to fill out a certificate?

- Yes, I have to go to work.

The doctor looked up, almost fell out of his chair in fright, and then asked:

- Excuse me, but what's your name?

"What the hell is he scared of? Isn't that the found brother of that lunatic or something? Fear of umbrellas? Okay, gotta answer the question."

- Um... Victor... what made you so scared?

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief.

- А... Well, that's..... I had a terrible dream today, and it was very long, I could not wake up, and I was tormented by nightmares, and among the nightmares was someone who looked like you. I already felt like I was still dreaming. Sorry about that, but let's get our teeth checked.

- Yeah, let's...

"A dream means... It seems young, and somewhere already has nightmares, and in general, it becomes suspicious, soon I myself will become superstitious."

I sat down on the chair, and the doctor lifted it higher and pointed the lamp

- Any complaints?

- None.

The doctor had perfectly healthy teeth in front of his eyes.

- Yes, I see, you just need to brush them more often. All right, I'll give you a stamp.

The doctor sat down at his desk, took the certificate, stamped "sanitized," and then wished him good luck.

As I was leaving the office, I met with the mechanic, who examined me with some suspicion. Later he quietly hummed, having drawn some conclusion inside himself, and entered the office, looking straight at the doctor. And I walked on.


The sun's rays illuminated the windowsill. A striped gray-brown cat was sleeping on it outside.

After a while I was already in the outpatient clinic.

In the crowded room stood the smell of medicines, which was everywhere and was forgotten only after getting used to the queues to one or another office.

I headed for the fluorography office, where there were two offices almost all over the city.


I got in line to get a number. There wasn't much to do in it except look at my phone and flip through all sorts of gimmicks on the tape. The queue was moving pretty fast, and it didn't take long to look at it.

I got my number "222" and asked:

- Excuse me, who has number 221?

There was silence, no one answered, and then a student answered:

- I have 220, the woman with 221 went away.

- I'll be right behind you.

- Well, if she doesn't come, then yes..." The student answered sluggishly, stammering.

And so began a long wait in line, which consisted of about 40 people in two offices.

All that time was given to wandering around the Internet sites and watching the street - there was a window in the corner of the room big enough for that.

Eventually the seating became vacant as well, and the bag was no longer on my back, but on my lap.

The flow of the line was like the speed of a leisurely lava, which could stop and freeze for the duration of the lunch break.


There were six people left, and by this time a woman came up:

- Did room 220 come in yet?

To which that student responded and there was one more person in line, then came 218 and 216, and there were now 9 people. Which was frustrating and ordinary.

The time was 1:49 p.m.

Pretty soon there was a "shift change" and there was no one left in front of the line.

The time is 1:55 p.m.

A man comes out of the office and behind him the doctor announces that they are now accepting the last people before the "shift change".

Taking my bag, I entered the office. A slight chill ran down my arms - this room is much cooler than the others.

I walked over to the table and put down my documents. Then protection was put on me.

"Cold heavy rubber..."

My chin rested on the plastic-framed glass, which were also cold and unpleasant.

It didn't take long for the X-rays to come in, and before the protection had warmed up, it had already been removed.

The doctors told me to come back next week for the results.

The time was 2:02 p.m.

Doctor: "We're having a 'shift change' - wait half an hour!"

The line began to disperse for the duration of this break, but some stayed, knowing that it was better to wait it out than to get lost in line later.

The noise of people resembled that of a train station, but to a lesser degree. Many people went outside and dispersed who-knows-where.

"Business for the day is done; all that's left is to spend the day at one's leisure."

The umbrella dangled from the backpack a little out of its knotted harness, and tapped the calf of my feet as I walked.

"I wonder what kind of injury you have to have to be afraid of umbrellas? Oh, and everyone's confusing me with someone else. The man looked familiar, the doctor almost fainted, the psycho... Fun morning..."

My thoughts continued until there was a shawarma stand nearby, where the very same girl was. My gaze fell on a nametag that said the name "Christina."

"I wonder if she's going to tell us now."

The girl noticed the scrutiny and, getting a little nervous, asked:

- Will you be ordering something?

- Ah, no thanks, I was just wondering what's in the booth.

- I see, well...

"Is she really trying to tell me something, or is she just kidding?"

The time is 2:42 p.m.

"Okay, I need to get something home, I'll go to the supermarket."


"The bus will be at 3:06 p.m., a little wait."

Suddenly a social media message came in, written in English, but what caught my eye was "$100,000."

"Looks like someone wants to scam me for money. Sorry, but this trick will work on people who only learned about the Internet yesterday. I'll ignore it."


Cars drove down the street in the hot sun, and only the canopy of concrete made the waiting area cool.

Sitting next to her was a girl, about 23, who was staring intently at an umbrella tied to her backpack. She was redheaded and curly, with childlike features. It seemed that her character was very soft...

- Look, why do you need an umbrella in this clear weather? What are you going to do with it? Are you going to shoot, or what?

The sudden question was a bit surprising. But before I had time to think of an answer, as she continued to babble on, not allowing me to say a word.

- Don't be silly and watch the weather forecast! It's been sunny all week! It's like you're sleeping with it! Or do you think you look more elegant with him? He's all torn up, and so are you with a T-shirt and jeans! What elegance! You seem to dream about elegance, and your room is as ugly as you are!

"Damn, it's starting to stress me out, why is everyone sticking to the umbrella today, where's the bus?"

- Why are you looking away? Look the other person straight in the eye! You should remember these lessons for the rest of your life! So that in your sleep and after your sleep you observe them, I see!

- I have to go to the bus...

- Really?! You're leaving in the middle of a conversation?! Well, go, then you will regret that you did not listen to the end.

She grudgingly crossed her arms and turned her head to the side.

Meanwhile, I had already managed to get on the bus. I looked around to see if she would follow. The girl continued to sit on the bench and the bus doors closed.

"Why did that girl come on like that? Like a grandmother, and even more so than some prostitute or junkie. I'm sick and tired of meeting all kinds of suspicious people today, I wish I could go home sooner."

It took about half an hour to get to the store, then the same amount of time to walk around the store. And then the same amount of time to get back. Sometimes alerts of this kind of divorce came in different languages, to which I had to turn off the alerts altogether and limit page access.


Once home, the first thing I did was put the bags on the floor. Then I took off my shoes and put my backpack and umbrella in the corner of my room. In a few seconds, I was already lying face down in my pillow.

"I wish I could rest in my room forever, and that I didn't have to do anything. Eh dreams."

After resting a bit and gaining strength, I got out of bed and started putting food out in the fridge.

After taking a bite of chips, I found the garbage bag full.

"Can't get any denser now, gotta take it out. Eh, and would have done it in the morning, I could have taken it easy and rested. All right, gotta take it out, what's there to think about."

Time 5:57 p.m.

The garbage chute was blocked up so as not to multiply the cockroaches in the apartments. There was a building across the street where everyone threw out their trash. Not really figuring out what to wear, I went in my slippers.

While throwing out the trash, I noticed some electronic watches lying on the ground.

It had 3 whale figurines on it, which were on a wave, and the watch itself was pretty weighty, but had no straps.

"Thrown out just because the strap broke? Yep, looks like someone's a spender, well I'm a hoarder, I'll take it home...looks nice!".

The clock worked and showed the exact time along with the date and year:

"18:05:21 20.06.2020"

At home, I studied the clock a bit and putting it on the table, what caught my attention was that it didn't have any buttons or the like to adjust the time.

"Well... Anyway, it works fine as it is."

The time was 6:30 p.m.

It was bright, but it had been a busy day and I wanted to sleep. Out of the habit of getting up at 7 a.m. and sleeping for ten hours at a time, it was a sleepy time all by itself.

I collapsed on my pillow and covered myself with a blanket and quickly fell asleep.

The dream was very disturbing: I heard screams, shrieks and pleas for help, and many pictures surfaced, but I didn't want to wake up from something. At some point everything fell silent and there was a normal sleep.

I was awake in the afternoon, my cell phone, apparently, had run out of power during the night, and I was asleep for the full 12 hours. Mentally and physically, the condition was swell.

"I need to charge my phone and look at the time on my new watch. But first to the hallway."

The door to the hallway didn't open...

"What? It's weird, like it's not my door at all, I don't get it."

The door was like titanium. It didn't even make a sound when I tried to kick it.

"What the hell is that, and my cell phone is off, there's no electricity? What's outside the window?"

I pulled back the curtains, and the sky was visible outside the window. The sky... And just the sky...

- No, what the hell, what the hell! Where's the city!!! Where the fuck is the earth?

I tried to open the window. It wouldn't open.

- What time is it? What the hell time is it!?

The time is "23:61:00 on June 20, 2020"...

- Um... what?

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