
Beyond the Castle’s Walls, a Dragon’s Yearning

A young dragon, caught in a trap and left left for dead, was saved by the prince of the neighboring kingdom. Lost with no memories of who or what he used to be, he lives his life helping his savior while trying to find out who he used to be.

MothersWeaponOfLuv · ファンタジー
1 Chs

A Stranger’s Warm Embrace

My body ached all over. My mind felt groggy and stung with blurry images. The floor felt so cooling as the rain danced with the wind.

I couldn't seem to remember who, what, or where I happened to be. I felt a stinging pain in my leg but I couldn't help but let the drowsiness in my body take over.

Before I lost consciousness, I saw the shadow of a figure lean down upon me and try to pick me up. Seeing as it was futile to try and resist, I lay limp in the arms of the stranger.

Strangely enough, it didn't feel bad, it felt soothing...


"Heeeeeey, are you awake yet? Heyyyy you can hear me, can't you?"

A pestering voice rang in my head and I felt something nibble and peck at my head.

Annoyed, I tiredly swatted at it with my arm.

"Hey, watch it with those claws,pal!" A shrill shriek could be heard.

"Enough Chey, leave the dragon alone. Once it regains it's vigor, you can't be so cheeky you little rascal!" The voice chided at the creature seemingly named 'Chey'.

'...Dragon, huh? Is that what I am? I hadn't gotten any chance to look at myself since I regained consciousness.

Opening my eyes dazedly, I was welcomed to a dimly lit room full of books and many other materials thrown messily around the room.

The smell of herbs and old books was strongly present but not overbearing.

Suddenly, a small bird peered from above.

"Heeeeeeey prince-boy, the thing's finally awake~~"

Ah.... sorry for such a short chapter... I haven’t written my own story in a while so I hope you found it somewhat intriguing :)

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