
Beyond realistic - The Amber Kingdom

Chris tries an unbelievably realistic new game, but soon he realizes that something is terribly wrong. He can't logout! After surviving in a forest clearing with nothing except for a Shrine, he comes to the conclusion that he has been transported to a another world. He is probably in the fantasy world of the game he was trying out. Chris is your ordinary college student, so surviving on his own is a rude awakening. Luckily, he soon discovers a woman next to his makeshift camp. Oh no, she hits him with a branch. He has to make her trust him, and quickly, before she hits him again! After a bit of convincing, the woman introduces herself as Lady Amelia of the Moon. She is a beautiful and fierce Elf Priestess. Chris is immediately interested in her. Even better, she will lead him to a nearby village. Huzzah! He is rescued! This is the beginning of a fantastic journey filled with magic and deadly perils. Alongside Amelia, Chris will discover great power within himself and an even greater destiny! They will face ferocious opponents such as demons, werewolves, warlocks, undead, and even dragons on their journey to find and defeat a great and mysterious Evil. Over time, they may also develop feelings toward each other.

Cobbe · ファンタジー
49 Chs

The tomb of Amber Kings 2

Chris, Amelia, and Harold venture down into the tomb to the first subterranean floor. Just as they come down they see a skeleton armed with an old sword and shield charging at them. Chris steps forward and summons a large stream of fire. Moments later there is nothing left of the skeleton save for a pile of ash.

Both Amelia and Harold are impressed with Chris' new ability to control fire. With the strength of the three of them, they will be able to quickly advance through the floors of the undead.

The group swept through the first five floors within a few hours, then they decide to rest for a while. Harold sets a trap that should alarm them if any undead approach. They eat, drink and talk for about an hour. Chris and Amelia decide to tell Harold that Chris isn't from this world and that they think he is a hero of prophecy.

Chris also decides to tell Amelia and Harold of what had happened when he first came to this world, how he met a fairy named Nina who granted him three wishes. Neither Amelia nor Harold had ever heard of a fairy before. They were not known creatures of this world. Amelia started wondering if Chris had actually met someone entirely different and that the being may have hidden its true identity from Chris, but she kept this to herself for now.

Harold had been amazed at all the things they told him, but he listened carefully and asked questions. He also promised not to tell anyone else what they had confided in him today. He seemed to think that this could be dangerous knowledge and that they should be careful with who they tell.

Harold's alarm was suddenly set off and they hear a vase shatter in the distance. The alarm had been a tripwire attached to an empty old vase.

The group quickly ready themselves and go to check. It is a skeleton wielding a greatsword and it is slowly moving toward them. Chris easily incinerates it and they decide to carry on.

Hours go by and the heroes fight dozens of skeletons. Eventually, they make it down to the tenth floor. They are getting tired and decide to camp for the night. They will need to take shifts guarding the camp as the other two sleep. Before they go to sleep, Chris shows Amelia how to channel energy into flames. She is already quite adept at holy magic and so it doesn't take her long to figure out the spell.

The night, or at least the time that they rest since they don't really know if it is day or night*, go by without any major issues. Each of them is skilled enough to dispatch of a few skeletons. It was also a good opportunity for Amelia to practice her new fire spell.

The group eats breakfast and ready themselves to clear the last ten floors, they are resolved to finish this before having to sleep again.

They continue descending down through the floors. Checking each for anything out of place and burning more and more skeletons along the way. It seems like the number of skeletons increases with each floor they descend.

By the time they get to the 19th floor, they find themselves fighting over a dozen skeletons at the same time. Fortunately, both Chris and Amelia can now conjure large flames and therefore the fight still isn't overwhelming. Harold focuses on blocking the skeletons' attacks and keeping them away from Chris and Amelia.

They manage to clear the 19th floor and find nothing out of place. "The source of the problem must be on the 20th and last floor.", Harold says. Chris and Amelia agree, especially since the number of skeletons has been increasing as they come further and further down.

Harold starts going down the last stone steps a few meters ahead of Chris and Amelia. Suddenly he shouts, "Quickly, this is bad.". Then they hear a loud bang, it sounded like an explosion.

Chris and Amelia run toward Harold and when they reach the 20th floor they both gasp. There is a massive undead creature in front of them. Chris thinks that it looks like Death incarnate. Amelia calls out, "Lich!".

The Lich sends forth a massive orb of darkness at them. Chris jumps in front of Amelia and block it with an energy shield, but it explodes with a massive force. Chris is knocked back onto Amelia and they both fall to the ground.

Chris quickly gets up on his feet and asks, "Amelia, are you okay?"

Amelia sits up and slowly nods, "I think so".

Multiple skeletons start rising around the Lich. Harold rushes forward to distract them.

Chris conjures a large stream of fire and aims it at the Lich. However, the Lich sends out a dark and icy shockwave. A wall of ice comes up around the Lich.

Dozens of skeletons are rising from their graves. They will soon be surrounded by what looks like an entire army of undead.

Harold tries his best to keep them away, while Chris and Amelia are incinerating them as quickly as they can, but they are just too many. "We are being pushed back. How can we defeat such a foe?", Harold says.

Amelia looks at Chris and says, "I need you, WE need you, to successfully channel all of your magic. The way that I told you when you gather all your energy into your core. I and Harold will try to buy you enough time to channel. When you have gathered your energy, I want you to release the biggest holy orb we have ever seen!"

While Chris starts to channel, Harold bashes his shield as fast as he can to knock back the horde of undead that is swarming them. Amelia does her best to burn them, but they seem endless. The only upside is that the wall of ice has finally disappeared.

Things are looking really bad as they are pushed back farther and farther. Soon the undead will reach Chris and interrupt his channeling. Then, just as they are inches away, a huge surge of energy comes out of Chris and starts to form into a massive holy orb. The nearby skeletons are evaporated. Amelia and Harold are kept safe by Amelia's ability to deflect holy energy, a common ability among high-ranking priests.

Moments later, the orb is fully formed and Chris sends it off like a cannonball aimed straight at the Lich. Any undead that is even near is turned to dust along the way. The Lich tries to counter it with a dark orb, but the holy orb just pushes through it and hits the Lich with a massive explosion of light. The Lich is finally turned to dust along with the other skeletons. Once the dust settles, the group sees something lying in the pile of dust left by the Lich. It is a solid orb of darkness, very similar to the one they had found in the hut with the Warlock and werewolves. Chris quickly moves to pick it up and stows it away.

Now that the Lich has been defeated, nothing else seems out of place. Everything is quiet in the tomb, just like it should be. Amelia finds a study in the tomb filled with dusty old books. Most of them aren't interesting, but there is one that sticks out. When Amelia looks at it, it seems to glow slightly and after blowing away the dust, it turns out that it is still in good condition. The title reads, "Teleportation circles in Amber Kingdom". She decides to take the book with her, it would be of no use in this dusty old tomb.

The group rests for a short while before hurrying back up to the military outpost. It doesn't take more than a couple of hours to reach the top without any skeletons to fight. They step out of the tomb and go up to meet the sergeant. Harold and Amelia are still catching their breath from the climb up. Chris' stamina is unrivaled and so he is the first to speak, "Hello Sergeant, we have found the cause of the problem and eliminated it. It was a Lich. We are tired now and would like to retreat for the night. Do you have somewhere for us to rest?"

At first, the sergeant just stares at Chris, too shocked to even answer, but then he manages to regain his composure. "Of course, these soldiers will lead you to suitable accommodations.", he said and gestures toward a couple of men standing near.

Chris and Harold are led to a tent to share, and Amelia is given her own. They all fall asleep quickly that evening. Chris had said "for the night", but the sun hadn't even set yet. Regardless of going to bed early, all three of our heroes sleep until the next morning.

*An astute reader may wonder, what happened to Chris' watch which he had brought along from his world. He left it at the temple along with his old clothes.

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