

(Forty thousand years ago. Day of the change.)

The sky glowed a bright golden shine as the music hummed in a rhythmic beat. The golden gates of Heaven almost seemed to open and close with the heavenly song sung by the Angels of old and, young

But not everything was an absolute joy. No. Bellow down in the world, the people cried out. The monsters roamed feasting on humans. Man, Woman, or child. Young, or Old it did not matter. These foul beast made from other Man could only be satisfied with putting an end to there own hunger.

So they ate. The Monster ate and, ate and, ate. Again and again human after human. All of the foul creatures devoured.

They ate so much that their very bellies seemed to bloat till they would burst and more would arrive.

And unfortunately, nothing could be done to save the poor Humans. Or at least that's what the Angels told themselves.

"Nero Alan!" A voice boomed while the figure made of pure light bowed down. "For your crimes against humanity we-"

"My crimes?" The figure made of light asked as he set up. "What crimes? Are you telling me that protecting a civilization that couldn't protect themselves-"

"Silence." The booming voice yelled. "You have broken our law. You first insisted that Humanity should be given that which we hold. You gave them emotions and death. Then after they could be handle emotions and became corrupted through there sins you want to give them more?"

"They can handle the creatures!" Nero shouted. "If they we give them 'Pure' they can protect themselves. Humanity can learn from its mistakes. They can be pure." He spoke. "Sure some may be bad but that doesn't mean they are all evil-"

"It is too late." The voice yelled. "You have given them the power only we should hold. Already it is mutating. It's is changing. As we speak they are using it as a weapon. Not against the creatures but against themselves."

Nero shook his head. "You're lying. Surely they would use this power for the greater-"

"Nero!" The voice yelled cutting him off once again. "For your crimes, we sentence you as guilty."

Nero looked down for a brief moment. "Then kill me. I will gladly die as long as my cause is seen through."

"No Nero." The voice said. "You will not die. No. That would be far too kind. I want you to realize your mistake."

Chains suddenly appeared wrapping around the being bad of light. "What is this!" Nero yelled as his form shined blink on and off. "What are you planning." In a dark purple flash, Nero found himself faced down looking out towards the world. His chains had wrapped themselves around a pillar.

"You shall have the power to break free of these chains." The voice said. "One day. Until that day you will serve out your punishment. You will be forced to watch humanity. Watching all the sin they commit against each other. I want you to watch until you go mad. Then once it has become too much and you realize just what you have done these chains will break and driven out by your grief you will be the one to end humanity."


"Yes!" The voice boomed out as laughter could be heard. "Now watch the sins they commit. Watch so that when you free yourself you will know just what it is that you will be killing. Watch the monsters that you have created."