
Beyond Friendship: I am the Mighty Kira

Meet Kira. Strong, independent and an empowered woman. She may not have been born with a silver spoon but with her wit, skills and hard work, she is able to play the game of life well. She has a big heart but doesn't really understand romantic relationships. She is loyal and protective when it comes to people she considers dear to her. Her close-knit relationships are not easy to break into. Meet Aki. Born into a rich family. A decisive person with great acumen when it comes to business. His EQ is not as good amidst being raised in a loving and supportive family. He is domineering, bossy and someone not to be trifled with. He is a man of his word and cherishes those he allow to enter his personal bubble. What happens when two people having difficulty when it comes to intimate relationships meet and click? Will they be able to remain just friends? Or will they muster enough courage to be honest, vulnerable and listen to their hearts? Can they go beyond friendship? Be a part of a world where two headstrong people go through the rollercoaster of doubts and emotions as they learn more about themselves and each other. A story of friendship, love and courage in the game of life! Book cover design and story are both original works by myself.

Mangaka_Kuno · 都市
27 Chs

Thank You, I Know You Always Have My Back

"Well, I did but since the number of people changed, I need to make some adjustments. I'll have Tako or Sammy handle it. And yes, we are leaving the day after tomorrow. Do you have any special requests?" I asked both Ellie and Kira.

"Just make sure to include fun activities for the kids. I'm hoping we will be able to see some dolphins or we can walk underwater! I'm sure the kids would love to experience the sea creatures instead of just watching them in the aquarium." Ellie stated.

"Hmmm. I'll pass on that information to Sammy. And you, Kira?" I turned to her to check if there is anything she would like to do there.

"I want the underwater experience too!" She chimed with her eyes wide in excitement.

Seeing her getting excited about the underwater experience and the trip, I have to make sure that she gets what she wants. Oh, how I love seeing her happy and excited like this. No matter how tough and independent she carries herself in public, only a few can see her adorable and cute side. And I feel truly blessed to be one of those lucky few.

"All right. If that is what you want, then you shall have it." I said confidently.

"I'm sure Loi and the twins will be happy about this! I can't help but be excited as well! " Ellie exclaimed.

"I'm sure! And I can't wait to spend some time with them too! All right, let's enjoy lunch before the dishes get cold." Kira then instructed us like a motherly hen guiding her chicks to the food trough.

We all sat there, enjoying the meal Kira prepared and discussing the trip. It feels good to have Kira start talking to me comfortably again. Well, somehow. I can still sense her awkwardness. Especially when I held her hands earlier. Did my confession really give her a shock? Since that night, we've been having awkward moments, that is if she is not avoiding me. What the? Am I becoming too self-conscious now? Me? Damascus Lee getting sensitive because someone pulled her hands away from mine?! Such a wimp I've become. Well, anything for Kira. Let's just hope this trip will make things better for the two of us. I've been waiting for almost four years to finally claim her as my woman, what's a few more days?

After lunch, Kira chimed: "Where shall we take our dessert? Would you like coffee or tea?"

"You also made dessert?" I asked, expectantly. Knowing how great of a chef she is, one can't help but be excited about the treats she creates!

"Of course! How can I serve you people just lunch? That is not right. A complete meal needs a tasty dessert to wrap everything up!" Kira confidently said without forgetting to click her tongue and wag her finger as if admonishing me for questioning her. She really is cute!

"Yes, chef! I'd like to have coffee with mine. What are we having?" I beamed.

"Dark chocolate banana torte. How about you Ellie? Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee. Can I have it on the stronger side?"

"Of course. I still remember how you like your coffee, Ellie. Leave it all to me. I'll meet you two in the garden."

With Ellie and I waiting for Kira in the garden…

"So. I heard you confessed huh?" Ellie started.

"What?!" I almost choked in my own saliva hearing what Ellie just said.

"Haha. You stupid brother of mine. You scared our little Kira, you know? You cornered her. What were you thinking? Were you even thinking? And then telling her to forget about it?! Are you crazy?!" she admonished.

"So, that's why you offered to join us."

"Yes. I told you, it's been long overdue that the two of you get together and be together. I am not as patient as you Damascus! It's been almost what? Four years since you told me that you have found the woman you will love and cherish for the rest of your life. I still remember our conversation that time and how smitten yet serious you were with all the statements you blurted out!" she giggled before continuing, "Besides, I really want Kira as my sister-in-law! You two really make a good couple...and may I remind you again that the elders keep on breathing down my neck as well." She sighed.

"Thank you, I know you always have my back." I did not know what else to say to my sister. She has always been so supportive of me. Although she never really approved of all the women I dated before, not that I introduced all of them to her and the family, but those who had the chance of meeting her didn't really make her happy the least. But the first time I introduced Kira during one of the MBA activities, like me, she was also smitten by her. Knowing that the woman I love is being loved and fully accepted by my family makes me truly grateful.

"What?! Ew. Stop being mushy! Kira really is something else making the 'Great Damascus Lee' turn soft." She giggled.

"Here comes dessert! What did I miss?" Kira came with a trolley holding our desserts and coffee.

"Nothing. I was just telling Aki about the shopping spree we did for this vacation and how I am not sure if I can still wear my new swimwear, what with all the food you are feeding me!" Ellie exclaimed.

"Hah. As if a few delicious dishes will add on the pounds that quickly. Besides, you've always had a lovely figure, Ellie. And to think you already have Loi." Kira responded sweetly.

"And now you have learned some flattery?" Ellie teased Kira and they both laughed.

"Aki, I made yours decaf. You've been having too much caffeine as per the kitchen staff. Are you planning to run on it instead of fueling your body with nutritious food? You'll crash and burn if you keep doing that. You're supposed to be on leave so I really do not see the point of you consuming that much caffeine."

Hearing Kira say this, I can't help but smile. Ah. How nice it is to have a lovely and amazing woman care for me this way. She even checks what I have been consuming. How can I not love her? How can I not want to claim her and make her my woman?

"I shall listen to you, my Love. I'll lessen my caffeine intake if that is what will make you happy. Or should I increase it instead so that you will keep on caring for me?" I teased.

"Hmph! Do whatever you want. As long as you are prepared to never eat any of my cooking ever again." She snarkily said with a smirk.

I just laughed as a response as I took a bite of the Dark Chocolate Banana Torte she made.

We all enjoyed the dessert and non-alcoholic digestif* prepared by Kira whilst chatting about the upcoming vacation. The ladies were talking about their shopping spree.

"That was really delicious, Kira. I'm sure Loi and the elders will be so envious when they learn you prepared a meal for us!" Ellie laughed.

"Are you going to the main house after here?" I asked.

"Yes. Loi and I are currently staying there."

"Oh. I have more Dark Chocolate Banana Torte. Plus I made Strawberry sherbet for Loi, Grandma Syvi and tita Isa."

"Why do they get strawberry sherbet and I don't?" I asked dejectedly.

"Oh don't be such a baby. You're not even fond of strawberry desserts so I made Mango sherbet for you." Kira mused.

"Oh you two. Stop bickering like an old married couple!" Ellie laughed and I did not miss how Kira blushed as she tried to hide her face away from me.

"Ellie…" She mumbled.

"Fine. I better go now. I'm sure they will enjoy the desserts. Aki, call me about the time so that we can meet you at the airport, okay?"

"Sure. Did you drive here?"

"Yes, I did. I want to make the most out of the time that Yuma is not here. You know how he is about my driving." Ellie naughtily smirked.

"Hah. I'd feel the same way too. Drive safely, okay? Do not get a traffic violation!" I teased.

"Hmph! Whatever. See you then!"

Ellie left, leaving both Kira and I in another awkward silence. She cleared her throat and said, "Let me clean this up. You go back to whatever it is that you need to do." She started clearing the empty dessert plates and coffee cups.



"Nothing. Thank you for lunch. I will have the mango sherbet later for snacks. If you need anything, I'll be in my study, okay?"

"Yes. I'm glad you enjoyed lunch. Do not overwork yourself, okay? By the way, I would like to visit Luisa at the hospital and talk to Sisters Therese and Elena."

"Okay. Tom will accompany you."


"Why? Do you want somebody else to accompany you? You are not to leave without security, Kira."

"Ah yes. Security, right. Fine. I'll tell Tom when I'm ready."

"Good. Be safe, okay?" I leaned in and kissed her forehead. She just stood there, not reacting. Damn. Am I not allowed to kiss her on her forehead now? I shook my head and went to my study to make the necessary changes for the vacation.

*digestif - a drink served after a meal to aid digestion (usually alcoholic)

Are you fond of having digestifs after meals? What's your fave?

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