
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · アニメ·コミックス
126 Chs

A sexy Assassin (Edited in order to appease readers)

As I have attracted worldwide attention with my own IS, and the fact that I am one of the only two men who can pilot, you know the story. She was sent to protect me from the shadows just like Ichika in the original.

-Ara, so you knew? Heh. I just wanted to see how the strongest of the first years would be. But who knew, you might even be stronger than me.

-You talk as if you didn't know what I could do already, but you shouldn't undermine yourself. You earned your title.

-You are quite arrogant aren't you? She said while covering her mouth with a fan that said Pride.

-Thank you for the compliment.

-You are quite strange, but I guess only someone like you can make my sister smile like that. She said while covering her face with a fan that now said, Love.

I just furrowed my brows.

-Ara? Not going to admit it? Do you lack courage? That's not it, you charged at me with such strength... Are you perhaps aiming for me as well? Kyaaa…

Her hands touched her cheeks as she tried her best to act scared.

-You attacked me, and now you mock me. If that was everything I am leaving. I turned around and started to leave.


-Let me ask you some questions.

-If you are here it means that the school thinks it's necessary to protect me. What is it this time? Phantom task?

-OHH… You are truly informed, are you perhaps… A diviner?

-The irony in your tone is annoying, just be straight. Last chance.

-You are no fun. But yes, you are right. We have detected some suspicious people entering the city in the past day or so, look.

She showed me many images of different people, some that I could recognize and others that I couldn't. During the years there were many criminals on the news and I made sure to remember all of the most important ones.

-The problem is we don't know what all of them want in here, some could just be passing others could just be here for something else entirely. Hence, here I am!

-So, you are here to make sure nothing bad happens to me?

-Ding ding ding, you gain a prize! How about this? She took my room key.

-Where did you get that? Why I am asking, anyway that doesn't work anymore as I switched my keyhole.

What am I saying? She is the student council president, of course, she has my key... The key to the warehouse. Even if she didn't have access to that, her mission from the school/Government is bound to give her the tools needed to "protect" me.

Meaning she must have access to my room and knowledge of many of my actions here in school.

-What a bummer.

She then smirked.

-Guess I will own you one then. Her Fan now said "mischief"

-I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be around you as of now.

-Not on those clones, but on the real "you".


-You think that after watching you over quite some time I wouldn't have realized? That you send clones to do everything while the real you stay hidden somewhere. The clones are almost perfect, even the DNA analysis on their hair proves it. I am amazed by your creation, but they are too perfect. The way they act, talk and just do things. It's as if they are always... thinking.

I didn't expect that. So she figured that out just from watching me? She isn't an elite agent for no reason.

-Are you implying that I don't think?

-No, it's not like that, you got what I meant. She said with a fan covering her mouth this time it reads "Laughing"

-It's fine I guess, but I'll have you know that I don't really do much all day apart from researching. So if you are fine with doing that then you are free to tag along.

-Okay then.Bye-bye!

-See you tomorrow. I said while walking away after dematerializing my IS back into a ring. The lack of energy does not stop the IS from returning to its closed form, even if it doesn't have energy left. In fact, it will return to this state if it receives a lot of damage or when its energy runs out.

And it's not like the IS is without energy. It will always have some left inside of its core in case something happens. The core can also recharge and repair itself when it is in its closed state. It doesn't make much sense but I attribute this to the way the cores were built. Something that I plan to find out eventually

A few seconds later a shadow appears asking:

-So what do you think of him?

-Does he even need me? He is strong enough to handle himself. And I think he is interesting, even more so than your brother Chifuyu. And I also wanted to take a look at the man who made my sister change so much.

Her fan said Romance

-Yes, he can take care of himself somewhat.

-Then why…

-That's exactly why. Knowing him, if anyone tries to go after him, he will most likely confront them rather than just regrouping with the others. He is strong and capable but he can't do everything alone, that's why you are here, to warn us if he makes a stupid decision.

-Here, take it. His room keys.

-How did you get this?

-I have my ways. Let's just say I know the right people.

-Being pesky again with your secrets… Even I didn't manage to get through his room's defenses, at least not without him finding out.

-That's all then. Dismissed.

-Hai hai… She then left elegantly with her fan.

-Sigh, these girls don't give me any peace at all.

She then returned to the back door from where she came from.

/Next day/

After a good night of sleep, I was woken up by a strange smell.

I opened my eyes to see Tatenashi cooking something in my kitchen.

-How… No wait, I can imagine how. Either you hacked the door or you got its keys. Hacking is pretty possible but difficult nonetheless, but getting the keys is way easier. But I only have a single copy. The others only have the keys to the warehouse itself.

-The only people who could give you the keys are those with the highest level in the academy since no matter how much I change the electronic locks they will always be under the Academy's main AI…

Tatenashi who saw me wake up just walked to me and put a toast in my mouth.

-It's so early in the morning, why are you thinking so much? Eat, eat. Think later. Her fan said: Way too easy.

I got up to eat the toast as I didn't want any crumbs falling on my bed.

As for my boring reaction. I already expected this to happen. If I start to push her away, the school might just find a reason to put me in normal dorms and force me to have a roommate.

(Remember the school students sleep in duos, only the MC sleeps alone. Because of the lack of rooms. I just kept him there because of convenience, but the school still has the final say over his living quarters.)

The problem is that I sleep in my underwear.

-What? You invaded my room, don't be flustered now. Can you give me a cup of water?

-Sheesh, you bore. Don't you feel anything in this situation?

-Right back at you.

I am not attracted to underage girls.

-It's 7 in the morning, I will just eat for now. I will leave the thinking for later.

She then gave me a cup of water, and after eating the toast I noticed an extra bed in my room.

-What's that?

-My bed.

-Yours? What is it doing in my room?

-It's our room now.

-Sigh, I will just think later. I will take a shower.

-Don't worry, I won't peek. Her fan said: Maybe

Is the situation so bad that the school needs to have trained personnel protect me in my own room?

I picked my clothes up and entered the bath, not before making sure the door was locked.

{Why are you locking that door so tightly?}


You almost gave me a heart attack. Where the fuck were you?

{Language. It's complicated, let's leave it at that right? It's not really going to affect us anyway.}

I don't like this...

{Then get stronger, faster. Your progress has been decent but most of your true strength is dependent on your Mech.}

That doesn't mean anything. There are many characters whose strength is dependent on a power so much so that without it they would be greatly weakened. You might say they trained for it, but what about me? I made my Mech pretty much from scratch.

{I didn't undervalue your efforts, I am mostly saying that your mech and your tools are pretty much all you have. Kinda like … Batman?}

That's not true, my body is way over the line, I can even take a bullet and the bullet will at most pierce my skin, but not my muscles(Depends on the caliber and the gun itself though). But I plan to resolve my lack of power later. At least Batman could do some hand-to-hand combat and I am no different.

{Why don't you use the energy that we acquired to wish for a new power? You can just use the ticket too...}

Just be straight with me, what is happening? I've been with you for 17 years and I can tell when you are worried.

{... It's something way above us currently. Even me before being limited wouldn't be able to resolve it, just don't be pressured for now ok? Your progress is very decent for what you are trying to achieve.}

Just a few more months and I will get my hands on the time crystals. Then we will have a lot of room to play with.

{I hope so too}

1700 words.

Edited in order to make the situation seems more in line with what I think the MC actions would be. Since I put him in more of a passive situation than I wanted

Minor spoiler

The next chapters or so will be slower than normal. Just a setup for the future timeskip, I will also take this time to fix any problems that might arise and to prepare for the next world arrival and the world end.

End of minor spoiler

What do you guys think about this? Any ideas?

As always. send nud... I mean in the comments... No, wait...

I need to go!

Abadomcreators' thoughts