
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · アニメ·コミックス
126 Chs

A gift from the maiden

From the communication line in the IS I could hear Maya saying that an unidentified IS breached the shield of the arena.

-The duel is canceled! Orimura! Fan! Return immediately! Said Chifuyu.

Of course, instead of leaving both Ichika and Linlin entered an argument about why he should leave and that he won't leave a girl behind to fight.

As for me, I was currently analyzing the stats of the enemy IS. It looked fairly similar to the one in the series, but it looked bulkier in some areas.

I saw it charging a laser beam while pointing it at Linlin.

I charged my own back thrusters and flew at incredible speeds towards the Robot. Yes, a robot. This is a non-manned IS. Hence I don't care at all about the damage.

As most IS battles are either in competitions or training, most of them would have weaker guns or stats in order to decrease the damage done to the surroundings and reduce the chance of injuries. And also because no one would enjoy a fight they can't see, since most IS can fly at supersonic speeds quite easily.

The robot didn't respond to my charge as smoothly as I expected.

With my right hand, I landed a hook right in the chest of the IS. Making it bend a little, then I slammed both of my hands on its head and activated my hand weapons. A pair of close-range plasma canons. They can't fire very far, only a few meters, but the damage they pump out can be quite serious. The only problem is that I have only 2 shots in this before my ammo goes to shit.

Surprisingly the robot shield blocked the damage, making an opening in my attack.

The robot grabbed my arm and threw me away while charging another shot. Not on me though, but on the two idiots who were flying in the sky with their mouths open.

-If you two aren't going to help then go away while I deal with this guy.

I then activated my long-range weapon. A pair of missile launchers appeared and a big turret was suddenly deployed into the ground. A dozen missiles started to fly in the robot(Now called Drone) while the turret barrel started to spin, ready to shoot.

The Drone has a lot of power stacked in his hands, his mobility is quite bad but nothing to ignore. But that's all.

I charged my back thrusters again ready for another charge when the Drone had his two arms join together into one single cannon, and pointed it at me.


The shot was charged at an immense speed…

A huge purple beam made its way towards me, I didn't have time to dodge, if I tried to I would surely lose my right arm. And I am not sure if I can recover from such damage.

I used all of my mind power at this moment and finally saw a solution.

Gathering all of my energy towards my IS chest I prepared to use my secret weapon.

At the last moment, when it seemed the beam had consumed me, a blue beam was shot from my chest colliding with the purple beam.


The explosion was several times more potent than the first one.

Ichika and Linlin screamed as their IS flew across the sky. Maya had a desperate look on her face, Houki was staring with disbelief, and Cecilia looked as if she was going to rip the wall apart and rush to kill the Android.

Chifuyu was the only "calm" one in this situation, as she realized the true power of the enemy. She might look composed but she was considering all possibilities including the sad one, and how she will deal with the aftermath of the incident.

After the explosion, I checked my energy and realized I had less than 10% left.

Enough for one last charge. But if I fail… I can't fail, everything will go as planned.

From my back a big canon appeared, pointing toward the sky. This was my artillery cannon. A superweapon. I only have one shot in it but it's enough. Without hesitation, a thundering boom was heard as the canon shot its shell. The air was pierced and the dust was suddenly blown away revealing my battered IS.



Everyone screamed my name as relief could be seen on their faces

The Droid was still alive and kicking even after the explosion, and it wasn't to accept defeat just like that. It flew into the sky trying to get away from the range of my artillery shell.

But thankfully Lilin started to bombard it with some suppressive shots.

Ichika couldn't do anything since he didn't have a long-range weapon.

Just when the robot was about to escape Lilin suppression, the shell hit the ground.


This explosion was so great that the shields around that area almost broke down.

Thankfully that shell only had immense damage in a small area, otherwise, some students might have…

When everyone thought the situation had ended, a thundering sound was heard as the Droid moved at high speeds towards Linlin with its only remaining fist charging a purple beam.

Ichika then heroically sacrificed himself to get in the way and protect her.

The last thing I remembered was seeing Ichika IS being blown into the ground.

I was simply too tired, the previous world and now all of this. I had to use my brain power at overdrive for this fight. Fighting something way more powerful than you is not easy.

On a hospital bed, a very flustered girl looked at the boy sleeping in it. She went close to him and away as if in self-doubt.

When Linlin finally mustered enough courage to go and kiss Ichika, the one in question woke up.

-I-I-I-Ichika? You are awake

-What are you doing?

As for me? I watched this situation from another bed, opposite to his one.

For half an hour I watched as she tried to do many things with Ichika, but never had the courage to finish.

It was rather entertaining to watch, for some reason she never tried to look around and see if there was anyone there.

-Don't worry Ichika, Seiichi is fine. He was only tired.

-Where is he now?

-Actually I think he is here…

-AHHH!- Said Linlin, finally realizing I was here too.

Then she finally saw me and my smirking face

-You finally noticed me huh? You sure were …

I didn't have the chance to finish my words as she put her hands on my mouth.

-You were what Linlin? Asked Ichika.

-I was making sure your bedding was properly done! Yes, nothing more!

I just rolled my eyes at this stupid lie.

-I see

And didn't that idiot actually believe that? Impossible, he has to be faking it.

-Remove thy hands from my face! I said as I removed her hands from my mouth.

-I need to sleep. Wake me up later.

Fuck this shit, I shall enter hibernation mode.

At that moment a girl entered through the door.

Both girls looked sharply at each other before entering into a tacit understanding.

She then looked at me "sleeping" and suddenly had an idea. She looked at both Ichika and Linlin with flushed cheeks before pulling the curtains and saying:

-Please, excuse us.

She isn't…

{Oh yeah she is}

She looked at my face and started to approach it.

Well, it's not really that bad, being kissed by a beautiful girl. Who am I to refuse?

Unfortunately, I was saved by the gong as Houki's loud voice came from the door.

-What are you doing here?!

Cecilia's concentration was broken, and I took this chance to "wake up"

-I feel terrible.

Both emotionally and physically.

Should he just give in to his libido or adhere to the cool guy mantra?

Morality is questionable in this situation. Or is it?

I don't fucking know.

No harem and no romance. For now

1310 Words.


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