
Beyond Canon: The Extraordinary Life of Artur

"Beyond Canon: The Extraordinary Life of Artur" follows a fanfiction-loving protagonist as he balances work, friendships, and unexpected encounters that challenge his perceptions and lead to personal growth.

xith · 都市
10 Chs

Chapter 7: Should I... Nah.

More than 6 months had passed since Artur started getting angry with Baleio, his frustration growing with each passing day. The micromanagement from his boss had begun to wear on him, particularly the incessant messages that read, "Please recheck by the end of the day." It irked Artur to no end, as he was already planning to perform those tasks as part of his daily routine.

During this time, Artur's appearance had undergone a notable transformation. His once-short hair had grown long and curly, cascading in a vibrant cascade of locks that framed his face with a touch of flamboyance.

Artur reveled in the newfound freedom of his long hair, embracing its luscious curls with a sense of pride and confidence. He delighted in the way it danced in the wind as he cycled through the bustling streets, a vibrant testament to his individuality.

However, amidst the joys of his flowing locks, a lingering thought began to gnaw at Artur's mind: the issue of wearing a helmet. For more than 15 irresponsible years, he had continued cycling without one, relishing the sensation of the wind tousling his hair as he rode. It was an irresponsible habit, but one of which he was proud. Artur often boasted that he didn't intend to live past 40 anyway, so he didn't care if he met an untimely end.

But now, as he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't help but wonder if it was time to reconsider his stance on helmet-wearing. It wasn't concern for his safety that prompted this reflection, but rather the desire to protect his precious hair from the elements.

Artur pondered the dilemma, weighing the pros and cons of donning a helmet. On one hand, he cherished the freedom of riding without restraint, feeling the wind caress his curls as he navigated the streets. On the other hand, he couldn't ignore the potential damage that prolonged exposure to the elements could inflict upon his beloved hair.

As he wrestled with this internal debate, Artur found himself torn between practicality and vanity. Would he sacrifice the exhilarating sensation of the wind in his hair for the sake of protecting its pristine beauty? Or would he continue to ride with reckless abandon, heedless of the potential consequences?

With each passing day, Artur found himself no closer to reaching a decision. The allure of the open road beckoned to him, promising freedom and adventure, yet the nagging thought of his hair's vulnerability lingered in the back of his mind.

As he embarked on yet another cycling journey, the wind whipping through his curls with abandon, Artur knew that he would eventually have to confront this dilemma head-on. But for now, he would continue to revel in the joy of the ride, embracing the winds of change that swept through his life with each pedal stroke.