
Chapter Thirty Nine - Blue Eagle

And taking them to the bamboo roof camp, the men's camp to the right, and the women's camp to the left. They took them inside.

And to everyone's surprise, they were startled when the rebels set fire to their huts. Everyone were in tears as they witnessed their homes burn down one by one. "Mom, we don't have a house anymore!" Criselda said crying as she hugged her mother, they watching the rebels how they burns their huts. "We can do nothing more," Elisa sadly said.

When the huts was all burned, the villagers sat on the ground inside the bamboo camp, and they have nothing to do just to sobs.

"Why Dimitri was belong with the rebels?" Chanel whispered to them as she rolled her eyes around, looking for Dimitri, but he couldn't find him. "My son has a reason to be with them, he can help us," Elisa said. "But Mom, my brother is alone and there are so many rebels, how can he help us?" Criselda said while crying.