

Ocean106 · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Chapter 42

"I do realized that, your highness." He simply added, with bashful eyes.


"Fine, I think I'll be outside for a moment."

"I'm sorry, about that Simon. But she is my mother, I guess it is obvious that she will be feeling that way."

"Yes, I don't blame her. I came here for another purpose, Jamie and Delia are back from the castle and they brought news." He finally let go, with a disappointed tone.

"What is the matter? Did Amy decided to fight us?"

"No, but the thing is that she left. She says that she needs a break from all these and think clearly."

"But she could have come here."

"No, according to Jamie, the stone of Ngami, is conceded into her. And it is reacting as well on the determination of her mother. So, if she comes here there might be a chance that the stone magic might convince her to…"

"To fight us." Simon nodded. "Poor Alex, how is he feeling? I know how hard is that to love someone that you know is out there, but you can't reach her. I wonder how is he coping with that."

"And that's the reason why I'm here."

"I don't understand."

"Alex and I are going at the human world to find Amy and bring her back home."

"You are leaving?" She blinked and gasped. She can't let him leave. She stayed away from here for so many days. Not anymore. "Simon how can you even think that I'll let you go."

"I know," This time he dragged her into his arms. "that's is why I want you to come with me." He said in hush tone.

"Really?" she said. "to the human world?" It was surely a bit annoying and nervous for that, but she knew that with him, nothing should matter. Before she could even say anything more, a loud thump noise startled them as they broke away from each other.

"It is repulsive that my daughter should leave bewix and go with you." Her mother stood at the balcony, breathing fire. Here small eyes were now dark navy blue.

"Mother, you were eves dropping?"

"When it concerned my daughter, I can vouch that it is no sin."

"But mother why can't i go? It is surely for the best of this land. We have to find Amy."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that you should be perish for that. If Simon and Alex are going, I don't see why you should?"

"Your highness, I thought that it would be better if Yiana goes with me, I need her."

"And I don't need you to tell me what should I decide for my daughter."

"Mother, I think it will be better if I go."

"And your highness, it is obvious if you think that if we don't find Amy, Bewix will be lost." He made his way out of the room.

"Mother, whatever happens I will go with them."

Amy, was finally back in her house, at least the one she thought she had. Steve, walked into the kitchen. As she made her way up to her room, she needs to rest, she thought. The view of the clam sea, used to be so inspiring and relaxing to her, but now all she can think of was the crazy days she just went through these last days. Once on the bed, her hand crossed behind her head, her eyes blankly staring at the ceiling. She might tries to take it for birds, but that doesn't change the fact that her life has already changed.

"Amy, would you fancy some coffee?" She heard Steve fainted voice, from the closed door. She just turned her back and laid hopelessly, not wanting any more surprise to bump through her life. And deep inside her she knows that someday she will have to make the decision, and that decision will certainly guide her to the only place she wanted to escape.

It was late in the afternoon, when she finally descended to the living room. Steve was seated at the window, lots of paper in his hand. But it wasn't white ones. It was papyrus paper, and Amy already got the hint where it came from. "Had a nice sleep?" he sipped his coffee, smiling at her.

She sighed and pours herself some coffee. "Amy, you may not choose to talk right now, but soon or later you know you have to do what you have been chosen for. You can't escape it."

"Steve, I think I'll chose to stay in my own illusion for some more time." She shrugged. "where magic was the most wonderful mystery of life. And the moment I closed my eyes, the only thing that I would secretly think of was to become a princess of a faraway land…."

"But you are a princess."

"A princess, whose life was already wrecked, even before realizing that."

"Oh, now that's a rude accusation."

"I dare say that if you were in my place and feeling the way am feeling right now, you'll claim that again."

"Maybe. Or maybe not." He clumsily shook his head and smiled faintly. "You do realize that being a princess that doesn't mean that you should be pampered all the time. A princess has responsibility that she needs to follow. Choices she needs to make, if she wants her kingdom to be in good health. She must know when she will react to what. She must have fast thinking so she can answer anything right away."

"Are you a tutor?"


"You made me regret my decision," she walked into the empty room and pried. The room loomed with loneliness and mischief. She thought that being the council they would know what was good for the island. But they failed her.

"Queen Merilia, what should we understand by this sudden revolution?" the voice echoed on the emptiness and bounced back, hard and loud.

"Isn't it clear, sister, the queen is talking in the favor of the love she pertained for her daughter."

"One must not merged duty and love, it certainly confused our decision."

"You knew the circumstances that would follow, once I do that spell on my daughter, but still you persuade me to do that spell." She claimed.

Yet a lazy air loomed around the empty room. But all it did to her was gave her shivers that she was so easily manipulated by them. She now wonders the rivalry between the heaven and hell as well must be their plan. "Queen, we offer you a way to safe your kingdom and the one you love."

"And what about the love of my daughter? Is it fair that she should suffer for it? Just like I did when I," She halted at the precise moment.

"Sisters, I think its high time we remind the queen why we choose to do what we did." Her voice echoed on the empty space. A loud mist invaded the queen and she was standing on a barren, broken area, with burned soils and destroyed air. A sadness loomed around.  The sun, dimmed light, couldn't cover the scene. "Look carefully, Queen, this is the result, if you choose to deny our saying. The bewix, we are living on at this precise moment is changing to that land and we are bound to prevent that from happening." Her voice sounded like a whisper, almost manipulating and deep. "Now, go to your palace and wait for our orders, we might have a plan for that."

She ran her fingers on the white card with pink letters placed on the wooded kitchen table, and sighed. It was an invitation card, to the beach party that was taking place just a few distance from where she lived. She knew it was the birthday party of Rose, a girl living two house from where she supposedly was living right now. The place that she called home all these years. Now she doesn't even know how she should be calling it? A refuge? Because to her it was not what she would call abode. She felt a bit suffocated as well. "It might be fun." She heard Steve said behind her.

"It might."

"Maybe it is what you need right now."

A knock startled them. A familiar figure walked in, Simon. And he was not alone, Yiana walked in just after. Amy waited for him to walked towards her and took her into his arms. "What's got into you? You should have come and see me."