
Chapter 10

******AT THE PARTY******

The party kicked off sometime after sundown and everyone was having a good time. Mia sat at a table with Alice,. Most faces felt familiar to her, it surprised her to know almost the full school had attended except someone...Damon. Her gaze wondered about looking for him. She tried pushing him to the back of her mind but couldn't instead she allowed her gaze wonder about in search of him, she had come to the conclusion that Damon wasn't the type of person to attend such like the same parties until then a sudden chill ran down her spine as she heard a thought come into her mind

'hi babe looking for me?.'

God damnit she hated it when he reads her mind, but still at the same time she loved hearing his voice.

But the same time she loved hearing him talk Mia knew it wasn't right but some how she felt that she could easily get drunk on hearing his voice.

'you wish' Mia sent back while wondering where he was'and stop reading my thoughts you dickhead now.' she added' you look beautiful tonight ' Damon sent. Mia was taken aback by his words while her cheeks turned tomato red,'wow little tigress is blushing because of me wow now that's a sight I never wanna miss' ' fuck off' Mia snarled . 'Really why don't you say that to my face' Damon sent. 'Gladly why don't you show yourself and hear me say it ya know instead of hiding ' Mia sent while smirking she suddenly felt a hot caress on her neck before hearing " Of course, you can say them now loud and clear I hear you." She snappyher head back looking for the source of that voice but there was no one. Suddenly Amber jumped into the air and landed perfectly on the satge

" Are y'all ready to party?" She yelled as the crowd roared " But before that I would love to welcome the prince of demons" she paused to glance at Mia and continued" My boyfriend.". Damon walked over to the stage wearing a black t-shirt showcasing his biceps and a pair of denim black jeans which made him look so dangerous and alluring in his own way and the crowd erupted in another round of applause till Damon sent them one of his signature glares and sent everyone into a silent daze. The party ran smoothly mostly after that and everyone was having a good time except for Mia who was trying her best not to gag at the sight of Amber's fingers entwined with Damon's. She literally stuck to him never letting him go anywhere without her but still what troubled Mia mostly was that Damon didn't protest he allowed her hold him though Mia had seen a few scenes when Amy was going overboard and tried to kiss him she had silently swore if she did that, it would be the last time she ever used those lips again but thankfully Damon had pushed Amber's face away from his while Amber flashed an embarrassed smile glancing around to make sure no one saw what had happened.

" Alice I'm going home " Mia said walking over to where Alice sat with a guy discussing.

" What but the fun just begunnn " Alice slurred making Mia wonder how many shots she had it wasn't easy for a supernatural to get drunk though it wasn't impossible.

"Well I can't stay anymore " Mia reply, she had decided to leave because she couldn't stand Amber drooling over Damon she needed to clear her head before she does something drastic.

" Alright but I think you shouldn't leave now I mean the show Amber's putting oni is sickening" she grimaced " but still you shouldn't let her get to you and why don't you show that damned demon prince just what he's missing" Alice smirked.

' Yes that's true if he was gonna rub around Amber all night then she can do the same too.' Mia thought .

" Hey check out that dude over there he's been checking you out all night go talk to him" Alice said eyes gleaming.

" Hey how'd you know.." Mia didn't get the chance to complete her sentence before Alice said" come on just go already girl I' ve got ya back" saying that Alice gave Mia a small push. Mia smiled at the guy leaning on the wall with a drink in his hand.

"Um hi," Mia said not sure of what to say.

" Hey beautiful," The guy instinctively snaked his arm around her waist pulling her close. " Names Kaiden and yours" he said nibbling a bit on her ear

"Wow ,too fast" Mia thought and gently pulled away from him." I'm Mia" she said trying to sound alright.

" Wow Mia what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Kaiden said smiling.

" thank you" Mia said blushing." Now Mia would you care for drinks" he said holding out a glass.

" Thanks a lot but,I'm full" Mia said careful not to let her guard down.

" Oh I understand very well you see I am a vampire and one of my gifts is mind reading and I want you to know I'm not gonna poison, after all we just met" Kaiden said smirking.

" Well that's a little rude, didn't anyone teach you a thing or two about manners" Mia asked glaring at him.

" Come on pretty it's only fair I get to know you more" he said" and honestly I want to know all of you " Kaiden said his arms around her waist again.

Mia quickly set up a mental wall in her head to prevent him from reading her thoughts any further -yes she could have done the same thing to stop Damon from reading her mind but why didn't she.anyways one thing is sure she couldn't help feeling disgusted by what he was saying but still she did a good job hiding her feelings. she didn't want to be left alone to watch Amber throwing herself on Damon so instead she buried those thoughts of her's and wrapped her arms around Kiaden. Kaiden eyes gleamed with desire as his pupils darkened and he crashed his lips against Mia's. It took all of her restraint not to pull away she had kissed before, just for the hell of it but she couldn't feel anything this time but the fault wasn't from Kaiden- no it was from her she could tell he was an expert kissing but she just couldn't feel the spark no matter how hard she tried till a voice suddenly jolted her back, There was honestly no doubt who the voice belonged to.... Amber.