
Beware: She's A Devil

She was asked.... "Aren't you afraid of Karma?" "Karma?" She smirked. "I am Karma bitch!" ********* If they were to rank the most ruthless beings in Country A, Kim Lisa was definitely among the Top Three. She had a new mission from her Mafia boss/ uncle; It was to become the bodyguard of one of the contesting Governor's playboy son. Though difficult, she took up the mission. Trying her best not to stab him to death whenever she saw him. But if she had thought his charms would not work on her, then she had gotten it all wrong! Because he liked her from the first day he saw her, and made up his mind to seduce her. ************ "It's called Regalia." Lisa said as she looked at the confused and frightened man.  "It was made from one of the most toxic flowers in the world. The poison starts eating up the wall of your stomach from the moment it's inside your body and within the first five minutes, you will feel like throwing up but nothing would come out... except tiny droplets of blood. And then, you'll know this isn't a joke." She said darkly and watched him begin to gag and gasp until he spat out blood. But she didn't flinch. This was her being meek. ************ But she met a really stubborn guy... "You are scared." He noted as he looked into her eyes. She scoffed in disbelief. "You're the last person I am afraid of."  Tom smirked before saying... "Yes, you are. You are scared you may cheat on your boyfriend with me. Scared you may fall for me. I can see it in your eyes."  'What's he saying right now? All I think about is killing him!' She said in her head but the look in her eyes was different. "And that's right." He continued... "You should be scared... Because whether you like it or not, it's going to happen" He said with a confident smile before using his thumb to graze the corner of her mouth. His eyes dropped from her eyes to her lips. She wasn't wearing a lipstick or gloss, but they looked glossy and tempting.... *********** NOTE 1: You may think it's a bit rushed at the beginning, but trust me, that's because there's more to come ahead. If you love mystery, then be ready to unveil some... Yours Sincerely *********** NOTE 2: *I do not intend to keep this book long or drag things unnecessarily. Those who have read my book (Hello, Mr Li.) can attest to that. I keep things simple. *You can follow my other stories: –HELLO, MR LI –MY CRAZY HOUSEMATE –IN LOVE WITH A KLEPTO *Please support me by voting, commenting, and sending gifts.

ThatAmazingGirl · 都市
206 Chs

Fire her

Lisa cursed silently as she tried to make sense of everything. If she was Tom's bodyguard, was she not supposed to stick to him always? 

She didn't understand why they had asked her to wait inside the car instead. They must have really reduced her to being just a driver and her job kept boring her with each passing day.

It's been over a week since she started working for him. Why was she not seeing or experiencing some action? She missed fighting. She missed beating up people and glorying in the fact that they were at her mercy. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Joel, Tom, and Anna walking towards the car. 

What even shocked her most was the cast on Tom's right hand. For goodness sake it was just a little flip and she had been extra soft on him!

She hissed angrily and remained inside the car without bothering to get down. She was already beginning to dread the journey back as she wondered why on earth the four of them chose to use one car?

While coming, they had chatted non stop about things that didn't even make sense. And it had annoyed the hell out of her that she had almost yelled for them to shut up.

"You've spoiled her too much. She doesn't even bother to come out of the car anymore" Joel complained when he saw Lisa looking at them but still remained inside. 

"What difference would it make?" Tom asked uninterestedly before moving to open the front seat of the car but Anna was faster and reminded him not to 'hurt' himself. 

He suddenly remembered he was supposed to act, and nodded. 

"Isn't she supposed to ask whether he is okay or not?" Joel whispered to Anna before looking at Lisa in displeasure.

"She doesn't look like someone that's ready to ask. She's probably still angry at him for suddenly pulling her arm and startling her. What was he even thinking?" Anna asked back before looking at the front seat and noticed Tom's eyes were closed. He also looked relaxed.

Lisa could obviously hear them but since it was none of her business, she focused on driving instead. 

"Uhm Germany. Can you please drop me off at that intersection close to the coffee shop at the front?" Anna asked politely. 

"Alright." Lisa answered almost immediately. She kind of liked the fact that Anna was cool and respectful unlike all the others she had come in contact with. 

Or maybe she was actually being respectful because she thought she was older than her but in the actual sense, Anna was Two years older than her. Kim Lisa was 28 years old, but Lin Jasmine was 25—which was her real age.

"Thank you. And oh— The doctor mentioned that his elbow sprained severely and he would need all the support he can find. He's not to do anything for the next five days. Please, help us take care of him. Of course we would come over once in a while. And this should be a secret. We don't want Mr Hwang finding out about this incident. Things could get really messy." Anna explained in the most pleading voice ever. 

Lisa's heart literally skipped. She should take care of Tom? Were they all crazy? Has she been able to take care of herself?

Tom opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Lisa. 

Lisa noticed his gaze and also turned to look at him for a brief moment before looking at the road.

"I am sorry. But that isn't a part of my job." 

"Damn it! It wasn't a part of your job to hurt him either" Joel shot back angrily. 

He was already tired of her attitude and wondered why Tom liked a girl like her. Every other girl would swoon if they were presented with an opportunity like this to be beside Tom.

"I won't be talking to you because you are not my employer" Lisa laid it simple for Joel before keeping mute. She had already told them what she had to say there was no need saying anything else. 

"Stop the car!" Tom said in a soft but firm tone. 

Immediately, she slowed down and parked by the side of the road. 

When the car stopped, he opened the door, got down and began to walk instead. 

"What is he doing? What if people recognises him? Plus he has that cast on" 

Both Anna and Joel opened the doors by their side and ran after him. 

Lisa looked at his back as he walked dejectedly and shook her head. 

"I didn't do anything wrong" She assured herself. 


"What is wrong?" Joel asked Tom in worry immediately he caught up.

"Nothing. Just needed some fresh air." He said while he kept walking.

Lisa watched them from the car as they conversed and considered driving to meet them or to remain there. As she was thinking about the best option, her phone began to ring. 

She looked at the ID and immediately connected the call to her earphone.

"Yes Boss!"

"Was that you handiwork?" He went straight to the point to ask.

Lisa knew he was referring to Tom so she quickly apologized.

"I am sorry. I was careless."

"Do what you need to do. Remember, you must not get fired." The call disconnected immediately he said that, making her sigh. 

"Do what you need to do?" She repeated with a frown before opening the door to walk towards the trio. 


"My mind is just messed up. And as much as I appreciate what you both are trying to do, it's pretty childish and annoying. Like you both said earlier, she has a boyfriend. And it's not like I feel anything for her. So let's put an end to this silly game and focus on other important things. But first, I need to take this cast off. It's uncomfortable." 

"Just fire her. You'll be better when she's far from you" Joel said with a frown. 

He was not in the mood to start arguing with Tom on whether he liked his bodyguard or not. 

"I probably should." Tom agreed.

"She's coming." Anna informed them so they turned to see Lisa walking towards them. 

"Mr Hwang." Lisa paused and took in a deep breath. "I am truly sorry for causing you pain and also how I sounded earlier. I promise to do my best to help you recover quickly." 

They all looked at her in surprise. Tom was really taken aback by her apology and promise.

"Really?" He asked as he tried to suppress the big smile that was about to spring up on his face.

"Really." She affirmed with a nod. 

A smile appeared on both Joel and Anna's faces when they saw how happy Tom was. 

With a smile on his face, Tom raised his hand up in a high five to Lisa. She was a bit skeptical about it but she raised her hand to meet his in a high five. 

"I was just about to fire you. But since you promised, I'll let you off." He said with a smile while intertwining his hand and hers together.

Lisa tried to pull her hand away from his grip but he didn't refused to let her go. She was almost about to use force before she remembered she was to be calm.

With his soft hand and her rough hand joined together, he led her towards where his car was parked. 

Joel chuckled as he watched them leave "Does he know he's acting like a kid right now?" He asked Anna.

"You should be thinking about how you'll return to his place to take your car because it seemed like he has totally forgotten about you."

Joel's eyes widened when he noticed the car was already moving. Tom sat in the front with a smile on his face and his eyes closed, looking totally relaxed and free from worry.

Joel watched as the car passed them and scoffed in disbelief.

"Did they...did they just leave us here?" 

"Us?" Anna looked at him in amusement. 

"Jianhong is coming to pick me up here. You're on your own darling" She said with a laugh.