
Beware, Incubus on the Prowl

Ralph dies and is reborn into the world of Orpheus, where magic and monsters thrive. Living a pathetic life in his previous life, Ralph promises to live this new life the best possible way he could. The only problem Ralph had now was that he was reborn into the body of a handsome demon incubus which comes with its own share of problems. He also has no memory of the previous owner of this new body. Also, the realm of Orpheus is plagued with chaos as the demon king has recently launched an all-out war campaign against everyone for that matter. The demons are quickly turned into the most hated species in the world. Join us to see how Ralph will adapt to his new character while also trying to be not killed by other adventurers.

HellerFeed · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Ep 11 – A.L.I.C.E.

[Gained 5 Exp] there floated the system screen that disappeared after a few seconds.

I was soaked in blood, my face and even my top half were covered in blood and guts. There were even guts and part of the bunny stuck on my finger.

I jerked my hand fiercely to get rid of the last bits stuck on my nails.

"I just destroyed that horned rabbit like plump tomatoes."

Holy crap this body is indeed powerful.

I don't think any normal human being can slap a rabbit so hard that it would go off pop. This does mean I have superhuman strength.

Thank goodness I am not just handsome but also have brawns.

I stretched my hands and stared at it,

"I fucking reek from this rabbit blood. Gotta clean me up."

Thankfully there was still the puddle of the freshwater stream.

I headed to the stream and started washing myself up. Scrubbed my hands and splashed the cool water on my face and chest. There were even pieces of meat stuck in my hair that I needed to get rid of as soon as possible.

As I was in the midst of cleaning myself I heard a bunch of 'squeaky' sounds.

I suddenly turned my head towards the noise while being on my guard.

To my surprise, just to a distance on the other side of the stream, there was a literal pack of horned bunnies frolicking around at the river bank. There were about 8-10 bunnies, a whole family of them having a good time.

Some of the bunnies were drinking the water, while some were munching on nearby shrubs. Whereas some bunnies were just lazing around. There were even little young bunnies who were playing around in the grass.

I suddenly stopped washing, there were still a lot of bloodstains left but there was no time for that. "What's the point of washing if I am gonna get my hands dirty again."

I stretched my arms and loosened my shoulders and just dove inside the stream of water. Yes, they are an adorable little flock of harmless horned rabbits having the time of their life but all I saw was an opportunity to get XP for myself.

As I submerged in the stream water, I grabbed nearby weeds and pulled them off the roots. Then I placed the uprooted weeds over my head to act as camouflage.

The water was nice and cool and even the stream current was slow and steady making it easy to swim across without making many moments.

As I slowly swam halfway across the stream, I suddenly had an epiphany.

I realized that I was gonna commit a horrendous crime by slaughtering harmless bunnies minding their own business. They were just a happy bunch having an adorable family time and I was just walking down there to kill them for selfish reasons.

"But you are not doing anything wrong' suddenly there was a voice, 'If you don't quickly farm XP and get stronger, then the creatures that are more powerful than the current would surely kill you before you get any other chance,"

I was suddenly shocked, "Who's there!"

I looked around while being on my guard.

"Shh! You'll scare away those horned bunnies, keep it down," said the mysterious voice.

This voice didn't have a source of points. It was like the voice was coming directly into my head.

What the hell is going on?

"No need to be on guard. I am communicating with you directly into your mind. So even if you don't talk we can still communicate without the need of using your vocal cords," said the mysterious voice.

I wasn't really taking this new development very well.

Suddenly I am starting to hear voices telling me to calm down.

The voice sounded horrendous like the sound of some creepy dude with asthma problems. It also echoed when he talk which really fucking spooked the shit out of me. How the hell am I to believe the words of such a being who can talk right in my head?

"Ouch! That was quite mean of you, but knowing that you are a newbie I can understand that. Well, let me adjust my voice settings to your choosing. Just hold on a second." said the creepy voice.

What the hell is even going on, right now?

Maybe there's someone around here who has the ability to communicate via telekinesis and peek into my mind. I can't tell if it's a friend or foe.

But I was currently in the middle of a stream quite vulnerable.

I looked around my surroundings trying to find this mysterious person.

There was no one present in the woods except for me. Maybe he's hiding someplace that I couldn't see-

Wait did he say voice settings?

"Alright!" suddenly the voice of a cute girl came into my head this time,

"So this is your taste that you like. I guess changing into this voice would make you comfortable."

Are you fucking insane!

Yeah, you sound cute but I am still scared out of my mind.

Who the heck are you? And how come you can talk in my head like it's normal?

"Oh my apologies, where's my manner? I forgot to introduce myself. I am an Artificial Linked Intellectual Cybernautic Entity, you can call me A.L.I.C.E. in short. I am the helpful guide that will try to keep you alive in this new world. Nice to meet you, hope we get along."