
   ~●~CHAPTER 2~●~

~●~CHAPTER 2~●~

While i was walking down 57 street hall side on my way to the grocery store with an old song in my heart, i quietly observed the people who live around and it seemed like they had no reason for ecstasy. And though the word "Thrilling" means an exciting and enjoyable thing or place, the heights turned out to be a place void of excitement .By the name i could tell the heights was expected to be a boisterous place but it turned into the complete opposite of what was expected from it. Its a boring place which should be renamed "BEWAILING HEIGHTS" Which means a quiet or sorrowful place.

I was at the store when i overheard a kid talking about school, and that was when i realised school was to resume next week monday. I was pretty excited about getting to start in a new school. I was picking up all what mom asked me to get and at the same time i was wondering how things would be at school.i hastily got all what i needed and headed for home. I decided to inform dad of my need for new school items and luckily i got home right on time.

Dad was watching soccer in the sitting room when i entered. I resolved to go to my room and as i was going upstairs i prayed dad's team won. If they didnt dad wouldn't even listen to anything i have to say and luckily as i was laying in bed i heard a shout of victory coming from the sitting room and I could tell it meant dad's team won. I quickly rushed downstairs to tell dad what was on my mind. He was standing in in front of his room with a smile on his face when i saw him

"What's the matter dear?"he asked

Without hesitating i answered "well I'd like to go shopping tomorrow for school supplies"

As a result of his happiness he agreed to go with me the following day.i thanked him and retired to my room to spend some more time .

At about 10 pm, i was still up staring at the ceiling because i was bored when something happened . There was rumbling and shaking like the earth was parting into two. It felt like the earth opened up its mouth to swallow its inhabitants. While the rumbling continued, some pictures of me which were hung on the wall fell and also some glasswares in the kitchen were broken and at some point the light went out. It all continued for about 5 minutes and after everything, the light came back on and all was back to normal once again. I was unable to sleep for the rest of the night until it was 5:00am and mom eventually woke me up by 9:00am so i would remind dad of what he had promised me and by the time i got to his room he was still in bed snoring as loud as he could. Waking him up was pretty difficult but somehow i managed to get him up.

Luckily, dad didnt disappoint me. We went to the store and i was able to get a lot . After i got all i needed we decided to stop at the play ground to relax a little and to watch others play but to my surprise it was a quiet as a graveyard and looked abandoned though some kids were there.i got bored and decided to step out.we got home and mom had already prepared something for is to eat.

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