This story is a AU of The Owl House the OC is a regular kid Named Jack Hawthorne best friend to Luz Noceda. Until an encounter with a ancient and powerful evil takes Jack away to the Demon Realm.
Finn couldn't remember the last time he had a day off from the usual insanity. No coven scouts chasing him, no guards locking him in a cell, no horrible multi-headed creature with razor-sharp teeth trying to eat him, and, most importantly, no Amity. Today was just a plain, normal, non-life-threatening day. Finn sighed with contentment.
"Haaaah, when was the last time any of us got a break like this?" he asked, leaning back and resting his hands behind his head as he basked in the peaceful atmosphere. He glanced at Luz and Eda, who were sitting beside him on the park bench.
"Well, kid, it's always good to get a little peace and quiet now and then. Enjoy it while it lasts, though—knowing our luck, something horrible is just around the corner. Of course, our 'peace' had to be here at the Slayground." Eda gestured to the playground around them, full of smiling, playing children. A nearby sign read: ALL BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTERS MUST BE LEASHED.
Even Lady was getting in on the relaxation, curled up comfortably on Finn's lap. She yawned.
"You said it, Lady," Finn agreed, giving her a scratch behind the ears. "Today's a real do-nothing day." He closed his eyes, savoring the rare calm.
The only one not relaxing was Luz, who was nervously pacing in front of them. "What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him? My parental instincts are freaking out, man!" she cried, turning to Finn and Eda for reassurance.
Finn opened one eye. "Whoa, calm down there, Luzy. The worst thing that could happen to King is scraping his knees."
"Finn's right, Luz. He's fiiiiiine. Look." Eda pointed toward King, who was attempting to climb up the slide.
Luz squinted. "Well…he does look like he's having fun. Aww, I wonder what cute little game he's playing?"
"Chances are, it's some stupid delusional rant about him being all-powerful," Finn deadpanned.
At the top of the slide, King struck a triumphant pose. "Stand back, cretins! Yes, yes! This is a throne worthy of a tyrant! Bow to me, you snotty underlings! Bow!"
The kids below responded enthusiastically, doing handstands and back arches.
"Yes, appease your master!" King declared, basking in his imaginary dominance—until one of the kids shoved him down the slide. He tumbled head over heels, landing unceremoniously at the bottom. Humiliated, King ran to the bench where Finn, Luz, and Eda were sitting.
"Edaaaa! That monster stole my throne!" He pointed accusingly at the offender.
Eda smirked. "You mean the baby?"
Finn struggled to hold back his laughter. "Wow, King. Terrifying."
"Yes! The usurper must pay! Eda, go over there and blow him up! KABOOM!"
The kid mimicked King from atop a spring rocker. "KABOOM!"
"Uh-oh, King," Finn teased. "The usurper is threatening you now." He fell off the bench, laughing so hard he was clutching his stomach and kicking his legs.
Eda unscrewed Owlbert from her staff. "Yeah, I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old. He's got better things to do, like this." She scratched Owlbert's belly, eliciting happy hoots and a wing stretch.
"Aww, what a sweetie," Luz cooed. "How did you get him?"
"Get him? I made him, from the branch of an ancient tree." Eda perched Owlbert on her shoulder. "He's my palisman, and we're bonded for life." Owlbert nuzzled her affectionately as she continued scratching. "I'd annihilate anyone who hurt him."
"Fine! Abandon me in my time of need!" King huffed. Turning to Finn, he demanded, "What about you? You and that flying snake could probably destroy him."
Finn's laughter stopped abruptly, and he glared. "First off, Lady is a Rainicorn. Call her a snake again, and see what happens." King took a cautious step back.
Finn's expression softened as he looked at Lady. "Second, Lady's laid-back, good-natured, and my best friend. She's always stood by me since we became family." Lady cooed and flew up to kiss Finn's cheek, making him smile. "See? She's great, isn't she?"
Luz had stars in her eyes as she snapped photos with her phone. "Hey, Finn, did you also make Lady from an ancient tree?"
"Well, actually, Lady kinda literally dropped into my life. One day—"
Before he could finish, King was tagged in a game by his "usurper" and pushed to the ground again.
Eda chuckled. "Oh, here we go. King's squeak of rage."
Sure enough, King stood, humming low before escalating into a high-pitched whine. He flailed his arms and legs dramatically before chasing after the kid.
"He's like a little tea kettle," Eda said, laughing.
Luz noticed something on Owlbert's foot. "Hey, what's that?"
Eda pointed at the small piece. "That's his interlock. It's what lets him fit onto my staff. Every palisman has one."
As she reached for her staff to demonstrate, Eda suddenly found herself in a dark void.
"Luz? Finn? King? Hello!?" she called, startled.
Luz's voice echoed back, faint but urgent. "Eda! Wake up!"
Eda's eyes snapped open. She was lying on the bench, Luz helping her sit up.
"Are you alright?" Luz asked, concerned.
"Yeah, Eda, this doesn't seem like your usual random-public-passing-out routine," Finn quipped, worry lacing his tone.
Eda shivered. "Oh no…the curse. We have to get home. Now."
She grabbed her staff and started walking.
"King, we're leaving!" Luz called.
"Yeah, finish up whatever death threat you're working on and let's go!" Finn added, spotting King trying (and failing) to intimidate the kid.
"Five more minutes, please!" King pleaded.
"King!" Luz shouted.
"Get over here, or I'll stuff you in a bag and drag you home!" Finn threatened.
Reluctantly, King pointed at the kid. "This isn't over!"
"Okay! Let's play again soon!" the kid responded, attempting to hug King.
"No, no, keep those sticky hands away! AAAHH! HE'S TOUCHING ME! AHH!" King screeched as they left.
All of them made it back to the Owl House. Eda tossed her staff beside the couch and flopped down on top of it with a heavy sigh. She yawned, clearly drained from the effects of the curse.
Luz hurried over, her concern evident. "I'll go get your elixir!"
Eda waved her off. "Don't worry about it. I'll get it myself in a bit."
"Do you need me to stay home and take care of you?" Luz suggested, her hands pressed to her cheeks in excitement. "I could even put King in a little doctor's outfit!"
Both Eda and Finn turned to look at King.
King's only response was a disinterested, "Weh."
"No one wants to see that," Eda deadpanned.
"Seconded," Finn added.
"I do," Luz relented softly, pouting.
Eda groaned, exasperated. "Look, I know how to take care of myself. I've had this curse longer than both of you have been alive."
Finn, showing an unusual display of concern, leaned against the wall. "Just let us help you already, you stubborn old owl." Then, with a mischievous smirk, he added, "Buuut if you do turn back into the Owl Beast, we still haven't settled our little one-on-one yet." He started shadowboxing, throwing jabs into the air.
Luz frowned, clearly upset by Finn's cavalier attitude. "Finn! This is serious. Eda is our friend!"
Eda raised a hand to stop her. "No, no, it's alright, Luz. I know how Finn is by now. Besides, I kinda worked out a deal with him."
Luz's eyes widened with suspicion. "What kind of deal?"
"If I turn full Owl Beast and get out of control, he's supposed to restrain me and use an elixir to turn me back," Eda explained calmly. "In exchange, I give him some information he's looking for about a certain… object. Apparently, the info broker doesn't sell anything to kids."
Luz tilted her head, curiosity piqued. "You know, I've been wondering—how did you get your curse?"
"My money's on one of Eda's exes," Finn interjected with a grin. "With the amount she's got, they could probably form an army by now."
Eda groaned, burying her face in the couch cushions. "I don't know."
"You don't know?!" Luz exclaimed, incredulous.
Finn grinned wickedly and pulled a thick book from under the couch, slamming it onto the coffee table. "Behold, Luz—the Big Book of Eda's Ex-Boyfriends." He then pulled out a second book with a flourish. "And this is the Big Book of Girlfriends."
Eda shot him a withering glare. "Okay, I'm stopping you right there, mister. Somebody gave me the curse. I don't know who, and I don't care, because I'm fine. Alright?"
Sitting up on the couch, she turned the conversation around. "Anyway, don't you two have plans with Tweedle Dumb and Twerple Dee?"
Luz perked up. "Well, yeah! Finn, Willow, Gus, and I are going to the grudgby game between Hexside and Glandus High."
Eda smirked as she spun Owlbert back onto her staff. "Since when are you into sports?"
Luz got right in Eda's face, full of fiery enthusiasm. "Since I discovered a little something called Hexside pride! Ugh, to think that Glandus—whoever they are—would dare face us!" She calmed down briefly. "But, you know, if you need me to stay…"
"Gross, sympathy. Go, both of you. Have fun at… sports," Eda said, waving her off, clearly uninterested in Luz's caretaking.
"Fine, that gives me more time to prepare, anyway," Finn replied, hopping onto Lady's back. The two flew off into the sky.
Luz punched the air with excitement. "Hooray! Hooray for sports!" She crouched down beside King, who was doodling on a piece of paper. "Hugs and kisses, King. Mwah! Don't spend all night plotting revenge."
King didn't even look up. "That drooly-faced demon will know my wrath."
At Hexside, a large, living boat with wings hovered in front of the main entrance. Students lined up to board it, ready to head to Glandus for the grudgby game. Luz ran toward the boat, muttering to herself as she brainstormed cheers.
"Hexside is going to wreck your side! Ugh, no. Hexside is the best side on the west side—" Her thoughts were interrupted when the boat's head snarled and snapped its jaws at her.
"Whoa!" Luz yelped, stumbling backward. She cautiously made her way around the boat and spotted Willow and Gus waiting nearby. Willow sported a yellow-and-blue Hexside cap, while Gus wore a jersey.
"Ah, friends!" Luz exclaimed as she joined them. The three immediately started hyping themselves up. "Happy game day, fellow… uh, are we Hexcitizens? Hexies?" She gasped. "Hexoleos!"
Willow placed a hand on Luz's shoulder and smirked. "Actually, most people call us winners," she said, squinting and clenching a triumphant fist.
"Grudgby games are the best!" Gus chimed in, twirling two blue flags. "The players tackle these epic, action-packed trials, and the audience gets to wave flags! Look, I've been practicing." He spun around dramatically, waving the flags in a flurry of blue.
Luz glanced down at herself. "Is it weird I'm not wearing anything Hexside?"
"Uh… it's weirder that you're wearing Glandus colors," Willow pointed out. Luz turned toward a nearby banner depicting two grudgby players. Her hoodie's colors matched the Glandus team's uniform.
A burly student passed by, sneering. "Get ready to be creamed, Glandus nerd."
"Hey! I'm a Hexside nerd!" Luz shot back. "Ugh, gotta change out of this shirt. Where can I get a Hexside one?"
"I know! There's a lost-and-found box in the cafeteria," Gus offered, pointing dramatically with his flags.
"Ah, the lost and found. Where mouthguards go to retire," Luz quipped before rushing off.
Inside, she found a large blue chest surrounded by old books. She flung it open and immediately spotted what she needed. Moments later, she burst out of the cafeteria decked in mismatched Hexside gear—a drink hat with flags, a jersey, a cheerleader skirt, and pom-poms.
"Gooooo Hexside!" she yelled, leaping into the air and landing in an awkward split. Her face twisted in pain. "Oof. Never done that before." She stood up and looked around. "Uh, where is everyone?"
She spotted the boat flying away in the distance, a student leaning out to yell, "Hexside rules!"
Panicking, Luz rushed down the steps, waving her arms. "Oh no, come back!" She turned to Willow and Gus, who were still standing nearby. "Why didn't you guys board the bus?"
Willow smiled warmly, clasping her hands. "We weren't going to leave you behind."
"I was," Gus admitted.
"Gus!" Willow elbowed him, silencing him.
"Can we walk to Glandus?" Luz asked.
"We'd never make it in time," Gus replied, pointing with his flags. "Glandus is all the way in the middle of the island."
"Ugh! Typical Glandus," Luz groaned.
"What's typical about Glandus?" Finn's voice interrupted as he approached the group.
"Oh, Finn, you're finally—" Luz froze mid-sentence, her gaze locking on Finn's attire. He wasn't in his usual Hexside uniform but a sharply dressed outfit: a crisp white button-up shirt, a dark blue jacket with a popped collar, polished leather shoes, and neatly combed-back hair. Lady, in scarf form, hung elegantly around his neck in Hexside colors.
"Uh, Finn? Are you going to a fancy party or something later?" Luz asked, dumbfounded. She sniffed the air and noticed a scent. "Wait… are you wearing cologne?"
"No and no," Finn replied, running a hand through his hair. "You must be smelling my natural scent."
"Uh-huh. If by 'natural' you mean cheap and pungent, then yeah, sure," Willow deadpanned.
"Seriously, what's going on here?" Gus asked, waving his flags in confusion.
"I have no idea," Luz replied.
Willow smirked knowingly. "I do. Finn's trying to impress his ex by dressing up and looking good. After all, Phoebe, aka Flame Princess, is the Glandus grudgby team captain."
Finn flinched. "What? That's ridiculous! I had no idea she was the team captain," he said, feigning shock.
Luz giggled. "Aww, that's cute. You want to show her how great you're doing, huh? So, are you trying to get back together with her?"
Finn threw up his hands. "What? Is it a crime to look good every day?" He struck a pose, as if to drive his point home.
Luz and Willow exchanged unimpressed looks.
"Well, anyway, we missed the bus," Luz said, getting the group back on track.
"And my parents are working, or I'd ask them for a ride on their staff," Willow added.
Luz's eyes lit up. "I've got it! Finn can teleport us to the game!"
All three turned to Finn expectantly.
"No, I can't," Finn replied flatly.
"What? Why not?" Luz exclaimed.
"Yeah, why can't you?" Willow pressed.
"Come on, man! My flag dance needs to be seen!" Gus added, waving his flags wildly.
"Okay, first off, CALM DOWN," Finn said, holding up a hand. "Second, I can't teleport that far. Even with Lady's help, the farthest I could go is from one side of the school to the other."
The group groaned in disappointment. Seeing this, Finn sighed and offered an alternative. "Look, me and Lady are pretty fast flyers. I could shuttle each of you individually. Lady, staff mode, please."
Lady unwrapped from his neck and transformed into her staff form.
"Alright, who's first?" Finn asked.
Willow crossed her arms. "Finn, while that's practically our only option, Glandus is way too far. By the time you get all of us there, the game will be over."
Luz perked up. "Wait! I have an idea! I can get us a staff!"
"You can?" Gus asked, intrigued.
"Yes! Come on!" Luz gestured for them to follow.
Finn sighed, shaking his head. "Lady, looks like we've got another mess to clean up. And of course, it's the day I'm wearing my good clothes." Muttering under his breath, he followed the group.
Luz led everyone back to The Owl House. As she walked through the front door, she called out, "King, are you home?" She made her way to Eda's room, where she spotted King standing guard in front of the door.
"Oh, there you are! Is Eda up?"
"Who? Oh, ha ha, that Eda," King stammered, waving his little arms dismissively. "No, no, she's out like a light." As if on cue, a low growl rumbled from behind the door. King flinched but quickly forced a laugh. "Ho ho, man, can she snore!"
Finn raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of King's excuse.
"Oh no, I just wanted to ask if I could borrow her staff," Luz said, glancing at the door. "I know she needs her rest."
Before she could say more, King thrust Eda's staff into her hands. "Oh, I'm sure it's fine, totally fine! Just take it!"
Luz hesitated. "I can't—not without Eda's permission."
From behind the door, a sudden shriek echoed through the house.
"Well, there's your permission!" King said, shoving Luz and Finn toward the door. "Off you go now!"
Luz looked at the staff in her hands and sighed. "I really owe Gus and Willow one. It's just for the afternoon—I'm sure Eda wouldn't mind."
"Not our generous, kind-hearted Eda! Big heart on her," King said, his voice overly cheerful.
"Kind-hearted?" Finn muttered under his breath, now certain something was very wrong. He glanced at the door, debating whether to investigate, but quickly decided against it. He knew Eda could handle herself, even in her worst moments. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Luz, let's just go before this day goes off the rails… again."
"Okay, Finn," Luz said, already heading for the door. "I'll be back soon! Bye, King, you adorable little tyrant!" She waved before running off.
Finn lingered for a moment, narrowing his eyes at King. He pointed two fingers at his own eyes, then at King in the classic I'm watching you gesture.
King gulped and gave an unconvincing chuckle. "Oh, nothing to worry about here! Have a great day!"
Finn rolled his eyes and followed after Luz.
As Luz exited through the front door, she raised Eda's staff triumphantly. "To Glandus High!" she declared, waving the staff in the air.
The staff smacked against the wall, causing Owlbert to let out a pained hoot. Luz froze, realizing her mistake. "Oh, sorry, Owlbert! It's okay—we're just on our way to help some friends."
Willow and Gus marveled at the staff. "Ooooh," they said in unison, captivated by Owlbert's charm.
"Who's ready to board Air Luz?" Luz grinned as she got into a dramatic liftoff pose. Willow and Gus climbed aboard, settling themselves on either side of the staff.
"Feel that power-to-weight ratio," Willow commented, gripping the staff tightly.
"Boys, prepare to fly!" Gus said enthusiastically to his flags.
"Next stop: Glandus High! Let's go!" Luz pointed toward the sky as Owlbert began to flap his wings. The staff lifted off the ground, rising into the air.
"Luz, you should know that whenever you're flying, it's essential to always—" Finn began, trailing behind them on Lady.
"Step on it, Owlbert!" Luz interrupted, enthusiastically tapping the side of the staff to speed up.
"—to always lean in the direction you want to go," Finn finished, watching in horror as Luz suddenly nose-dived toward the forest. Owlbert veered wildly, smashing through tree branches.
The trio screamed in unison as the staff spun out of control. "AHHHHHH!"
Finn groaned, shaking his head. "Lady, you ready?" He took off like a rocket, diving to catch them before they hit the ground.
He reached Gus first, grabbing him by the ankle. "I got ya!" Without missing a beat, Finn swung him toward a nearby bush, where Gus landed with a thud.
"Thanks for the save!" Gus groaned from within the foliage.
Next, Finn caught Willow by the wrist. With a quick spin, he tossed her safely into another bush beside Gus.
"I'm okay!" Willow called out, brushing off leaves.
Finally, Finn grabbed Luz by the back of her Hexside jersey. Dangling her in front of him, he smirked. "You really need to look where you're going, Luzy."
Luz blinked at him, still dazed. "Uh, thanks?"
Finn's smirk faltered as he glanced ahead. "Just like I should have been doing."
The two slammed into a massive tree. Luz's jersey snagged on a branch, leaving her dangling mid-air, while Finn plummeted to the ground face-first.
"Ugh, I'm fine," Finn groaned, pushing himself up with a weak grin. "My teen bod was protected by my awesomeness."
As he stood, his grin disappeared. He saw Lady falling from the sky in staff form, spinning uncontrollably. "Lady!"
Lady hit the ground, the impact snapping her horn and leaving a deep fracture running along her back.
"No…" Finn whispered, eyes wide in shock.
Lady weakly shifted, her glow dim. She reverted out of staff mode, floating shakily in the air. Her gaze met Finn's, filled with pain and sadness.
"Lady, no! Please, it's okay!" Finn called out, running toward her.
But Lady flitted away, retreating into the woods.
"Lady! Please come back!" Finn shouted, his voice cracking as he reached out toward her disappearing form.
As Finn chased after Lady, Luz, Willow, and Gus hurried to catch up. "Finn, wait up!" Luz called, but Finn didn't stop, his eyes darting frantically through the forest.
"I lost sight of her! Did you see where she went?!" Finn asked, his voice shaky, breaths coming out in short gasps.
Luz scanned the area, spotting a glimmer of movement. "There! I saw her go through those trees. Come on, follow me!"
Willow grabbed Luz's wrist, pulling her back. "We have to be careful! It's really easy to get lost in this part of the forest."
"Willow, we need to help. Just look at Finn." Luz pointed to him. Finn looked utterly disheveled—his hair a tangled mess, scratches covering his face from the earlier fall, and his hands gripping his head. Most concerning, though, were the tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.
"I've never seen Finn like this before," Luz muttered, her voice soft. "So desperate and scared."
They heard Finn repeating under his breath, over and over, "Please be safe, please be safe, please be safe…"
Willow hesitated, stunned. This wasn't the Finn she remembered—bold, confident, reckless. Now he was just a scared boy. "Finn…" she whispered, concern flickering across her face.
Suddenly, Finn bolted deeper into the woods. "Come on! We're wasting time! We need to find Lady now!"
"Finn! Wait for us!" Luz yelled, but he was already gone.
The forest grew darker and eerily quiet as they followed after him, the only sounds coming from the crunching beneath their feet.
"Wow, I keep stepping on so many crunchy twigs," Willow remarked.
"Those are bones, Willow," Luz corrected.
Willow's eyes widened in horror. "Not if I never look down," she muttered, forcing herself to stare straight ahead.
A large shadow darted past them, startling the group.
Luz pushed aside some cobwebs. "This isn't like any forest I've been in before."
Willow grabbed Luz's shoulder, pointing downward. "That's because this isn't a forest…"
Emerging from the darkness were three small, screeching creatures. "It's a nest."
"Hey, I know you! You're the Bat Queen's babies!" Luz exclaimed, approaching the creatures. They responded with a loud, piercing shriek.
"Wait… the Bat Queen?" Gus asked nervously, inching backward.
"I think we should run now," Willow said, stepping closer to Gus.
Luz knelt down. "Hey there, little guys. We're just looking for a rainicorn and—" She paused, her eyes lighting up. "There she is! Finn, look!"
Finn's head snapped toward where Luz pointed. "Lady!" Relief flooded his voice. "Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" He waved at her. "Come on, Lady! Time to go home and fix you up!"
Suddenly, a massive foot planted itself in front of Lady, blocking her. From the shadows, the Bat Queen herself emerged, each step reverberating through the ground.
The group froze, gasping at the towering figure before them.
"Hello, small witches… and human," the Bat Queen said, her deep voice resonating through the forest.
"It's, uh…" Willow stammered, overwhelmed.
"The Bat Queen," Luz said, attempting to stay calm. "Don't worry, I've got this. Hiya, BQ. My, your hair is looking as… greasy as ever. And your kids? Just as hideous as I remember!"
Gus whispered nervously, "You know, that could've gone worse."
But Finn wasn't paying attention to any of them. His focus remained on Lady. As he took a step forward, Luz placed a hand on his shoulder. "Finn, let me explain why we're here. Lady ran away, and we need to bring her back. Finn's just going to grab her, and then we'll be on our way."
Finn approached Lady, reaching out to her. But before he could get close, the Bat Queen's massive foot slammed down in his path.
"To be careless with a staff is very serious," she said, her tone sharp. "I protect her."
Finn froze, confusion flashing across his face. "Careless? I'm not careless! Lady is my family—I'd never hurt her!"
"She told me all," the Bat Queen declared, her glowing eyes locking onto Finn. Lady's eyes glimmered in response.
Finn dropped to his knees, desperation in his voice. "Lady, I never meant to hurt you. Please, trust me…"
Lady looked away, flying up to perch atop the Bat Queen's head. The Bat Queen's eyes gleamed again as she turned to Finn.
"Trust must be earned," she declared. "Through trials."
Three towering pillars of fire erupted around her as the Bat Queen spread her wings wide.
"Trials," Gus exclaimed, waving his flags with enthusiasm.
"Finn, the Bat Queen is infamous for her impossible trials," Willow cautioned. "I've never heard of anyone succeeding."
"If this is the only way to get Lady back, then I'll accept your challenge, Bat Queen!" Finn declared, his determination shining through.
"Don't worry, Finn," Luz reassured him. "We'll help you."
"Yeah, we're with you," Willow added.
"Let the flags raise you up!" Gus chimed in, lifting his flags high.
The Bat Queen clutched her talons, summoning strands of spider webs to restrain Luz, Willow, and Gus. "No helpsies. Now, let the trials begin!" She waved her wing. "Milk the Spider Demon!"
A grotesque spider with four legs, horns, an udder, and a bell emerged before Finn.
"Ugh," Finn groaned at the sight but steeled his resolve. "Alright, let's do this."
The Spider Demon bolted as Finn approached. "If you run, you'll just make this harder for yourself!" Finn chased it, using a time glyph to slow it down. With a quick maneuver, he slammed the creature onto its back. "Stay still, and I won't turn you into paste." The spider froze in terror, allowing Finn to complete the task.
One of the fiery pillars extinguished as the Bat Queen announced the next trial: "Remove the Bee's Nest!"
Finn climbed a tree, only to realize the nest was the head of a massive bee with bat wings. "What the—" The creature knocked him down, stabbing at him with its stinger. Finn caught the stinger mid-strike. "I don't have time for this." He ripped it off, tore the wings from its body, and crushed its head. "What's next?" he asked coldly as the second fire pillar went out.
"Whoa," Luz muttered, stunned by Finn's brutal efficiency.
"Give the babies a bath!" the Bat Queen screeched.
The final task caught Finn off guard. As he approached the Bat Queen's children, they leaped at him, biting fiercely. Finn picked one up by the back of its head, rendering it limp. "Bet you didn't think I'd know how to handle wild animals," he smirked.
After bathing the young bats, Finn rinsed them off. Their freshly cleaned bodies gleamed. "There, all clean. Satisfied yet?" he asked as the final pillar extinguished.
"Okay, I've done all your chores," Finn said, stepping toward the Bat Queen. "I've proven my dedication to Lady. I'm sorry for the pain I caused. Please, let her come back home with me."
Lady smiled and flew toward Finn.
Before she could reach him, the Bat Queen encased her in a cocoon. "No. One more trial: Face me!" She spread her massive wings as a pillar of fire erupted behind her.
Finn clenched his fists. "Fine! BRING IT ON!"
The Bat Queen lunged, forcing Finn to roll aside. "You'll never get her back!"
"Finn! Get us out of here!" Luz yelled, struggling against her bonds.
As Finn rushed to free his friends, the Bat Queen swooped down, seizing his arms and slamming him into a tree. He tumbled through branches before hitting the ground.
As the Bat Queen closed in, Finn noticed a hole in her foot. "Is that an interlock?" He pushed her away with his legs and stood firm. "Bat Queen, you used to be part of a staff, didn't you? A palisman."
The Bat Queen paused, glancing at her damaged foot. "Yes. I was once part of a grand staff—for a giant. But I was broken, discarded."
Finn softened. "So that's why you're so protective of Lady."
"I protect ALL!" the Bat Queen roared, illuminating dozens of glowing eyes in the trees. Scarred and broken palismen stared back at Finn. "I take in the lost. The forgotten."
Finn's heart ached. "I understand. But Lady isn't forgotten. She's my family. I love her."
"She will not go back with you," the Bat Queen declared, turning away.
"That's not your decision!" Finn shouted, stepping forward.
Lady intervened, her glowing eyes communicating silently with the Bat Queen. The Queen hesitated. "You care for him," she murmured. Lady nodded, flying to Finn and wrapping herself around his neck.
"Very well. Take your friends and go," the Bat Queen relented.
Reunited, Luz, Willow, and Gus cheered. "You did it, Finn!" Luz exclaimed, hugging him and Lady.
Finn turned to the Bat Queen. "Do you know what happened to your owner?"
"It has been thousands of years," she admitted. "I've forgotten."
"If you ever want to find out, we'll help you," Finn offered.
The Bat Queen nodded before flying into the trees.
"I can't believe you faced the Bat Queen," Willow said, relieved.
"And we're not dead!" Gus added.
Finn looked at his companions, a rare softness in his eyes. "Hey, guys. I know today's been a lot, and I dragged you all into this mess. But I want you to know—I consider you my friends. I'm really grateful you were here."
Luz grinned. "Group hug!" She scooped them up, ignoring Finn's protests.
"Okay, fine. Just this once," Finn relented, smiling as they embraced.
"Friends," he murmured, holding them close.
I am going to admit it, this chapter was a bit difficult to write. I wanted to convey how important Lady is to Finn, that she was more than a Palisman, but more like family. Also in case you didn't pick up on it, Finn does have an affinity for Beast Keeping.