
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

James POV

“Prepare for another dinner party tonight.” Dad said. And I knew by the way he said it, it was something of his or our pack's benefit.

“Alphas who had found their mate since last meeting are going to show up in our place, for this party.” He said looking mildly interested. He looked at both of us and smirked.

“What is this party for? And are we organizing it at our house?” Michael asked, raising an eyebrow. Dad nodded. He put the card back inside the envelope and placed it on the table. He intertwined his fingers together.

I reached out and grabbed the envelope. Opened it and looked at the card. It was a letter from Alpha Elijah. I read it.

He had self — invited to visit our place along with other members of the Council. The Reason being the death of Patrick.

Michael snatched the letter from my hand and read it.

“Elijah wants to visit our place.” Michael said as a matter of fact. He placed the card and envelope back onto the table. I looked at dad to find him smirking.

“Want to know the real reason for his visit?” Dad asked us. Michael and I exchanged looks.

“He knows about your mate and your mate — fate. He knows about Linda, that she is both of yours mate. He wants to see it for himself.” He told us. My eyes widened at this information.

“What?! How?!” Michael and I asked at the same time. Dad stood up.

“He keeps tabs on us. How do you think he knows about Phillip's death so fast? We found his body minutes ago.” He said and picked up his jacket and pushed his chair inside the table. He came to our side.

“Tell Linda about it. Make sure she is prepared for what's about to come. Also, what will and what might happen in the party. I want no doubts there.” He said and walked outside the room without giving us a backward glance.

“Well, by this information, that is the only single thing she is going to have.” Michael commented, and we both left at the same time to go find Linda. I had told her to stay in the guest bedroom, so she must be there.

Abruptly, out of nowhere, Michael stopped walking and turned towards me. I glared at him. Well knowing his attention.

“Don't even think about it. I'm not leaving for any of your stupid excuses. We are going to tell her together. “ I said and he grinned.

“How did you know that I was going to ask you to leave and leave the explaining to me?” He asked.

“Remember, we are twins?” I asked and resumed walking. And he followed soon. We reached the guest bedroom and Michael knocked.

“Linda, it is me.” I announced.

“And me.” Michael said and I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

“Come in.” Linda called out. I pushed open the door and walked inside. She was standing there looking worried. She walked straight towards me.

“Are you okay, James? Was your father angry? Are you in any sort of trouble?” She asked one question after another without taking a break to breathe. I just stood silently and smiled at her. I heard a growl from beside me and Linda looked at Michael, startled and horrified. While, on the other hand, I was smirking at the obvious jealousy of Michael. Only because Linda had asked a few questions about me out of concern, he became jealous. I decided to play with him a little.

I changed my expression to a worried one and plastered a frown at my face.

“Actually Linda, I'm in trouble and only you can get me out of it.” I said, mocking nervousness.

“What?” Linda asked in a worried tone.

“This fucker is not in any trouble!” Michael barked and I read his unsaid words, “When I should be in trouble.”

Linda flinched at his tone. Seeing it, my temper flared.

“Keep your fucking voice down!” I snapped at him. Michael saw Linda's reaction as well, thus he wisely decided to shut up after my words.

“Sorry, Linda. It was not for you.” Michael apologized to her. Linda pressed her lips tightly together and gave him a cold answer. One that he deserved.

“Apology not accepted. I thought that wolves were sensitive to loud noise. But I guess it is a lie.” She said and my surprised look met Michael's. His jaw clenched at Linda's harsh reply, but he still asked her softly.

“How do you know about that?” Linda crossed her arms across her chest and stared us down with her scrutinizing look. Then looked outside the window.

“I asked all about this wolves stuff from Adan. He explained everything to me.” She answered. Again, Michael and I exchanged looks.

She was something.

Investigating about us behind our back. I knew that we could trust Adan, hence it was not something that worried me. However, her behavior concerned me but also piqued my interest in her more. We will ask Adan later, about what he had told her but for now, we had another work in our sleeves. We had to deliver the news to her.

So I turned to Linda.

“Okay, then. Umm... Linda, we do have something to tell you, though.” I said. Michael cleared his throat.

“Yeah. We have something to tell you.” He said. Linda frowned at us suspiciously, her eyes narrowed.

“Why don't we just sit down first?” He suggested after seeing the look of wariness in Linda's eyes. Despite the way she stared at him, she obeyed and sat down on the far side of the corner on the bed. We followed her suit and sat on the other side of the bed. I sat straight to Linda's side while Michael placed his ass on the other side.

“So?” Linda asked when we did not say anything for another few seconds. I would have let the silence go on just to see Michael squirm under Linda's piercing gaze but it was getting a bit too awkward. Therefore, I decided to butt in.

“Do you know what alpha is?” I asked her. Linda raised a brow and a muscle in her jaw twitched but her head bobbed in yes.

“So… Right. We are having a party tonight and... our Alpha, not dad, but alpha of all alphas, Alpha Elijah is also going to attend this party tonight.” I told her. It caught her interest. She straightened and cocked her head in curiosity.

“And, we are going to introduce you to him. As our mate.” I said.

“No.” Linda replied within seconds, I finished my sentence. My body stiffened and my eyes widened at her answer.

“What? Why?” Michael and I spoke at the same time. We were not expecting that answer from her. In flash, I was on her side and Michael was on the other. Gently, I grabbed her one hand and the other one was grabbed by Michael. Linda looked surprised more at our speed than at our actions. She blinked quickly and came snapped out of her trance.

“Because I do not want to be your mate.” She said and I felt a chill run down my spine.

Out of nowhere, the door slammed open.