
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · SF
136 Chs

Chapter 96: Beneath the Surface

Jack Steele crouched in the dimly lit bunker, the hum of the emergency lights casting eerie shadows on the cold, metallic walls. His fingers traced the edges of a tattered map, eyes narrowing at the myriad of red marks—each one representing a point of Terminid incursion. The strategic position of the invaders was too precise, too calculated. He needed answers.

"Captain, we've got movement on the lower levels," Zara reported, her voice a steady anchor in the chaos. "Scouts confirm Terminid burrowers. They're trying to undermine our foundations."

Jack's fist clenched around the edge of the table. "They want to bring the whole damn base down on us."

"We've been tracking their movements," Zara continued. "If we can hit their tunnels, we might buy ourselves some time."

Jack nodded, the beginnings of a plan forming. "Prepare a strike team. I'll lead them down there myself."

Zara's eyes widened slightly but she nodded. "Understood, sir. I'll get everything ready."


The descent into the lower levels was fraught with tension. Jack, Zara, and a handpicked team of Helldivers moved through the narrow, dimly lit corridors, their footsteps echoing off the walls. The air grew cooler, the sounds of the upper battle muffled but persistent.

"Feels like we're walking into a trap," muttered Corporal Reyes, his rifle held tight against his chest.

"Probably are," Jack replied, his voice low but steady. "Keep your eyes open and your wits about you."

As they moved deeper, the walls began to change, the metal giving way to rough-hewn rock, evidence of the Terminid burrowers' handiwork. The sound of chittering and the distant clatter of mandibles grew louder.

"Contact," whispered Zara, raising her hand to halt the group. Ahead, a Terminid drone scuttled across the tunnel, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

Jack signaled for silence. The team spread out, taking up positions along the walls. With a silent nod, Jack gave the order. The team moved as one, rifles up, firing in a coordinated burst. The drone didn't stand a chance.

"Let's move," Jack ordered, his eyes scanning the dark tunnel. "We're getting close."


The deeper they went, the more oppressive the atmosphere became. The tunnels were hot, humid, the walls slick with moisture. The team moved cautiously, every shadow a potential threat.

Zara checked her scanner, a frown creasing her brow. "There's a large chamber ahead. Looks like a central node."

Jack nodded, motioning for the team to advance. As they approached the chamber, the tunnel widened, opening into a vast, cavernous space. The walls pulsed with a strange, organic light, and in the center, a massive, pulsating structure—part machine, part living organism—throbbed with a menacing energy.

"That's their command node," Zara whispered. "If we take it out, we disrupt their entire network."

Jack's eyes narrowed. "Then let's do it. Reyes, set charges around the perimeter. Zara, cover him. Everyone else, form a defensive line."

Reyes moved quickly, placing the charges with practiced efficiency. The rest of the team took up positions, their rifles trained on the shadows. The Terminids wouldn't let them destroy the node without a fight.


Just as Reyes finished setting the last charge, the chamber erupted in a cacophony of chittering. Terminids swarmed from the walls, their movements a blur of lethal intent.

"Here they come!" Jack shouted, opening fire. The team responded in kind, their weapons lighting up the dark chamber.

The battle was fierce, the air filled with the stench of burning flesh and ozone. Jack's rifle barked with each pull of the trigger, every shot finding its mark. But the Terminids kept coming, their numbers seemingly endless.

"Charges are set!" Reyes yelled over the din. "We need to get out of here, now!"

"Fall back!" Jack ordered, providing cover fire as the team began to retreat. The chamber shook with the force of the explosions as the charges detonated, the command node collapsing in on itself.

The team raced back through the tunnels, the walls shaking as the explosions triggered a chain reaction. Jack could feel the heat at his back, the roar of collapsing tunnels spurring them on.


Back in the relative safety of the upper levels, Jack and his team emerged, covered in grime and sweat but victorious. The Terminid assault had faltered, their coordination disrupted by the destruction of the command node.

"We bought ourselves some time," Zara said, her voice filled with a cautious optimism.

Jack nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "But not much. We need to regroup and prepare for their next move."

As the team dispersed to tend to their wounds and restock their supplies, Jack's mind was already racing ahead. The Terminids were relentless, but they had shown a vulnerability. They could be beaten.

In the dim light of the command center, Jack Steele stood tall, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. The battle for survival was far from over, but the Helldivers had taken the first step towards turning the tide. The next move was theirs, and they would be ready.