
Between Lust and Love Box Set

In life, there’s a fine line between lust and love. One often leads to the other, but sometimes, it’s just about release. Follow the men in these best-selling stories by J.D. Walker as they ride a physical and emotional rollercoaster to the heart. The experience changes their lives forever. Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Back at the Altar</strong>: Cole Altridge is jilted at the altar. He is hesitant to pursue any further relationships and buries himself in work until Brenda, his best friend, drags him out to do karaoke one night. There, he comes to the rescue of Jeremy Sultan, an acquaintance he now sees with new eyes. Sparks fly and the sex is hot. Will he let himself get his happily ever after?<br><br><strong>Copy Me, Unrequited</strong>: Theodore Mennington loves Henry Bunting, but he knows it's one-sided. Sheldon Wickens has the hots for Theodore, but it never goes anywhere. When Sheldon signs a one-year lease for the apartment complex where Theodore lives, Henry sees the attraction between Theodore and Sheldon and plays cupid. Theodore has to decide if he wants to take a chance on something new, or remain unrequited.<br><br><strong>Dream Man</strong>: Every night Michael Stein dreams of 'Mr. Muscles' -- a sex machine who pounds him into oblivion and makes his sheets wet. Who needs reality? Then he meets Christian Bolster, his dream man. Will he take a chance, or forever hide behind the facade of Mr. Muscles?<br><br><strong>Heavy Metal Cowboy Blues</strong>: Lester 'Les' McCoy loves his country music. He's also in lust with Damien Ridley -- the 'metal boy' who lives downstairs -- despite his very loud music tastes which drive Les crazy! He's an old prairie bachelor, and thinks Damien is too young for him. But, a gay-bashing and some friendly advice lead Les to use Patsy Cline and canary yellow underpants to get the stud he's always wanted.<br><br><strong>He’s the Boss</strong>: Lynn Hall owns an employment agency with one problem -- he can't keep his own staff in line. In steps Duncan Stern, the perfect employee. Sparks fly, but Lynn’s the boss and they need to be professional, right? Passion won’t be denied, however and turns into steamy nights and hot office liaisons. One lecherous client threatens their love, and Lynn wonders -- will he lose the man of his dreams?<br><br><strong>Ho Hum New Year</strong>: John Parnassus hates the holidays with a passion. He doesn't believe in love, men or the 'holiday spirit', still bitter after his ex left him on Christmas morning. In steps fate in the guise of Tim Hinton. Surprised to find they have common ground, John finds himself at a crossroads: should he make a move, or endure another ho hum New Year?<br><br><strong>Run to You</strong>: Tyson Cranwick is in love with Justin Simpson, but all they have in common is their jobs at the call center. Justin loves sports, so Tyson decides to train for the same 5k race as his crush, hoping he'll get a date out of the deal. Nothing goes as planned, however, and Tyson fears he's lost his chance. Or has he? Can he overcome his fear and listen to what Justin's heart has to say?<br><br><strong>The Best Man for Me</strong>: Royce Lummis' fiancé is a no-show at the rehearsal; worst of all, he sees him kissing another man. Heartbroken, Royce accepts the offer of a couch from Rodney Fanning—his best man and ex-boyfriend. Though they have history between them, Rodney is a good friend and Royce's heart slowly heals. It's almost too late when Royce finally realizes that Rodney is the best man for him. Will he get his man?

J.D. Walker · LGBT+
69 Chs

Chapter 1

I had always believed in happily ever after, until Hunter the rat bastard Willis left me at the altar on our wedding day.

We had been living together for three years, had two dogs, and a condo to die for. What else was there to do but marry? Seal the deal?

Apparently he didn’t feel the same way because I stood at the altar in New York, wearing my black expensivetuxedo and my tight Italian shoes, listening while my soon-to-be ex-almost-husband told the priest and all our friends that he just couldn’t do it and he didn’t love me anymore. In shock and beyond heart-broken, I watched him walk away, dreams shattered and tears streaming down my face. Two weeks later, he was shacked up with someone ‘new,’ the hussy. Apparently he had been secretly fucking some little twink from his job and didn’t fucking have the guts to break up with me before the ceremony. Thoughtless, heartless bastard!

Of course, you realize I had to pay for everything. He’s gone and all that’s left of him is the bill. He even took the dogs. I thought he was the one. How could I have been so wrong?

* * * *

We met at a party in East Atlanta. Brenda, one of my best friends, was having a housewarming get-together and I had been coerced into attending. Body parts had been threatened. She had just married her childhood sweetheart, Melissa, in New York, and they were enjoying a hers and hers moment. There were a lot of people there I didn’t know. It had been a long dry spell for me at this point and I wasn’t in a rush to meet someone new, but sex was always good. Brenda, it turned out, had other ideas. I bet she regrets it now.

Anyway, by the time I arrived, the party was in full swing. I gave Brenda and Melissa hugs and kisses and congratulated them on the house.

“It’s beautiful, just like the two of you,” I said with a wink.

Brenda rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Cole. You just want me to introduce you to hot men.”

“Well, duh, sex is good and it’s been too long,” I responded with my own eye roll.

“You look good,” she said. “That purple shirt looks good on you. Are those jeans new?”

“Yup, got them at Macy’s last week.” I handed my gift to Melissa. “I’m going to mingle and find someone hot to fuck. Later, girls.” I wandered the room, scoping out prospects. “Hey, Jeremy,” I called out.

Jeremy Sultan was in my book club—the club I hadn’t attended in months because of late work nights. Nice guy, kind of cute in a geeky way with the freckles on his nose and thick auburn hair and steel grey eyes. He was about my height and size, a little lanky.

“Cole! What’s up, my man? Did you finish the Dan Brown book?” he asked, eyes bright and twinkling.

“Nope. Still working on it. I might have to miss the next meeting—again. Been too busy at work. Late hours. You know how it goes. Is it good?”

“Hell yeah! If you want, I can give you a summary of it so you don’t have to miss the next meeting. You’ll be prepared. Plus, it’s at my house. I’ll even let you cheat,” he said with a smile. He had a nice smile, even teeth.

“Ha! You’re too good to me. I’ll let you know, okay? Thanks for the offer.”

“Hey, no problem, man. Anytime.” With that, Jeremy wandered off to talk to someone else he knew on the other side of the room.

I headed over to the punch bowl and poured myself a drink. On tasting it, I shuddered. Why does Brenda always make this stuff so strong? You could get drunk just from the fumes. Deciding to just sip it for the rest of the night, I turned around and almost bumped into someone behind me. Reaching out a hand to steady myself, I started to apologize. I froze upon seeing the hottest man in existence.

He had green eyes, short black hair, and was about six-foot-two to my five-foot-ten inches in height. Handsome as sin, he had dimples cut into his cheeks and a cleft chin. Broad shoulders filled out a tight green Polo shirt that emphasized his flat stomach. Dark blue jeans encased sinfully long legs and made my mouth water.

Damn, he’s hot!

The vision before me chuckled, and I realized I had said that out loud. Damn Brenda and her punch!

“Okay,” I said, recovering my dignity. “Now that I’ve embarrassed myself, it’s your turn.”

“Oh, no,” said the vision. “I’m having too much fun watching you.”

With a put upon sigh, I held out my hand and said, “Just my luck. All right, the least I can do is introduce myself. Cole Altridge. And you are?”

Moving his punch glass to his left hand, he shook mine and replied, “Hunter Willis. Pleased to meet you.”

“So, now that we’ve been introduced, tell me, how do you know Brenda or Melissa?” I asked, releasing his hand reluctantly.