
Between Love and Food

Izumi Ichinose is a college student who decided to drop out just to learn from somone "better" though that was the case, when that teacher was teaching him more than cooking skils. Then, he took a job as a "Home Cook" in which they cook food in their customer's home and Izumi's experience led this food adventure to something naughty.

KisaragiYuuta · 現実
1 Chs

Love, Food, and Sex


The girl moaned as her body lay flat on the table, hanging on to Izumi like her life depended on it. Her hands holding on to the edge of the table while Izumi was in between her legs, fucking her senselessly. He held her waist with a firm grip while moving his hips.

The girl soon lets go off the table and pulled Izumi close, quite close enough for their lips to be in contact, the two stared at each other while the table creaked.

"D-don't hold back!~ P-please!~"

Hearing this made Izumi completely induldge himself into her. His lips completely devoured her plump soft lips while his raging cock was being frimly squeezed by her wet walls. The tense between them made the pleasure even more worth it. Izumi continued to kiss her lips while slowly reaching out for her neck. Firmly griping on her and inserting his tongue inside her mouth. As they made out languidly, saliva and sweat dripping while the room echoed the clapping noise of sex.

Izumi started to feel the rush running through as it was a sign that he was close to climax, therefore he slowed down and started to move away slowly.

The girl who was close to orgasm suddenly felt a sense of disappointment as she used her legs and wrapped it around his wasit, pulling him back inside as his cock kissed the entrance of her womb.


He groaned but the girl smiled seductively while giving him the look of approval and lust.

"No!~ You can't stop!~ You can'tttt!~"

She suddenly started to move sideways while showing how desperate she needed this. Their breathes went heavy as the girl sat up, not letting him go in anyway possible. She started to wrap her arms around him and whispered into his ears.

"You....You have to keep going even if you have to cum inside of me~"

Suddenly, Izumi began to move his hips once more but aggressively. He held her waist and continued to ram her insides like an onahole. The girl continued to moan in pleasure while firmly holding him close.


"Inside! Inside!"

Repeatedly saying it, Izumi gave his last thrust and filled her to the brim, letting out some pent-up sperm. While the girl immensely squirted like a fontaine as they pant, the girl was broken in pleasure.

Both were tired as they leaned by the table for support. They looked at each other, quite close enough to make out again which lead to more sex.

The next morning, Izumi woke up first. He looked at the girl before and smiled, he stood up and began to clean the area where they made a mess.

Today's menu for breakfast is Bacon, Eggs, and Toast with Freshly Brewed Coffee.

Izumi started to wear his apron, while starting off by washing his hands. He pulled out utensils such as bowls, spoons, pans, and so on. While bring out the ingriedients needed for this simple breakfast.

First, placing the pan by the fire and waiting for it to heat up. Two choices was to use butter or oil, preferably Izumi used oil but only a little ounce. He then started to put the slices of bacon to cook until golden brown, as the excess oil of the bacon had left.

Second, he took two eggs and broke each closely to the pan. Letting out a perfect sunny side up, while he applied salt although it was just simple eggs. He added some pepper while letting it cook. Meanwhile, he took out a loaf of bread and sliced two pieces while using the toaster, he waited until it was perfectly brown and crunchy to hear.

Using the butter knife to confirm it's crunchyness. He used butter to spread it on the bread, while placing it on a single clear plate as he added the cripsy bacon and sunny side up eggs. Although that wasn't the only thing he needed to do.

Quickly he went for the coffee maker, as he put fresh coffee beans inside while also waiting for the milk to steam. Placing the cup under the maker, filling it as it showed that beautiful brown color, he added the steamed milk to give it's creamy texture. Placing it on the placemat, he added the tissue box, fork and knife to the side.

Izumi smiled in satisfaction, wiping his hands on the apron as he took it off and woke up the girl for her morning breakfast as she requested.

"Mhm!~ This is really delicious Izumi-san!~"

The girl whose hair shone like a sun, ate the breakfast Izumi prepared wholeheartedly as she smiled in satisfaction to his work. She took a bath of each piece while the sun had risen from it's slumber. She sipped the coffee while the aroma had roam throughout the apartment.

"Im glad you enjoyed it ma'am!"

Izumi smiled innocently.

As she finished her breakfast, Izumi cleaned up the utensils and dishes that was used. Smiling and humming while doing his work, the girl then walked towards Izumi and hugged him from behind while her soft chests had rubbed throughout his back.

Izumi blushed as he looked behind him. The girl smiled and gave a seductive look. He knew what she wanted and that was a dangerous look.

"u-um...ma'am I'm doi-"

His mouth closed as she put a finger on his lips, indicating to stay quiet. The girl then moved away abit as Izumi turned around to see her, leaning on the sink as she slowly kneeled down and began to touch his covered cock once more.

Izumi got flustered and looked at her, although he wanted to say something about it, she started to unzip his pants and rub his cock slowly and gently. Izumi who did his best to control himself got hard as his erected cock had exposed to the girl once more.

The girl gave a surpirsed yet so joyful expression as she began to caress it from the tip to the glans. She then gave it a long lick and stared at Izumi in the eyes with pure lust.


Izumi's heartbeat quickened as he looked at her while he panted.

She then held both of his hands firmly then took his cock in without holding back, that his cock even reached her throat. Izumi groaned in pleasure, as the girl began licking his glans as she began to bobbing her head slowly to fast rate.

This girl was sucking him too much that in anycase, he would literally blow his load in any moment but that would be a bad thing. So he gritted his teeth and held it in, while she continued to tease him.

Feeling the clenching of her throat, Izumi couldn't contain it anymore as he then let her go and hold her head, moving his waist to his desired pace while fucking her mouth without a care. The girl was about to break as her eyes twitched in pleasure.

"I'm cumming!~"

He then began to spurt his semen inside her mouth, staining her throat as he panted. He then looked at her and slowly pulled out his wet cock stained of cum and saliva as it landed on her face, her mouth full of cum as she smiled and gave a peace sign.

Izumi was now wearing his shoes, preparing to leave as he looked at the girl who gave him the money. Izumi bowed and took the money respectfully as he smiled.

"Thank you for choosing me!"

The girl blushed for a bit as she smiled.

"Thank you for today Izumi-san. Let's see each other and have fun again soon!~"

Her smile had turn from a devious smirk. As Izumi flinched and left hurriedly, upon placing the payment of his job. Izumi smiled as he was satisfied of his work.

Izumi is a worker, though not what you may think. He is what you may call a "Home Cook" who are worker going to people's home to cook a desired dish they desire though that's a different case with Izumi.

Izumi Ichinose is a proper worker of society and his skills in cooking were equivallent enough to own a store. Though as Izumi worked as a proper person, his life were and will be full of love, food, and sex.

"This is impossible. I'd die if I keep doing it"

Izumi ranted.