
Betty Batter

At sixteen, Betty has been trained to take over the Gates after the demise of her father. The gates had four rules for everybody who cared to survive: - Never leave the Gates - Never disobey Don - Always mind your business - Always be ready for a fight - Betty loved her father so much so that she made him her role model but after sixteen long years, Betty has finally come to know the truth about her lovely father and this made Betty Batter his weapon of destruction.

Soliha_Owolabi · SF
2 Chs

Chapter One

Long ago in the world of humans, there was a city far away from the outside world, the name known as the 'Gates'. The Gates was a place where rejected humans lived and their leader was 'Don'. Don was known by all and loved by many in the Gates because of his power, wealth, and ability to organize the Gates, he had men who were always available to obey his commands and also protect him at all times. Don had only one daughter who he refers to as his family, he managed a drug business where his men worked as suppliers within the gates. People from outside the Gates are never allowed in except they had permission from Don and whoever enters without permission are termed Intruders and are immediately executed. No one is allowed to leave the gates as Don made them understand that life outside the Gates was dangerous as they could be forced or brainwashed into harming their family and friends who lived in the Gates and when they would realize it, it would have been too late.

On a very cold Friday night after it just rained, two young men who appeared to be Don's men walked hurriedly through the slum as they found their way to Don's hideout where he stayed with his only daughter,Gina. When they got in,they meet him having a fatherly moment with his daughter. Despite the fact that he was hard with every other individual in the Gates,he loved his daughter so much and treated her with care and tenderness.

The message passed to Don seemed to be something very disturbing as he immediately stood up and asked his daughter to go into hiding,at this point he didn't want to trust his daughter into the have of anyone.

"Gina my dear, go upstairs and hide yourself in one of those abandoned tanks"

Don said with a low tone as he caresses Gina's cheek.

Gina on the other hand could sense that something was wrong but had no time to ask questions as it seemed like she had to obey her father's orders immediately.

In a very short time, some men in black outfits matched through the Gates and immediately went to Don's hideout as if they had been living in the Gates all their lives. They knew every nook and cranny of the Gates.

Although Don was shocked with how the men in black could find their way to his hideout so easily,he was also sure that someone from the Gates had betrayed them and not just anybody but someone very close to them.

Don quickly went behind the main door and there was a reflection of bright lights from behind the door. He came back outside in no time and went back to his chair to seat as if nothing was wrong.

Although citizens of the Gates remained calm, fear could not help itself but creep into their minds. The men in black were not like any other intruder, they were armed to the teeth and had a lot of confidence.

Citizens of the Gates became more scared when after minutes have passed by, Don hasn't captured and ordered for the men in black to be publicly executed.

As the situation grew more tense, skirts and trousers ran Helter-skelter to go into hiding as they could sense that what was coming was beyond Don himself.

As the men in black broke into Don's hideout, Don turned to them with a smiles as one of the men in black who seemed to be the leader charged towards him with anger and hatred.

Don had prior knowledge that the police would be coming into the Gates to do some investigation as it got to them that goods stolen from the government science lab was been brought to the Gates.

Don was a bit taken aback by the arrival of the men in black, he wasn't expecting any visitors until the next day,which was when the police would be searching the Gates for stolen government equipments.

Immediately the leader of the men in black got to where Don sat, he gave him a heavy blow but Don still remained in one piece. The man removed his mask to reveal his unusually handsome face, he held Don tightly by the neck and spoke in some native language that the other men seemed not to understand.

He turned to his men unpleased with how Don kept on smiling at every word he said and he ordered them to tie him to the ceiling.

Leader brought out a slim gas cylinder from a bag and also a lighter from his pocket. He ordered one of the men to placed a table under Don who was hanging from the ceiling as his hands were tied to it. The men also tied his legs to separate ends of the table. The gas cylinder was placed on the table and the leader turned the gas cylinder to make sure that gas was coming out before lighted it with his lighter. The fire from the gas cylinder burned straight through Don's balls as he screamed in agony. The leader enjoyed this scene so much and laughed hysterically at Don's mystery. Gina who heard her father's screams and the laughter coming from the leader couldn't help put look at what exactly was happening. She was horrified at the kind of torture her father was going through. The leader brought out a long glittery sword to end the game as soon as possible, he would no longer wait to end the man in front of his. As he sliced through Don's neck with his head rolling on the floor, Gina gasped and tripped over some items placed near the tank. Unluckily for her,she gained the attention of the men in black and the only thing her instinct screamed at her was 'run'.

Although Regina was 16, she wasn't a weak girl at all. Her father had trained her well and had also handed over the responsibility of planning every operation that they went for since she turned 13. Gina grew up without knowing who her mother was and how her father ended up being the ruler of the Gates.

Gina kept in running. A voice in her head wouldn't let her stop running even though her tiny legs like Chinese chopsticks were already getting tired. The men chased after her like she had stolen something very important to them, they fired at her but she managed to miss every shot because of the solid training her father had given her.

She ran through the muddy and rowdy market. The market was never free from water and mud and it was never free from the fishy smell. Gina didn't mind all the dirty floor,she dipped her legs into all the mud making it splash all over her. She tried mixing with all the crowd in the market but these men seem to know very well whom they are chasing after. By now, the men in black chasing after her already had their clothes covered in mud. Gina was already far away from the market but the men wouldn't let her go, they chased her like dogs trying to get a hold of a very fat bone.

Gina ran towards an iron fence in the Gates. The environment looked totally different from others that they have passed since they had been in the Gates. Although they had their suspicions that Gina was trying to lure them into a trap,they kept on chasing after her. Gina struggled to jump the very tall iron fence to the other side and was successful in reaching the other side, the men who chased after her jumped the fence swiftly like thieves who have been trained to burgle people's houses.

As the men in black landed on the other side of the fence,they were shocked at the scene that welcomed them. Gina fell on one of the pointed rods that was shooting out of the broken blocks at the other side of the fence and it pierced through her right eye. The other side looked more like a former residence that was demolished but it was also obvious that a bomb must have been tested on that land. Despite the fact that Gina looked lifeless on the floor,the men in black wouldn't take chances so the let out three shots to make sure that she was dead.

It was already twilight and was still there. Even after the rod pierced through her right eye and all the shooting she received, Gina somehow miraculously was still alive. Although she could not move any part of her body but she could still think,imagine and remember.

She thought about all the moments she spent with her father,all the love and care that he showered her with and wished she died before him. Gina cried inwardly as her heart was in immerse pain.

One of Don's men entered into a small apartment which belonged to a middle-aged man named Lucan. Lucan was a scientist and a very good friend of Don, they had spent several years together after Lucan got out of jail. Lucan was arrested for a crime that he didn't commit and was jailed for 7 years for stealing government scientific equipment, he was a man that loved his job so much. When he got out of jail, many things had changed, his so called darling wife had gotten married to another man and when he tried to talk to her about the custody of their only son, Alexander, she threatened to call the police on him and frame him of trying to kidnap her child, she also made a shocking revelation of how she had been cheating on Lucan even during their marriage. She told him that Alexander wasn't his child and even went further to call Lucan impotent, Lucan was pained by all these and as if it wasn't enough harm already, she also somehow someway managed to transfer all his properties to Alexander's name and since she was in charge of taking care of Alexander,she would also handle the properties till he turns 18 years old.

Don's errand guy, Gravano who entered Lucan's apartment informed him on where he saw Gina heading to and reported on how the situation was no longer tensed as the men in black were no longer in the Gates.

Lucan immediately grabbed a shirt to wear and followed Gravano to go look for Gina. The entire city was quiet because of what happened to Don. Everyone was scared of what would become of them because they didn't even understand why someone would want to kill Don.

As Lucan and Gravano walked towards the iron fence, Gravano told Lucan of his suspicions of how someone from the Gates must have betrayed them by giving details of the Gates to the men in black. Lucan reasoned with him and agreed on finding the person who was behind all these.

Lucan and Gravano both climbed to the other side of the fence to look for Gina, as Gravano spotted Gina, he immediately believed that she was dead and he was deeply pained by this since he had secret feelings for her. Lucan did not argue with Gravano at all, rather he removed the rod from her eyes and ordered him to carry her to his small apartment which he referred to as the lab. Despite Lucan being sacked from his work place and arrested, he still loved what he does so much and wouldn't quit practicing it.

Gravano carried Gina in a princess style towards Lucan's apartment and as they walked the street, the few people outside looked at them in utmost shock because of the situation that Gina was in, everybody believed that she was dead.

Gravano placed Gina gently on a flat table in Lucan's apartment, he looked at her with a mixture of pain,love and admiration. He subconsciously caressed Gina's cheek, Lucan looked at him as he had his eyes fixed on Gina, Lucan could tell that he had very deep feelings for Gina.

"I would need some privacy so that I can think on what next to do" Lucan said to Gravano in a thick masculine voice.

Gravano who was drowning in pain and disbelief could only nod at Lucan.