
Chapter 14

**Lord Malachi's Perspective:**

Lord Malachi, the warlord with ambitions that rivaled even the darkest of shadows, stood brooding in his fortress. The defeat at the hands of Silas had left a bitter taste, fueling his desire for revenge. It was then that Saraphel, a figure draped in dark robes, arrived unannounced.

**The Encounter:**

Saraphel's arrival sent a shiver through the dimly lit chamber. The warlord, his eyes ablaze with a hunger for power, regarded the shadowy figure with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.

Lord Malachi: "Who dares to intrude upon my fortress?"

Saraphel, unperturbed, stepped forward, the shadows seemingly bowing to his presence.

Saraphel: "I am Saraphel, and I bring an opportunity for you, Lord Malachi. An opportunity to reclaim what you have lost."

**A Pact Formed:**

Lord Malachi, ever eager for power and conquest, listened as Saraphel outlined a plan to once again confront Silas. The warlord's eyes gleamed with interest, the allure of revenge and the prospect of wielding forces beyond his comprehension driving him to form an unholy alliance.

Lord Malachi: "Speak, Saraphel. What is this opportunity you offer, and how do we ensure Silas's downfall?"

Saraphel revealed a dark ritual, one that would tap into forbidden energies, amplifying Lord Malachi's dark powers. The warlord, enticed by the promise of unmatched strength, agreed to the sinister pact.

**The Strategy Unveiled:**

As they delved into the details of their plan, Saraphel unveiled a strategy that involved exploiting Silas's vulnerabilities, his hesitations, and the limits of his radiant power.

Saraphel: "Silas is not invincible. We must push him beyond his perceived limits, exploit the moral dilemmas that plague him. Only then can we secure victory."

Lord Malachi, his thirst for revenge overshadowing any reservations, nodded in agreement. The alliance between warlord and shadowy figure was forged in the crucible of shared ambition and a burning desire to crush the radiant force that stood in their way.

As they finalized their strategy, Lord Malachi prepared to lead his forces once more, driven by a dark determination to prove that, even in the face of radiant power, the shadows could prevail. The warlord and Saraphel, bound by the threads of vengeance, set the stage for a renewed clash with Silas, the fate of the Better World hanging in precarious balance.