
Better To Be The Villain

In another world vastly different from our current one the world of “Flora” is in danger being ruled and thrown into chaos by the all powerful Demon King “Verrain” who is currently in a power struggle with all the gods and has thrown there world upside down. Humans, Beastmen, Demons, Angles, all races alike were all threaten by the demon king and his unfathomable army and power. So as a last resort the humans did a forbidden spell called the ‘Hero Summon’ to call upon a heroic set of individuals to save their world and bring peace an balance. A group of people were summoned to their world, amogn them was a young man. At first glance he looked frail and weak, his magic slower seeemd almost nonexistent, his combative capabilities were mediocre at best, and his worth to the kingdom was nothing short of useless. even the people he was summoned with seemingly deeemd him worthless, but they’d try to encourage to do better. but unknowingly to everyone in this world, the gods, the demon king, and even to the hero’s. This young man was truly remarkable. his work behind the scenes, his plans set into motion, and his ideology displayed for those to see. his manipulative carnage starts now. ——————————- Series By: Aldric_ & TK15

Aldric_ · ファンタジー
6 Chs

{Taking The Initiative} (2)





It was a lively morning within the castle grounds of the nation of Flora. The knights and soldiers could be seen sparing against one another. Weather it be 'Magic', 'Swordsmanship', 'Alchemy', or even their bloodline's 'Unique Skill'.

They seemed roughly energetic to get the morning going, explosions from magic could be heard echoing form afar, while those who focus ont he physical could be heard groaning and grunting through their struggle and pain.

"𝘚𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧 this is dreadful, why do 𝘐 have to hone my abilities when I know there already at there peak? It would be a waste of time to even consider getting dirt on myself, plus lowering myself to spar against mere foot soldiers is utterly ridiculous"

The pompous noble boy spouted aloud for those to hear. This caught the attention of the soldiers who were putting their all in their sparring, there moral began to waver, some began to feel self conscious, others felt rage and inferior, while the rest just simply stayed silent and continued their own training.

Lucious watched from a far with an amused smile on his face.

'Well this doesn't look good. If things continue as they are, these people won't even scratch the demon lords army let alone any lower rank demonic beast, but guess it can't be helped since there all towns folk and not from a royal bloodline'

Lucious thought inwardly about the current atmosphere and situation the soldiers were in. He smiled and continued to observe the situation as it played out.

But to his surprise, a certain someone stepped up against the noble boy's remark. Her hair flew graciously in the wind, her armor reflected the light of the beaming morning sun, her eyes as clear as the Asher blue sky above.

Not to mention the aura that is currently flowing throughout her body with minimal concentration, it's color as clear as her eyes. It was none other than the princess herself, Kyra.

"You talk as if you truly believe that no harm can be done to you, Earls. Let me remind you that just because you have the title of 'nobility', doesn't mean you 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 have the capability to fend off a real threat"

"𝘛𝘤𝘩! You watch your mouth bitch, you may be the daughter of the king! But that also doesn't mean you have any right to speak so confidently either! We both don't have any 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 experience. And besides lady Kyra, I may not look it but I know I can beat anyone of these useless bastards here! I'm far superior and that's not just me flaunting my pride or bloodline! It's a pure fact"

Earls mockingly called out Kyra on her counter remark. But suddenly Kyra smiled, and walked to the middle of the field where all the soldiers were sparring at. Everyone's focus immediately shifted to Kyra, as if they were all infatuated to what she had to say.

"Is that so? Alright then, what if I told you anyone of these 'mere foot soldiers' could beat you in a one on one duel?"

"Preposterous! I can sense each and everyone of these mongrels magical signatures! There not even close to a beginner stage level of mastery! But, if you really think a mere foot soldier can beat me, than I'll happily play along with your game lady Kyra"

Earls gave a condescending smirk at Kyra, as if he's calling her bluff. Kyra then took a deep sigh and raised her head speaking once more..

"Then you don't mind if I choose your opponent yes?"

"Sure, by all means. Mage, Swordsman, Cursed-Users, it won't change a thing"

Earls continued to have a condescending attitude towards Kyra. But, she merely smiled and lifted her finger…

"Then I choose him"

As she pointed in the direction of the walls of the castle, everyone's eyes followed where she was pointing at specifically, or rather someone…

To the surprise of Lucious, her gaze, her posture, even her fierce integrity was all fixated onto him. He smiled and waved down at the many spectators eyeing him from head to toe.

As Earls looked over to his combatant, he takes a gander at his attire. Lucious wore a white long sleeve shirt, and above that piece of clothing he also wore a brown vest blazer that had a blue tie.

Earls's immediate thoughts suddenly came out with a hint of sarcasm…

"𝘗𝘧𝘧 really? A mere attendant? Your really trying to mock me aren't you lady Kyra? I can't even sense an ounce of magical power coming from him, let alone any real sense of the sword either. He's..how do I say it? Ah yes, a woeful dolt"

"You might say that now, but I bet even that 'mere attendant' could beat you without any effort"

Kyra spoke with the confidence of a true leader and lord to the throne. However, earls couldn't help but feel looked down upon by the over confident princess.

"Fine then. You there! Attendant!"

Earls shouted above towards Lucious. He looked down form the wall of the castle, smiling and responded with a…

"Yes, your grace?"

"𝘏𝘮𝘱𝘩, wipe that smile off your face and come down here. I'm not a very patient person and I want to show how ridiculous the princess sounds, a mere mongrel with no magic signature or any royal blood coursing through their veins besting 𝘮𝘦? How absurd!"

Earls walked off to the side of the center of the sparring ground awaiting for Lucious below. Meanwhile, Lucious looked over at Kyra, who gave him an oh so chucklesome smile, he laughed to himself as he made his way down the castle walls to the center of the sparring grounds.

'How cruel Kyra, putting me in a very awkward position. But this might prove to be a great opportunity to test the nobility's worth in the midst of all this amusing disarray'

Lucious thought of a crucial scheme, one that may prove to have a great influence on all the soldiers and especially earls himself.

"Are both of you ready? Have you armed yourselves appropriately for this bout?"

Kyra placed her hand at the center of the two who were standing a great 10 meters to each other awaiting for their answers.

Earls had a book preferably a grimoire, it's cover was gold, it outer exterior covered in a silver like coat, and the emblem in its center a sun.

"𝘛𝘤𝘩, quit with delaying this bout. I want this to be done and over with"

Kyra's had a irked frown towards Earls. Turning her head to her right, she looks towards Lucious wondering what he was armed with.

Lucious held a long wooden stick, nothing major in the slightest. He smiled and waved at the curious Kyra.

Kyra's eyes widen and had a shocked expression. Lucious then responded with a cheeky tone in his voice…

"All ready over here Kyra~"

Kyra took a deep breath with a more so anxious look on her face. Gradually easing her arm up and speaking…

"Okay then…let the bout between, Earls Fout and Lucious Von Foster…."

Kyra then proceeds to throw the weight of her arm down in the middle of the sparring fields center shouting words of enticement…



Oof! The cocky noble boy is about to get schooled~ (keep calm and wait for more chapters!)

Aldric_creators' thoughts