
Better Not Be Love

River Alecia Landon is a young author who excels at her profession. She has been a writer since high school and has received several awards. She was approached to debut as a scriptwriter at the age of 23, and from then she has never looked back. River had everything at such a young age, except a love life. In the industry, she has learned to live by herself, allowing no one in. Only then could she expect to survive. She kept her feelings hidden.... until he came... Eugene Sam Miguel was a regular guy who worked as an associate art director. He drew little to no attention and was considered a pushover by his superiors. That was before he met her. He assumed she was interested in him at first, but all she wanted was a one-night stand with him. He wasn't going to fulfil her desire; however, she wasn't going to give up without a fight. .................... "Eugene?" I whispered out his name, tasting it on my lips, and he visibly shuddered. "Yeah?" His voice was barely audible, and I liked the control I had on him. I clasped his hands again, if that was even possible, and stared him in the eyes with determination. "Sleep with me." ............

Parvdh1_ · 若者
56 Chs

Entry No : 359

River had been incredibly busy since we arrived, as had I. I went to her whenever I had the opportunity, either to give her the report or to discuss any production issues. But she has never recognized me. And I can't blame her. I am not the type of person who leaves a lasting impression. Nevertheless, I am thrilled to be near her.

She looks so professional, and the power she radiated when she directed everyone around made me realize how much I admired her. She was like an idol to me.

The way she cares for her assistant girl is so cute. It's as though I am seeing a different person in her. Perhaps a soft side.

And she appeared to be close with Clara, but when I questioned her about River, she stated she had no idea. River was an extremely quiet individual who seldom spoke about her family. It piqued my interest.

I overheard Kim Ji-Hoon chatting with his assistant today. He expressed an interest in River. I'm not sure why, but I got irritated at once. I know I don't see River in a romantic light, but I was still envious. Is this normal? Maybe my ex-girlfriend was correct. My admiration was indeed turning unhealthy.
