
UNO, dos, tres

"Business Partner?" Jay asked while we walked down the stairs.

"Yes Jay, business partner." The doorbell rang, I'm guessing that's the pizza guy. "Out of all people Jay, I thought you would've been the first to know."

"I thought so too but I guess not."

"That's great and all Jay but could you give me fifty dollars." I felt kind of sorry for him but not sorry enough to ask him for money. He kissed his teeth and begrudgingly handed me fifty dollars. I opened the door and the pizza guy handed the pizzas to Jay and said

"Your total will be forty dollars." I handed him the fifty dollar bill and gave him the ten dollars left as a tip. I turned to Jay.

"Take your big head and put the boxes on the table. I'll get some soda out the fridge." I head to the fridge and grab a few bottles, as well as a few extra things. I put them all on the table and I take out my phone to call Jay and Mosey upstairs.

"Hey" I spoke into the phone. "The food's here and your pizza tastes great."

"Mari for your sake, my pizza better be in a full circle." I chuckled to myself before hanging up the phone on him. His footsteps could be heard as he came up the stairs and soon enough he was in front of me. "You liar" I couldn't help but chuckle at him. "This looks great though, are we having a party?"

"Game Night" I said "and we're playing everyone's favorite game...UNO!" Jay and Rosko side eyed me "You guys can't possibly still be upset from the last time we played" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"If we play, I'm shuffling this time because there is no way in hell that a person could get five +4 in one game." Jay said, I laughed just reminiscing on the last time we played. Rosko didn't talk to me for a day.

"I'm down for some UNO" I looked to the side of me to see Mosey drinking a cup of cherry soda.

"Okay then it's settled"

"Wait, I have an idea" Rosko said, I looked at him, waiting to hear this idea "shotsss!"

"Rosko, you do realize I'm only seventeen."

"Yeah but you'll be fine" Rosko looks over to Mosey "Lathan, you okay with drinking?" Mosey nodded his head."Okay, let the games begin"

Moments Later

"Fuck this shit I'm out" I said. They were all laughing at me, my mouth became somewhat filthier. Everyone else hardly did a shot, I felt like everyone was attacking me for what I did last time. My plays were getting sloppier and they were constantly putting down +4.

"Okay guys I feel like she's had enough for one night" Rosko said with a big grin on his face but he was right I was ready to sleep.

"Can I crash here Rosko?" Jay asked

"I don't see why not, Lathan you wanna crash here too? We can make this a sleepover." I stared at Mosey waiting for his response

"I don't see why not" he looked over at me and smiled.

"So you know what that means..." Jay shouted

Everyone looked at Jay "What?" we all responded.